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求蕾哈娜版Te Amo的歌词。

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-13 17:30



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 23:04

Te amo, te amo
She says to me, I hear the pain in her voice
Then we danced underneath the candelabra she takes the lead
Thats when i saw it in her eyes its over
Then she says te amo then she put her hand around my waist
I told her no,
She cries Te amo i told her im not gonna run away but let me go
My soul is crying, without asking why
I said te amo, wouldnt somebody tell me what she said
Dont it mean I love you
Think it means I love you
Dont it mean I love you
Te amo, te amo, shes scared to breathe
I hold her hand, i got no choice uhh
Pull me out on the beach, danced in the water, i start to leave
Shes begging me and asking why its over
Then she says te amo then she put her hand around my waist
I told her no,
She cries Te amo i told her im not gonna run away, but let me go
My soul is crying, without asking why
I said te amo, wouldnt somebody tell me what she said
Dont it mean I love you
Think it means I love you
Dont it mean I love you
Listen we can dance
She gotta watch your hands
Watch me on night
I move on to the light
Because I understand
That we aren't in love
And I'm not afraid
To feel the love but I dont feel that way (no)
Then she says te amo then she put her hand around my waist
I told her no,
She cries Te amo i told her im not gonna run away, but let me go
My soul is crying, without asking why
I said te amo, wouldnt somebody tell me what she said
Dont it mean I love you
Think it means I love you
Dont it mean I love you
Think it means I love you
I love you
Te amo, te amo
Dont it mean I love you

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 23:05

楼主好,很高兴能够回答你的问题 你可以进入百度搜索它的中英互译歌词
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