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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-06 01:28



热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 10:22




   1. A. say B. swing C. song

   2. A. ski B. start C. skate

   3. A. walk B. wall C. work

   4. A. large B. laugh C. lantern

   5. A. floor B. follow C. flower

   6. A. rectangle B. triangle C. diamond


   1. A. Thank you. B. It’s not nice. C. That’s OK.

   2. A. I have some candles.

  B. We need some candles.

  C. They need some candles.

   3. A. There are some magazines.

  B. Yes, they’re magazines.

  C. They’re on the desk.

   4. A. They’re five squares.

  B. There are five squares.

  C. I can see some squares.

   5. A. Yes, I do. B. I like cks. C. We have cks.

   6. A. We like playing with marbles.

  B. We are playing with marbles.

  C. We can play with marbles.


  1.Our new _____________ is _____________ the garden.

  2.Mrs Brown is _____________ _____________ Mike.

  3.____________ are some ______________ in the vase.

  4.What _____________ is the ______________?


  一、判断划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“S”,不同的写“D ”。(10分)

   1、 after class 2、 dance cat

   3、 skate face 4、 father fat

   5、 basketball plane 6、 can and

   7、 beside nine 8、 milk behind

   9、 clock song 10、some hot


   1. She’s ________ a picture in the study.

  A. writing B. drawing C. looking

   2. This is ________ bear. That’s ________ elephant.

  A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a

   3. Tom ________ a toy car. Tom’s parents ________ two cars.

  A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have

   4. —Are there ________ swings in the garden?

  —Yes, there are.

  A. a B. any C. one

   5. Please show ________ how to make the kite.

  A. we B. us C. our

   6. — ________ a pumpkin on the desk?

  —No, there isn’t.

  A. Is there B. Are there C. There is

   7. Wang Bing is looking ________ his book.

  A. at B. for C. to

   8. —What ________ she have?

  —She has a violin.

  A. do B. does C. has

   9. —What ________ I doing? Guess!

  —You ________ playing the guitar.

  A. am; / B. /; are C. am; are

   10. —________ are they singing?

  —They’re singing in the music room.

  A. What B. Where C. Who


  1.做一个飞机模型________________ 2.the new term_________________

  3.洗衣服____________________ 4. fly a kite____________________

  5.下棋__________________ 6.ride a horse___________________

  7.一间体育活动房________________ 8.a camping site_________________

  9.在沙发和床之间________________ 10.listen to music________________


  1. Look! The bus is ____________.(come)

  2. My sister _________(have) a red skirt.

  3. Can you _______ (put) the apple on your head?

  4. What ________ (do) he have?

  5. I’d like ________ (draw) a picture.

  6. There _______ (be) a desk, a computer and some pictures in my study.

  7. The Music room is on the __________ (one) floor.

  8. The boys is learning how ____________(read) English.

  9. I have some ______ (tin) of chicken and fish.

  10. There aren’t _______ (some) pictures on the wall.


  1.Mary is a little girl. She is only five years old. She is not at school. She doesn’t know how to read or write. But her sister Joan is a schoolgirl. She is ten. She knows how to read and write.

  One day, Joan sees her little sister in the room. She is at the table. There is a pencil in her hand. She is writing. “What are you writing, Mary?” She asks. “I’m writing to my friend, Rose.” “But how can you? You don’t know how to write.” Says her sister. “Well,” says Mary, “It doesn’t matter. Rose doesn’t know how to read, either.”

  1. Is Mary a schoolgirl?

  A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. We don’t know.

  2. Who can read and write?

  A. Mary B. Rose C. Joan

  3. What’s in Mary’s hand?

  A. There’s a pen. B. There’s a pencil. C. There’s a crayon.

  4. What’s Mary doing?

  A. She’s drawing. B. She’s writing to her friend. C. She’s singing.

  5. Can Rose read and write?

  A. No, she can’t. B. Yes, she can. C. We don’t know.

  2.It is Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday (生日) today. All their friends are in their home. They are having a birthday party together.

  All: Happy birthday to you, Su Hai and Su Yang. These presents (礼物) are for you.

  Su Hai and Su Yang: Thank you very much.

  Su Hai: Which box is for me? This one or that one?

  Mike: The red one.

  Su Hai: What is in it? Let me open it and see. Oh, a music box! How nice! I like it very much. I’ll put it on my desk.

  Su Yang: So, the green box is for me. Let me have a look.

  Yang Ling: Wait a moment (等一下). Please guess (猜).

  Su Yang: All right.

  Yang Ling: It is fat and lovely. It has two black eyes and two black ears. It looks like (看起来像) a bear. We all like it very much. What is it?

  Su Yang: I know! It’s a toy panda!

  Yang Ling: You’re right. Hope (希望) you will like it.

  Su Yang: Sure, I will.

  Su Hai: It’s time to have the cake. Come on (来啊), everyone!

  Nancy: All right. Let’s sing the song “Happy Birthday” together now.

  All: Good idea. Happy birthday to you. …

   1. The children are ________.

  A. in the classroom B. in the park C. in Su Hai’s home

   2. Which box is for Su Yang?

  A. The red one. B. The green one. C. The blue one.

   3. Where will Su Hai put her present?

  A. In the desk. B. On the desk. C. Beside the desk.

   4. What is Su Hai’s present?

  A. A music box. B. A toy panda. C. A toy bear.

   5. Su Hai and Su Yang ________.

  A. want some presents

  B. like their presents C. give some presents



  一、1.swing 2.skate 3.work 4.laugh

  5.flower 6.triangle 7.mouth 8.beside

  二、1. Your coat is very nice.

  2. What do you need?

  3. What’s on the sofa?

  4. How many squares are there in the picture?

  5. What do you like?

  6. What are you doing?

  三、1. Our new house is beside the garden.

  2. Mrs Brown is looking for Mike.

  3. There are some flowers in the vase.

  4. What shape is the tent?

  参 考 答 案


  一、B, C, C, B, C, B, A, A

  二、A, B, A, B, B, B

  三、1. house, beside 2. looking for 3. There, flowers

  4. shape, tent


  一、S D S D D S S D S D

  二、B A C B B A B B C B

  三、1、make a model plane 2、wash clothes 3、play chess

  4、a sports hall 5、between the sofa and the bed

  6、新学期 7、放风筝 8、骑马 9、野营营地 10、听音乐

  四、1、coming 2、has 3、put 4、does 5、drawing

  6、is 7、first 8、to read 9、tins 10、any

  五、B C B B A     C B B A B
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