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求初音未来our let it be的英文版歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-05 08:01



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 11:58

Our Let-It-Be - English Translyrics

If we are able to be born again
It will just be a sign, so let us wind up and it's fine.
A long thread is bound between the pinkies that we own
Having it stay where it should, let's tighten it good

Summer festivals and Candy apples and...
That one time, the rainbow just embraced the gray sky

All my feelings broke in two
And one day, you will notice they erase you
When it grew out of your sight, the light was already caught in the night

Listen, since the thread is still bound on to me
You will see, it won't fall apart so easily
We will meet sometime again, this is what promises are about
No doubt...

If we were to become alts someday
We would be the heroes with just to display
We'd protect the earth today and every now and then
Let us go to the monster, for exploring its den

But the truth, you see, it is scary
I just want to, cry with you, together us two

If tomorrow is clear too
Light will shine and turn the whole sky into blue
Let us get together here, make a base where we never will have to fear

And also, let us go explore today
If it's raining we can go elsewhere and play
Times like that were meant to last, and not to just hide in your memory

"Hey, do you believe in being born again?"
"Being born again?"
"Yup, you're born again as something else."
"You see, even if I were to die, I would absolutely, positively be born again, and come to see you again, so let's play together at that time, okay?"

But the villain was, always me because
I just ran away with no pause
It is not a lie, it was always I and god may know why

Laying all around, flowers that are bound
Closing both your eyes as you found
What is peacefully, innocent and free, what takes you deep
Eternal sleep...

All my feelings broke in two
And one day, you will notice they erase you
Right before you will be gone, with just your memory to live on

Listen, since the thread is still bound on to me
You will see, it won't fall apart so easily
We will meet sometime again, this is what promises are about
No doubt...
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