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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-12 00:55



热心网友 时间:2024-07-02 10:14

这个 不是英文

追答是 法语 但是你上面的输入有问题 因为法语我只学了半年 你上我翻译的不成文 你看哈

enelcielo我们的父亲神圣被你的名字你的国降临nosotros.tu将完成对cielo.danoshoy tierra.como我们每天的面包平流UE dia.perdonan犯这里我们原谅那些对我们谁擅闯,N (呵呵 不好意思 我只能翻译成这样了

热心网友 时间:2024-07-02 10:14

padre nuestro处在enelcielo santificado海建造一个nosotros.tu venga涂nombre:离婚吧:hagase涂voluntad en啦tierra.como在这里cielo.danoshoy nuestro潘·厄尔在每天stras ofensas dia.perdonan问题中的nosotros洛杉矶市perdonamos叫什麽ofenden.no nos dejes caer nos tentacion y libranos德尔amem途中。


谁能帮我把这段文字翻译成英文 谢谢了

What can not be changed in order to 有些人因为名利让自己的梦想破灭 Some people because of fame and fortune to make their dreams dashed 有些人的梦想要用金钱来实现 Some people use money to achieve the dream 金钱你就是恶魔 Money, you are the devil 有多少女孩作贱自我 How many g...


勤奋,努力,能在短时间内并且较好的适应工作,学习能力强,能适应团队工作。Diligence, effort, in such a short period of time and better adapting work, ability to learn, adapt to work in a team.喜欢计算机,希望能在计算机方面发展自己,让计算机成为自己的事业。Like the computer, hope to...


第一段翻译为:Within 90 days overdue (including 90 days), or more than 90 days past due but not paid the amount of the price due to one-fifth of the total price: to be paid from the agreed expiry date until the actual day full payment should be the date of payment, buy...


When you are young, you may want several love experiences.年轻的时候,也许你很想有恋爱的体验。But as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough.但是时间久了,你会意识到,如果真爱一个人,竭其一生恐怕都不足以表达对她的爱。Y...


(润色:resign可以改为:submit to)i regret ,i struggle ,我悔恨,我挣扎 then god declare me insane 然而上帝宣布我神经失常 (改正:declare改为declares,me改为I'm)so what?那又怎样?i love you 我爱你 that's true 真的爱你 and always...永远爱你......


你好,很高兴认识你。Hello, I am glad to know you.非常商兴能与您通电话。Hing very business with you over the telephone.不好意思,去电话打扰您了。 Sorry to interrupt your phone.我来为您介绍一下7号橡胶篮球的基本构造吧。I describe to you the basic construction 7th rubber basketball...


Who can help me get this passage translation in English? Thank you!Reward points: 0-3 days from the end of 18 hours During the May Day Finally look forward to the May 1st Labour Day holiday. Can rest days at home.On the first day of May 1, original plan and several good...


粤语翻译 星期一到星期日的英文 其他类似问题2013-07-25 这句英文,谁来帮我翻译一下??? 2012-02-17 谁来帮我翻译一下这句英文! 2015-12-07 谁来帮我翻译一下这句话,急急急!!! 2014-09-02 谁能帮我用英语翻译一下这句话?谢谢 2013-11-18 谁来帮我翻译一下这段英文 2011-10-12 谁来帮我...


trust is the most important between classmates to get along with! Wang Yibo classmate did really is very moving, he is very strong, we should learn from him, learn the difficulties don't give up, never-say-die spirit, not only in the life, I think we also need this spirit...


I wear glasses。我戴眼镜 I enjoy acting。我喜欢扮演角色 I'm reading a great play called comic book heroes。我正在看一部超好看的戏剧叫<<comic book heroes>> (书名较难译 是不是讲很多英雄故事的漫画啊)I like singing and dancing。我喜欢唱歌和跳舞 I don’t like sports very much,...

谢谢翻译英文 英文翻译成中文 能够翻译成英文 我很好,谢谢用英语怎么说 谢谢翻译 谢谢你们的英文 谢谢用英文怎么说 好的谢谢英文 谢谢怎么写英文
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