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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 20:11



热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 19:03

There is an explanation for the origin of the Mid-Autumn festival.

Some people say that a long time ago, there were ten SUNS in the sky, and the crops were too hard to grow. Then a man named hou yi was so great that he carried the foot of the sun and shot down the nine SUNS.

Later, houyi married a woman named chang 'e. In addition to teaching his disciples and hunting, houyi was with his wife all day long. Everyone admires the loving couple.

One day, hou yi went to the kunlun mountain and asked for a packet of undead medicine. It is said that if you take the medicine, you can raise the fairy.

Houyi had chang 'e kept the medicine, but he was caught by the little man. He wanted to steal the undead medicine and make himself immortal.

Three days later, after houyi went hunting, peng meng pretended to be ill. Soon after houyi left, the awning held a sword into the backyard and forced chang 'e to hand over the undead. 

Chang e knew that she was not a rival, and took out the undead medicine and swallowed it. Since chang 'e was concerned about her husband, she flew to the nearest moon and became a fairy.

In the evening, when houyi knew what had happened, he wanted to kill peng meng, but the little man had already fled. Suddenly, he saw the moon above there is a shadow, he is just like that but he how also can not with the shadow, because three steps forward, the shadow also follow three steps forward.

Later hou yi abandoned, return home, because of the caring wife, in chang 'e's favorite garden there is a sweet, for fruit and so on.

After the hundred sex knew this thing later, also learn some incense, for fruit and so on later developed to eat moon cake. I hope that chang 'e can bless him or her.










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