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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 14:59



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 07:59

Special historical reasons
From the early 1990s, China's stock market on the face of the establishment of "joint-stock system is privatized, will lead to the loss of state assets" of the political differences and the clarity of state-owned property rights have not been resolved, after the return of mobile ownership difficult to establish, and other technical problems. To avoid these difficulties, the capital market as soon as it is formed, according to the "feeling our way across the river," and proposed a "state-owned shares of stock of fixed, incremental placement of shares in circulation," the split share structure provisional model.
The most important feature of this model is: In each of the IPO shares in listed companies raised in the prospectus are clearly not to show that the state shares in circulation, and have been followed to the late 1990s private companies listed in the prospectus, the sponsor of shares that temporarily Is not good. As per the Central African listed companies shares in circulation as high as 2 / 3, which has two consequences: First, 2 / 3 of the shares does not flow and movement of all of the shares may be different from the number of market supply and demand, which directly led to outstanding shares To shareholders over the IPO price in a market in the secondary market purchase, and the market; Second, the huge number of non-tradable shares in circulation once merged, will have a huge market risks. But in each of the listed companies in the prospectus, regardless of the risk is the risk prevention tips or two to invest in people, the most important elements are not sure this will give the public the risk to shareholders at least The disclosure of information. This makes investors have not been fully informed and to ignore the non-tradable shares can the flow of risk, high-priced market. This is an indisputable fact. Therefore, today we solve the split share structure, policies and laws that must bear the historical responsibility.
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