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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 13:18



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 17:24

Dear ***,
On June 30th when I left home for work,I carelessly lost my wallet ,in which there are six thousand yuan.The wallet is very important to me for I planned to use these money to pay back one of my colleagues,so I was very anxious.Luckily,my wallet was picked up by you,what's more,you spare no effort to contact me,making me get my wallet in time.

Amazed by your action,I was deeply touched by your sacred quality at the same time.At present,as people in society never get satisfied with material things and their lack of Leifeng's spirit,in my opinion,you should be spoken highly of by us as a good example for people to learn from.In addition,I have got a sense that your unit is of great achievement on the moral ecation of its staffs.

Thank you again,and I hope you can be free from difficulties and misfortune all your life.

Yours sincerely


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 17:25

最佳答案检举 例文 Date and Place
Minister of _____

Dear Minister,

I am writing this letter to thank you for you
warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation
ring our recent visit to your beautiful country.
I would also like to thank you for your interesting
discussion with me which I have found very informative
and useful.

During the entire visit, my delegation
and I were
overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed
by your business representatives on
cooperation with China. I sincerely
hope we could have more exchanges like
this one when we
would be able to continue our interesting discussion on
possible ways to expand our bilateral
economic and trade
relations and bring our business people together.

I am looking forward to your early
visit to China
when I will be able to pay back some of
the hospitality
I received ring my memorable stay in
yur beautiful
country. With kind personal regards,

Faithfully yours,


Mr.___ Minister of Economic Cooperation

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 17:25

哪个牌子复印机好 复印店用什么型号的复印机好 开复印店需要什么设备 家用打印复印机哪个好 如何分辨鞋底是不是空心格子底? Ubuntu10.04下安装Oracle11g 超市监控多少钱 超市防盗器要多少钱 超市防盗系统多少钱 智能存放柜管理系统 48小时核酸检测结果在哪里查询-48小时核酸检测怎么看结果 我在商场门口遗失了一只钱包想写一封感谢信,感谢他拾金不昧的精神应该怎样写? 乾隆通宝值钱吗?? 乾隆通宝两面一样能值多少 windows7怎么显示我的电脑 欧阳震华都拍过什么电视剧? 乾隆通宝这种值钱吗? TVB第一部电视剧是什么 刑事侦缉档案II 姜瑶扮演者 请问乾隆通宝现在值钱嘛 欧阳震华演的哪部连续剧最好看 欧阳震华饰演过哪些经典好看的电视剧 我想问下这个乾隆通宝值钱吗? 介绍几部香港电视剧关于律师的 俩面都是乾隆通宝值钱吗 Tvb有什么好看的经典老剧介绍下 王菲演过的电影,所有的 盘点四部剧集超长的TVB电视剧,越看越入迷,你觉得呢? 双面乾隆通宝值钱么 有部香港刑侦剧有个故事说的是罪犯进行灭门案,然后还吃了内脏的的,谁知道是啥电视剧 壹号皇庭II的介绍 生病了一个人扛的心情说说有哪些? 生病的时候一个人的心酸说说 生病的时候没有人照顾心情说说 用几句话来形容一个人去医院看病的心情 三更半夜抱孩子往医院赶的心情 生病脆弱的心情说说怎么写? 荣耀V30手机中哪些游戏可以使用双通道加速?和平精英可以吗? 荣耀v30怎么样了? 康熙字典里用于取名21笔画的字有哪些? vivo手机丢失在i管家上定位,定位手机不联网可以吗? 荣耀V30玩游戏性能怎么样? 一个人在输液的心情说说 康熙字典里属火的字有哪些,笔画在21和20画的,我给孩子起名字用的 荣耀v30pro可以边投屏边玩游戏嘛 是不是手机不开WiFi或者数据网就查不到行踪? 住院心情不好的说说 21画繁体汉字有那些 用于起名字的 荣耀V30玩游戏性能怎么样了? 起名王姓女孩2010年10月3日14时出生五行缺水中间14画第3字21画 荣耀V30性能好吗?可以带动大型游戏吗