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英语翻译,要用过去式 昨天晚上,我做了一个梦,梦见自己来到了童话世界里,在童话世界里

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 18:11



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 00:54

Last night, I had a dream, dreamed that I came to the fairy tale world, in the fairy tale world, I was a magician, hand-held wand, and wanted to change what just wield magic wand, can get out. I had a rug, you couldn't look down upon it! But it will fly magic carpet, I jumped into it, said: "take off! Magic carpet fly slowly, I sat on it,and visited the scenery all around. I came to the desert with magic carpet, there was full of sand, no life. I picked up the wand, then the sky was a heavy rain, the middle and lower water in the desert, I waved to wave the wand again, and builted an oasis in the desert. I flied ah flied, flied to the sea, the magic carpet suddenly disappeared, I had been falling, ah!

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 00:55

Last night I had a dream, dream came to the fairy tale world, I was a magician in the fairy tale world, holding a magic wand, and want to change what simply wave a magic wand, can change out. I still have a carpet, you can not underestimate it Oh! It's a flying carpet, I jumped into it, saying: "take off! The carpet is slowly flying, I sit on top of it, the tour around the scenery. The carpet took me to the desert, there is no sand, no life. I played a bit of magic, the sky has a heavy rain, the desert has water, and I waved a magic wand, and the construction of an oasis in the desert. I fly fly, fly to the sea, suddenly the carpet was gone, I have been going down, ah!

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 00:55

Last night, I had a dream, dreamed that he came to the fairy tale world, in the fairy tale world, I am a magician, hand-held wand, want to change what just wield magic wand, can get out. I have a rug, you don't look down upon it! But it will fly magic carpet, I jumped into it, said: "take off! Magic carpet fly slowly, I sat on it, visit the scenery all around. Magic carpet with I came to the desert, there is full of sand, no life. I picked up the wand, the sky was a heavy rain, the middle and lower water in the desert, I wave to wave the wand again, and built an oasis in the desert. I fly ah fly, fly to the sea, the magic carpet suddenly disappeared, I have been falling, ah!
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