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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 14:59



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 07:59

With the progressive integration of China into the WTO and the graal release of its financial control, the inter-bank competition is becoming increasingly fierce, the scarcity of resources is continuously exacerbating, and the internal and external environment of joint-stock banks is also constantly changing, all of these are posing challenges to the management of joint-stock banks.
As banks are knowledge-based and manpower-intensive organizations, the fierce competition in China's financial instry is in the end the competition of talented people, therefore, it has become one of the focuses of attention of the joint-stock banks that their strategic perspective should not be limited/confined to resources of materials, but be elevated to a higher level of resources of talented people and knowledge, and the recruitment oftalented peopleshould be correspondingly be upgraded from previous vacancy-filling to a height of organizational strategy.
On the basis of theoretical research while adopting a method combining positive analysis and empirical analysis, this paper firstly defined, starting from the basic theories and existing research results in recruitment of talented people, the connotation and the importance of recruitment for joint-stock banks; then it analyzed, with a comparative study on the actualities of recruitment in joint-stock banks and other commercial banks, the positive aspects and the issues which need to be perfected existing with the joint-stock banks in recruitment; after that, it made an in-depth analysis, taking the C Branch of the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (SPDB) as a study case and based on its actuality in recruitment, on the specific deficiencies/problems currently existing with it, and proposed some countermeasures for the recruitment system of SPDB so that it may maintain its sustained advantages in competition; and finally, from the specific case analysis on SPDB, it came back to the discussion of recruitment of talented people of joint-stock banks, and integrated/summarized the essential elements for improving the recruitment of joint-stock banks.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 08:00

1.With our country integrating into the WTO stepwise, the financial regulation has been slowly released;the interbank competition has become pyramidally cut-throat.Besides,the resources’ rareness is upgrading.
Internal and external environment is constantly altering within the joint-stock banks.
All the aforementioned phenomenon poses a challenge to the management of the joint-stock banks. As a knowledge-based and labor-intensive organization, the drastic competition among financial instries in China,is the talents’ competition in fact.
Thus, the strategic vision should not be confined to the scopes of material resources,but be elevated to the height of the human forces and knowledge resources .In correspondence with that, talent employment should be raised from the past pattern of filling vacancies up,to the height of organization strategy, and emerges as one of the core of attenion within the joint-stock banks.
2.Based on the theoretical research,this article defines the connotation and inportance of talent employment for the joint-stock banks,by adopting a method combining demonstration analysis and empirical analysis,which is started from the fundamental theory of the talent employment and existing research results at first.
Then this article makes a comparative study of the joint-stock banks and the other commercial banks,and notes some recognition-deserving points of the talent employment in the joint-stock banks and a series of fields where there should be improvements.
On top of that ,by citing C Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank as a case study, based on the current situation of the talent employment in the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,this article carries out an intensive research over its detailed problems of present stages;moreover,this article also puts forth several pieces of countermeasures and suggestions which can be enable Shanghai Pudong Development Bank gain continuous and competitive advantages of talent employment systems.
Last but not least, specific case analysis of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank is returned to the discussion of talent employment in the joint-stock banks,integrating the improvement factors of talent employment for joint-stock banks. .

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 08:00

1.With China's graal integration into the WTO, the financial control slowly release the inter-bank competition is becoming increasingly fierce, the scarcity of resources is growing, constantly changing internal and external environment of the joint-stock banks, which posed a challenge to the management of the joint-stock banks. As a knowledge-based and human-intensive organizations, China's financial instry and fierce competition in the final analysis is the talent competition, the strategic vision should not be limited to the scope of material resources, but should be raised to the height of the human and knowledge resources with which adapt recruitment should be the last to fill vacancies up to the height of the organizational strategy to become one of the focus of the joint-stock banks.

2.In this paper, the basis of theoretical research, using a combination of methods of empirical analysis and empirical analysis. Start from the basic theory of the Recruitment and existing research results, to define the meaning and importance of the joint-stock banks Recruitment; after a comparative study of the joint-stock banks and other commercial banks Job status quo analysis of the existing joint-stock banks in Recruitment some places worthy of recognition as well as a need to improve the aspect; followed by C Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank as a case study, in-depth analysis on the basis of the reality in the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank personnel recruitment, specific problems of its present stage, and put forward Shanghai Pudong Development Bank can obtain a sustainable competitive advantage recruitment system suggestions; analysis of specific cases by the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank to return to the integration of joint-stock banks recruitment Job improved elements of the joint-stock banks.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 08:01


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