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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 09:20



热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 05:42

Section A. Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning
《读写教程Ⅲ》: Ex. Ⅱ, p. 221
1. The world was amazed by the news at first, then worried about and puzzled over a long list of wild possibilities.
2. One of the situations is that parents want to clone a child who can serve either as a transplant donor or as a substitute for the original. The second is that alts want to clone themselves for a variety of reasons.
3. Because clones are only physically identical while twins share the same environment within the mother and are usually raised in the same family.
4. The only possible major difference is bearing children, as scientists are not sure if Dolly will be able to have lambs.
5. Because cloning would increase the chances for a tissue match from 25 percent to nearly 100 percent.
6. If technology was improved, this could be realized.
7. It might be proper to refer to them as “Most honored sir or madam”.
8. The creation of a new and disrespected social class: the clones.

《读写教程 Ⅲ》: Ex. Ⅲ, p. 221
1. implication
2. resembles
3. breed
4. prohibits
5. draft
6. confusion
7. deliberate
8. debate

《读写教程 Ⅲ》: Ex. Ⅳ, p.222
1. within reach of
2. in the wake of
3. in terms of
4. get around
5. regardless of
6. refers to; refers to
7. comparable to
8. in the first place

《读写教程 Ⅲ》: Ex. V, p. 222
1. wonderful
2. great
3. peaceful
4. attractive
5. pleasant
6. unique
7. similar
8. creative

《读写教程 Ⅲ》: Ex. Ⅵ, p.223
1. transposition
2. transatlantic
3. transmigrants
4. transformed
5. transnational
6. transoceanic
7. transshipped
8. transported

《读写教程 Ⅲ》: Ex. Ⅶ, p. 223
1. non-existent
2. nonstop
3. non-art
4. non-college
5. nonproctive
6. nonprofit
7. nonfiction
8. nonviolent

《读写教程 Ⅲ》: Ex. VIII, p. 224
1. What if I say no
2. What if they don’t know
3. What if we can’t finish it on time
4. What if this happened to us someday
5. What if he has lied to us

《读写教程 Ⅲ》: Ex. Ⅸ, p. 224
1. The Bosnian peace-talks are resuming in Geneva today with the new proposals at the top of the agenda.
2. All of Southern Africa is suffering from a severe drought with Mozambique and Zimbabwe among the worse-hit countries.
3. The Europe Summit in Paris is drawing to an end with USA in danger of being completely isolated.
4. With the King in prison, the chief commander came to power and ruled the country.
5. With democracy itself under threat, the reforms deserve all the support they can get.

《读写教程 Ⅲ》: Ex. Ⅹ, p. 225
1. In some western countries there are parents who are ready to clone children with nonfatal transplants in mind.
2. The book on cloning she asked for was not within my reach, so I referred her to the school library.
3. For Mary’s sake, I can lend you my car to get around your transport problem.
4. In the first place the couple didn’t want to clone a child, and in the second place they couldn’t afford to.
5. In theory it’s possible to clone a child to harvest organs, but in practice it would be psychologically harmful to the child.
6. He published an article under the name of “Braver” which stresses the idea that the process of cloning animals would work for humans as well.
7. As the author of this article warns us, human cloning might be something that makes men sadder than happier.
8. To some people, the question to clone or not to clone, in a sense, could be comparable to the question to be or not to be.

Section B. Who Will Take Advantage of Human Cloning
XVI. Read the following statements carefully, and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.
1. F 2. F 3. T 4.F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T

《读写教程 Ⅲ》: Ex. XVII, p. 236
1. resigned
2. consent
3. resumed
4. panic
5. prefaced
6. constituting
7. reflection
8. queue

《读写教程 III》: Ex. XVIII, p. 236
1. She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.
2. It makes sense to buy the most up-to-date version.
3. If the day turns out wet, we may have to change our plans.
4. She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all.
5. For the sake of the exhibition we should try our best to collect more famous paintings.
6. We reserved two tickets in the name of Brown.
7. We had to resign ourselves to making a loss on the sale.
8. They disposed of the dictator ring the revolution

热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 05:42

上面的没完型 我补上

热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 05:43


热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 05:44

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