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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 08:41



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 23:40

Taylor's formula is the mathematical analysis of the basic content is very important, it is similar in function estimation and calculation of such widely used. Is also a function of extreme value theory, and many other mathematical theory of power series basis. Taylor formula for the basic idea is to use polynomials to approximate a known function, and the coefficients of the polynomial by the given function to determine the derivative , and this approach gives an effective estimate. Therefore, comprehensive understanding of Taylor's formula is particularly important. This paper introces the Taylor formula of one dollar and multi-definition, then the proof of the value from the formula, respectively, that inequality, the median estimate derivatives, on instry estimates, demand infinity limit, the median point of the limit function limits, approximation, function equations and so on Taylor formula to do the inction.

【Key words】: Taylor's formula; Peano-type remainder; Lagrange remainder; Maclaurin formula

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 23:40

Taylor formula is very important in the mathematical analysis, it is the basic content in function and widely applied in approximate calculation. Also, the function extreme value theory of power series, etc. Of the basic theory of mathematics is the basic thought of Taylor formula with polynomial function approximation to a known, but the coefficients of polynomial function by a derivative of this approach, and are effectively. Therefore a comprehensive understanding of Taylor formula is particularly important. This paper introces a pluralistic Taylor formula and the definition, then respectively from the proof of formula, to testify inequality, the median estimate, derivative boundary estimate about the limits of infinity, and the limit value point limit function, approximate calculation, the function equation, the application of Taylor formula aspects of application.Keywords: Taylor formula, More than skin jarno type, Lagrange more, Ms McLaughlin formula

Taylor's formula is the mathematical analysis of the basic content is very important, it is similar in function estimation and calculation of such widely used. Is also a function of extreme value theory, and many other mathematical theory of power series basis. Taylor formula for the...


Indefinite integral is a basic mathematics, the most important operation. Differentiation is important to solve a indefinite integral method, which is the focus of indefinite integral. In general, the advantage of differentiation in the integrand for the obvious differential to make up item...


1 equation and the arithmetic is different, so she could attend amount 2 equation, it contains different identities in unknown variables, Equation is called again, because of the condition equations are allowed only take some unknown quantity usually specific value ...


Abstract: A very strong skill in flexible calculation of Determinant. it has an important role in the study of advanced algebra and linear algebra. In this article, a brief introduction to different determinant of several commonly used methods. It followed by induction of the triangle ...


2009-02-27 翻译几句数学专业英语 1 2013-10-27 数学专业英语翻译谢谢了 2 2013-01-10 数学专业英语 翻译 2012-04-14 数学专业英语翻译:用英语翻译下面话。 2 2009-12-30 数学专业英语的翻译 2009-03-29 数学专业英语 1 2011-05-08 数学专业英语翻译 急 帮忙啦 电脑直接过来的就算了 更多类似...


这个方程X ^ m =已解决方案中,当且仅当奇异的约旦块的研究[J].可以在不同的群体,withorders由不超过一个group.虽然奇异l-by需要注意的是,约旦的解决方案,即不独特。解X ^ m =一个可以在不同的相似性矩阵类,即使是有一点谱。-l乔丹块不需分组。


8.fundamental theorem of calculus 微积分基本定理


方程的类型AX = B的,表示变量b的条款cariable x和用在这里是因为图方程以上asthaight line.similarly ,方程a1x1 + a2x2 +...+ AnXn = b的,表示b在变数象X1 , X2之外, ...中立和已知常数格A1中,酶A2 ,...,一种被称为alinear equation.In许多应用中,我们得到b和常数格A1中,酶...

数学专业英语 翻译

This search out a new equation by a combination of class type Peell produced integer solutions of equation recursive sequence search method.


This passage mainly introduced several ways to the solution of quartic functions with only one variable including Philadelphia Law, Descartes Method, Determinant and Vieta Theorem.

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