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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 23:00



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 06:26

二.1.拍另一部电影 2.feel very tired 3.穿蓝色连衣裙 4.arrive at 5.爆炸性新闻
五.1.she was going to see a film
2.they wanted their dinner
3.he was watching TV
4.he had lost his bike


热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 06:26

Lesson 133
A (Expected answers)
1 A reporter. or Alan Jones. or Alan Jones, a reporter.
2 Yes, she has.
3 No, she isn't.
4 She is going to retire.
5 She feels tired.
6 No, she doesn't.
7 She arrived at London Airport.
8 (She was wearing) a blue dress and a mink coat.
9 She told him (that) she had just made a new film.
10 She said (that) she was not going to make another one.
11 Yes, she did.
12 She told reporters (that) she felt very tired and (that) she didn't
want to make another film for a long time.
1 told 2 said 3 told 4 said 5 told

Lesson 134
2 (that) he had just made a new CD
3 me (that) he wanted to have a long holiday
4 (that) he wasn't going to record any more songs this year
5 He told me (that) he hadn't done everything he wanted to do yet.
6 He said (that) someone had asked him to be in a film next year.
1 Let's go home now.
2 What did she say?
3 I wonder why.

二.1.拍另一部电影 2.feel very tired 3.穿蓝色连衣裙 4.arrive at 5.爆炸性新闻 三.EACDB 四.BCCBDCCA A\D A 五.1.she was going to see a film 2.they wanted their dinner 3.he was watching TV 4.he had lost his bike 支持原创不解释....


131 A going,spend,holidays,abroad,sure,wife,go,Egypt,like,there,make,minds,travel,sea,by,may,by,may,takes,time,enjoy,so,might,anywhere,worries,going,after,end,stay,look,everything B 1spent,holidays 2go,abroad 3make up,your mind 4look after,the dog 5travels,by air 132 A 2....

Lessons 129-130新概念英语第一册课后答案详解

新概念英语第一册129-130课重点单词详解 Word study charge v.(1)罚款;使承受经济负担:He was charged by the policeman for speeding.他因开车超速而被警察罚款。(2)要(价);收(费):The hotel charged them £ 900 for one night.饭店向他们索要900英镑作为住一晚的费用。(3)指控;指责:They...

新概念第一册134课后答案 急!!马上上课了 感谢!

1 Has Miss Marsh just made a new film? (Marsh是否刚刚拍过一部新的电影)Yes,she has. (是的她刚刚拍过)2 Who was asking her questions? (谁在问题问题)Areporter. (记者)3 What is Miss Marsh going to do? (Miss Marsh打算做什么)Shesays she is going to retire.(她说她...


这是一个主从复合句,who 引导定语从句,修饰先行词anyone 。will be prosecuted 为将来时的被动语态。Anyone who comes to the party is welcome. 该晚会来者不拒。Anyone who breaks the traffic regulations will be fined. 任何违反交通规则的人都会被罚款。新概念英语第一册143-144课文详注语法...


Lesson 136 A 1 She is still not sure.2 No, she can't.3 His name is Carlos.4 They will get married next week.5 She is staying at her London Hotel.6 Yes, she does.7 Liz says the news is sensational.B 1 He said Penny would open the window.2 She said she would ...


Lesson 131 A (Complete dialogue)Martin: Where are you going to spend your holidays this year, Gary?Gary: We may go abroad. I'm not sure. My wife wants to go to Egypt. I'd like to go there, too. We can't make up our minds.Martin: Will you travel by sea or by ...

新概念英语第一册 练习册答案113到114课

Lesson 114 A 1 There are no books on that shelf.2 I have got no money.3 There is no coffee in this tin.4 I saw no cars in the street.B 1 No, I haven't got any milk.I've got no milk. I've got none.2 No, I haven't got any envelopes.I've got no envelopes...


1.Yes,martin is talking to Gary.2.They may go abroad.3.Gary's wife wants to go to Egypt.4.They will travel by sea.5.Yes,it may be cheaper.6.Yes,it takes a long time.7.Because his wife worries too much.B.1.I'm not sure.They may be Australian.2.I'm not sure....


新概念英语第一册第135-136课文详解及练习答案 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.He won't let me make another film.他不会再让我拍电影了。 句中动词let后面的不定式不带to,类似的例子如动词have,make等。 句型为:let/have/make sb. do sth. 2.introduce A to B, 将A...

新概念英语第三册课课练答案 新概念英语第一册答案随课练 新概念英语第一册课时练答案 新概念英语第一册74课答案 新概念英语课课练一全部答案 新概念第一册课课练答案 新概念英语1b单元课课练答案 新概念英语2课课练答案 新概念课课练答案全部答案
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