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The Moffatts的《Destiny》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-14 12:43



热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 07:31

歌手:The Moffatts

Album:Sign Of The Winner
Feeling like an outcast of society, a man meets an alien,
who shows him that his destiny is not to live on Earth,
but to accomplish great things on another planet.
The future is nowhere
It comes to you like a divine star
One night when nightmares invaded my head
He appeared to me from the sky
Floated in the air, it dazzled my eyes
And he carried me for a flight
too tired to understand
I crossed the galaxy
Universe of fire I saw
Showed me so many ways
Then I felt lost in time
I'm a hero, an alien is a friend of mine
By a fantasy I have found my destiny
Then I knew, that all over the clouds of human kind
Exists another destiny
A world where is growing all love
IN his machine lights surrounded me
Flashed on my face so bright
Left behind me my memories and griefs
Run away after the past
So tired to understand
I crossed the galaxy
Universe of fire I saw
Showed me so many ways
Then I felt lost in time
I'm a hero, an alien is a friend of mine
By a fantasy I have found my destiny
Then I knew, that all over the clouds of human kind
Exists another destiny
A world where is growing all love
By a fantasy I have found my destiny
Then I knew, that all over the clouds of human kind
Exists another destiny
A world where is growing all love
By a fantasy I have found my destiny
A world where is growing all love

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