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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 23:09



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:24

After 20 years of development, Chinese private enterprises have experienced something out of nothing, from small to large and from weak to strong, advancing with the development process. Especially in the past year, private enterprises have achieved unprecedented development, and support China has become an important force for economic growth, but also for the sustainable development of China's economy provides a guarantee. However, private enterprises are facing serious funding problems hindering the development of private enterprises. This article will present state of the economy on the premise to private financing for the research to corporate financing as a theoretical basis for the theory, in the economic role of the private enterprises on the basis of the analysis to the development of private enterprises encounter difficulties in financing for the entry point , The specific financing for private enterprises to analyze the reasons for bottlenecks, further analysis of the efficiency of the financing of private enterprises, according to their stage of development and the overall financing environment, in a timely manner, when the only option funding modalities and broaden the area of financing for private enterprises in order to solve Private enterprises are facing financing problems. Through various means, I believe that private enterprise can make our fund-raising difficulties to some extent to improve.
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