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我在美国,第一次过万圣节,万圣节那天晚上去trick or treat,上门除了trick or treat还要说点什么礼貌语

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 14:36



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 17:49

Purchase or make a costume. Your regular clothes don't count.

Convince some friends to go with you.

Go to a door. If there are no lights on, however, skip that particular house. That means there's nobody home, or no candy to be handed out.

Say, "trick-or-treat" with a nice smile. You should receive the candy.

After they hand you the candy, say, "Thank you, happy Halloween!" If you don't, they might think your greedy. This may not bother you, but it might decrease your chances of getting any from them next year.

If there is no one home, but there is a bowl of candy, take some, but not a lot.

If they let you pick your candy make sure it's candy you like. If there's no candy you like in the bowl, take a piece to trade later.

Go to next house and repeat steps 3-7 until the entire neighborhood is canvased, or you're exhausted.

Go home, mp all your candy on the floor, count it, and enjoy! If you're sleeping over with somebody, expect a crash and a candy hangover, though it'll be worth it!


If you're older, try going around later in the evening when smaller kids are indoors. Most alts want to get rid of all excess candy before the night is over, and will give you whatever they have left.

If possible, plan a 'candy drop' point. If a parent drives you to the neighborhood or you live there, you can stash full bags in a car or house. Nothing gets more tiring than dragging a bulging (or heavens forbid, ripped!) pillowcase. Don't leave it under a bush or concealed in a tree with plans to 'grab it later'. Besides the possibility of someone finding it or being unable to locate it in the dark, there are bugs and wildlife that could get into it.

If a house gives particularly good candy, make a note of it and tell your friends. Share the wealth!

Always say "Thank You!" Besides being common courtesy, it might get you an extra treat!

NEVER go out without some sort of a costume. Even if you just put on wild face paint or a bedsheets with holes, do SOMETHING to show you're trying. Some alts won't give you any candy if you don't wear a costume.

Pick comfortable shoes, even if they don't go with your costume. You'll be walking a long way in them, and don't want to have blisters on November 1st.

NEVER refuse free candy, even if you hate it! If you get candy you don't like, trade it with friends, or give it away.

To easily double your intake of candy go around the neighborhood twice, once with a mask, and once with face paint or a different mask. As long as there's a lot of people out, nobody will notice. If there's fewer people out, throw on a coat or something else to change your appearance. If you get caught apologize, and offer to give the candy back. Most people won't really care, though.

Another tip for older participants: Take a younger cousin/little sibling/babysitting charge with you. You can score free candy right along with them, and if anyone 'cool' catches you trick or treating, you've got a ready-made excuse. "Yeah, I got roped into this..."

If you are planning to stay late trick or treating, bring glowsticks or flashlight

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