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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 05:41



热心网友 时间:2023-06-16 20:23

Preparatory work for the exhibition
1, the development of exhibitions and prepare the work plan the integration of job
Based on past experience and take part in the exhibition the company goals, develop job ready to pitch from design to marketing strategies of a series of work plans, require plans to have a certain coherence and flexibility, at the same time, it is necessary to develop a good exhibition probably happen the same day a variety of unexpected ways to deal with case of emergency, set up a special emergency response teams.
According to the plan to carry out the preparatory work can begin. Such as customized uniform overalls, booth design, procurement of materials and booth decorations, such as leaflets printed.
2, contact the old supplier and customer
Based on previous experience in exhibition sales, contact the supplier of raw materials to inform the next period of time may increase the demand for raw materials, I hope its ready to do a good job of proction.
According to sales records and customer records, the search for some time and there is no business of the Company's old clients, this activity will be relevant publicity materials and give the old policy to send customers to inform their own companies at the Exhibition on the relevant target old client of preferential policies to attract their visitors to negotiate.
3, pre-exhibition publicity work
鈼?1 high-altitude advertisement strategy: select the appropriate television media, to use its powerful penetration and propaganda, on the company's new procts, new services and business philosophy, company culture and creativity, persuasive propaganda, so that the majority of the audience of the Company has deeper awareness and publicity of the Company related to the exhibition information.
鈼?2 hollow soft text strategies: creative wonderful soft text, through the networks, newspapers, radio, bus stations and subway stations and other advertising media, with a few incisive insight, creative characters put the company's proct characteristics and cultural philosophy at impressed the hearts of people.
鈼?3 low-altitude operation strategies: sale terminals installed at the company take part in the exhibition of the advertisement related information card, and asked the waiter at the packaging company's procts incidental to relevant information. At the same time, at around the busy main road, free of charge, relevant information attached to the exhibition of the company's procts gifts.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-16 20:23

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴Exhibition preparatory work
1, integration of exhibition planning and preparation work
Based on past experience, and the company to attend the exhibition, the target from the preparation work to booth designs a series of strategies to sales plan, plan to have certain requirements of coherence and flexibility, and at the same time, to make the exhibition of various events may occur to the emergency treatment, to set up a special team to the emergency.
According to plans to begin preparations. If ordering unified overalls, design, procurement booth booth decoration materials and brochure printing, etc.
2 suppliers and customers, and contact
According to the previous exhibition sales experience, contact suppliers, inform future time may be increasing demand for raw materials, proction ready to its.
According to the company's sales records and customer records, searching out over a period of time has no business with the company's customers, the relevant publicity material and preferential policy, sending its old customers in the exhibition in the old customer related preferential policies to attract visitors, the negotiation.
3 the propaganda work, exhibition
Aerial advertising strategies, 1: choose appropriate TV media, using its powerful penetration and propaganda, the company's new procts, new services and management concept, company culture and creative, persuasive propaganda, make broad audience company have a deeper understanding, and to promote the company information related exhibition.
In February 2008 hollow soft soft highlights: creative strategies, through the Internet, newspapers, radio station, bus station, and billboards, media, with a few words of penetrating original, creative writing this company proct features and cultural concept in people's heart.
March 2008 at low operating strategy: to set the company sales terminals in exhibition information and requirements, the company's procts packaging with related material. At the same time, the main flourishing sections in distributed free of relevant information with exhibition company proct gifts.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-16 20:24

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴Exposition initial work 1, the formulation exposition integration work plan and preparatory work the basis formerly experienced and this company participates in exposition's goal, formulates designs from the preparatory work to the stall to the sales strategy a series of work plan, the request plan must have certain continuity and the flexibility, simultaneously, must formulate each thunderbolt's emergency measure which the good exposition possibly occurs the same day, establishes special deals with the group urgently.
may start according to the plan to carry on the preparatory work. If orders the unified work clothes, to design the stall, to purchase the stall finishing materials and the propaganda single sheet print and so on.
2, contacts with the supplier and old customer acts according to the former exposition to sell the experience, the relation raw material supplier, will inform period of time possibly to enlarge raw material demand in the future, hoped that it will prepare for proction.
the basis company sold note and the customer record, search had period of time not to have the business contact old customer with this company, this activity's related publicity material and the preferential policy transmission for the old customer, informs its company to be related at the exposition in view of the old customer preferential policy, attracts it to come to visit discusses.
3, exposition earlier period propaganda work 1 upper air advertisement strategy: Chooses the appropriate television medium, uses its formidable penetrability and propaganda dynamics, to this company's new proct, the new service and the management idea, the corporate culture carries on the creativity, convinces the propaganda, enables the mass audiences to have a deeper understanding to this company, and propagandizes this company related exposition information.
2 midheaven soft article strategy: Creates the splendid soft article, through media and so on network, newspaper, broadcasting station, bus station and underground station billboard, with several penetrating original, the rich creativity's writing leaves behind this company's proct characteristic and the cultural idea in people's heart the impression.
3 low altitude operation strategy: In sells the terminal to establish this company to participate in the exposition related information the billboard, and requests the service person when the packing this company's proct supplements the correlation data. At the same time, free distributes the supplementary exposition correlation data in the regional main lively road sections this company proct complimentary gift.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-16 20:24

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴1, the development of exhibitions and prepare the work plan the integration of job

Based on past experience and take part in the exhibition the company goals, develop job ready to pitch from design to marketing strategies of a series of work plans, require plans to have a certain coherence and flexibility, at the same time, it is necessary to develop a good exhibition probably happen the same day a variety of unexpected ways to deal with case of emergency, set up a special emergency response teams.

According to the plan to carry out the preparatory work can begin. Such as customized uniform overalls, booth design, procurement of materials and booth decorations, such as leaflets printed.

2, contact the old supplier and customer

Based on previous experience in exhibition sales, contact the supplier of raw materials to inform the next period of time may increase the demand for raw materials, I hope its ready to do a good job of proction.

According to sales records and customer records, the search for some time and there is no business of the Company's old clients, this activity will be relevant publicity materials and give the old policy to send customers to inform their own companies at the Exhibition on the relevant target old client of preferential policies to attract their visitors to negotiate.

3, pre-exhibition publicity work

鈼?1 high-altitude advertisement strategy: select the appropriate television media, to use its powerful penetration and propaganda, on the company's new procts, new services and business philosophy, company culture and creativity, persuasive propaganda, so that the majority of the audience of the Company has deeper awareness and publicity of the Company related to the exhibition information.

鈼?2 hollow soft text strategies: creative wonderful soft text, through the networks, newspapers, radio, bus stations and subway stations and other advertising media, with a few incisive insight, creative characters put the company's proct characteristics and cultural philosophy at impressed the hearts of people.

鈼?3 low-altitude operation strategies: sale terminals installed at the company take part in the exhibition of the advertisement related information card, and asked the waiter at the packaging company's procts incidental to relevant information. At the same time, at around the busy main road, free of charge, relevant information attached to the exhibition of the company's procts gifts.
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