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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 10:43



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 09:31

my name is `````.
i feei fat .
i like ``````.
i want to pen pal,

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 09:31


五年,说长很长,说短很短。五年,每个人都会踏上不同的道路。五年前的我,是一个淘气的孩子;是一个让父母操心的孩子;是一个因为一点小事就斤斤计较的孩子;是一个不知时间宝贵的孩子……五年后的我要上一所重点大学,成为父母口中那个“别人家的孩子”。At that time, I would enter a key...


i thought it's very interesting .and today,i'm older than before .i play basketball now .and i have a pet dog.in five years .i'm a university student.i will play tennis with my best friend xxx .maybe,


Five years ago,I was a student who is enjoying myself.I liked play things like football basketball and computer.I studied very hard because I don't want to be a person that make my parents unhappy.I was very outgoing so that I been the best poputer student in our school.I...


I was a bit lazy five years ago. I liked to sleep in bed and I didn't do any housework. I didn't like study,either. I was short and I had a large build because I didn't like doing sports and I often ate fast food. But I liked reading books and collecting stamps....

五年前和现在的我英语作文,不少于10句。Think you.

1 About five years ago , I was just a childish boy/girl, doing whatever I like to do, without thinking of others thoughts or benefits. Now i have grown up to a independent boy/girl, trying to be nice and responsible. Five years later, I think I would be mature enough. ...


parents love me very much,I love them too.I was happy there.My house was small,but comfortable and warm.There were many photos about my most love my house.There were many things you can do in Fuxin.Fuxin also had many supermarkets,parks and museums.I think Fuxin was good.


I hardly had to worry about much.At that time,I had not much homework,I always had much time to play with my friends.I was always happy everyday.一英语翻译的注意事项 (1)大家都知道其实英文的句子和我们中文的句子是完全不一样的两个概念,如果说我们要把英文翻译成中文,或者是要...


The memory of my past always makes me feel sad,because I was not good at wrting in English before.When I had a writing homework ,I always became nervous and my mind was blank all.I had to ask friends on the wed for helping.Of course,I could not get good grades in ...


five years ago ,i'm nine years old .i played tabble tennis everyday ,i thought it's very interesting and today,I'm older than before .i play basketball now .and i have a pet dog.in five years .i'm a university student.i will play tennis with my best friend xxx ....


The memory of my past always makes me feel sad,because I was not good at wrting in English before.When I had a writing homework ,I always became nervous and my mind was blank all.I had to ask friends on the wed for helping.Of course,I could not get good grades in ...

我的学校英语作文五年级水平 我的假期英语作文五年级水平 我的爱好英语作文30词五年级水平 英语作文这就是我小学五年级水平 关于加拿大的英语作文五年级水平 英语作文描述自己的房间五年级水平 我的能力英语作文五年级 我的学校英语作文五年级上册 我的学校英语作文50字五年级
在三角形ABC中,角A,B,C所对的边分别是a,b,c.满足(a-b)(sinA-sinB... 在三角形ABC中,角ABC所对的边分别为abc已知cos2C=负四分之一。 求sin... 在△abc中 角a b c所对的边分别为a b c 若sinA sinB sinC=根号3/2(sin... 在三角形ABC中,角A、 B、 C、的对边分别为a、 b、 c、且sinA方+sinC方... ...角A,B,C所对边为a,b,c,若sinB平方+sinC平方=sinA平方+sinBsinC,且A... 螺丝跟管道的尺寸叫法为什么不一样 在三角形abc中角abc所对的边分别为abc,若sinB平方+sinC平方=sinA平方+... 霍山黄大茶产地哪里 餐厅禁止自带酒水合法吗 餐饮店禁止客人自带酒水如何处罚 我要一篇英语作文,要写五年前的我,现在的我和五年后的我,大约200个词吧,注意是英语,十分迫切。 5年前,现在,5年后的我为题的英语作文,60词左右,初一水平 英语作文,写五年前的我学会了什么,喜欢做什么事,五年后的我,生活怎样 求六年级英语作文,五年前的我和五年后的我,最好有翻译啊谢谢,! 一篇英语作文 (对比五年前的我与现在的我,并畅想将来的我) 5年前的我,现在的我,10年后的我的英语作文,-有翻译,字数为四十字 五年前的我英语作文 现在开滴滴运管还会抓吗? 英语写作,五年前的我 运管可以调取滴滴数据吗 英语作文5年前的我 只注册了一个滴滴平台运管知道吗? 英语作文,五年前的我和五年后的我 以前跑滴滴现在不跑了会被运管处罚吗 以前从事滴滴但现在不做了,被运管查到还会被处罚吗? 请问滴滴跑过一段时间现在不想跑了注销掉后,在路上被运管部门查到会不会被罚? 申请腾讯音乐人必须要原创的吗?翻唱的不行吗? 吕行歌曲武汉加油改成潍坊加油怎么上传 qq原创音乐平台怎么登陆 QQ音乐原创平台发布原创歌曲的时候那个ISRC编号是什么意思、怎么填呢?格式 五年前的我英语作文不低于40字比采纳! 英语作文,关于五年前的我和现在的我有什么不同 五年后的我英语作文50字 五年前和现在的我英语作文,不少于10句。Think you. 关于五年前、现在、五年后的英语作文 比较五年前的你和现在的你有什么不同,请至少用5句话描述出来,告诉你的朋友。英语作文 怎么写。。。。 谈论自己的过去(五年前与现在)英语作文五句话。(短一点的) 吉姆尼目前有什么优惠吗?这个全款落地最低配需要多少钱? 2021款铃木吉姆尼多少钱 铃木吉姆尼多少钱 铃木吉姆尼 19吉姆尼多少钱? 铃木吉姆尼时尚型多少钱?有什么颜色? 吉姆尼,2010年的,跑了6.5万公里。值多少钱? 3年6个月32000公里的吉姆尼能卖多少钱? 吉姆尼多少钱可以买到???性能如何? 吉姆尼很贵,有在日本朋友说说在日本多钱吗 2007年铃木吉姆尼现在多少钱 请问09年的吉姆尼(进口)能卖多少钱? 吉姆尼哪个颜色最火吉姆尼适合什么人开吉姆尼多少钱 08款吉姆尼行驶7万公里价值多少钱?