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walking in new york歌词及翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 08:16



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 01:13

是不是这个 翻译我给你找找吧 你再等等 Verse]
I caught the sunrise
And over the sky
Why, it set the tone for the day!
'cause it came up, brought the passion,
shut it down in tear, with precision
in every way
We're walking, through Central Park and
everyone around me
(I still can't help to miss you)
There's a sea of yellow cast
But I'm the one who drives me mad and
I can see we go nowhere without you
Everywhere I look is a special place
I can feel those memories I can see your face!
It was on these streets that my dreams
came true,
Yes I'm walking in New York and
it reminds me of you!
Yes, I'm wa-wa-walking in New York!
And I'm doing all the things that
we used te do!
'Cause I am wa-wa-walking in New York!
Yes I'm walking in New York and
it reminds me of you!
I caught the A-train from the West-Side
, to Broadway
Just like we did every Sunday
It’s kinda funny, kinda rare to feel
alone at Times Square
But my heart is full anyway
I was talking, to my friends about
all the good times (When you feel
like you stood up)
You threw that snowball at my face
Posing just like when it’s making me smile…
, by that tree at Rockefeller
Everywhere I look is a special place
I can feel those memories I can see your face!
It was on these streets that my dreams
came true,
Yes I'm walking in New York and
it reminds me of you!
Yes, I'm wa-wa-walking in New York!
And I'm doing all the things that we used te do!
'Cause I am wa-wa-walking in New York!
Yes I'm walking in New York and
it reminds me of you!
I won’t forget all the times we share
Even when we’ll cry, I’ll take you everywhere
And I’m waiting for the day, I see you again
So we can walk in New York like
we did back then!
Take me to the East-Side, West-Side,
Brooklyn Bridge and subway rides
Cony Island, Times and Square,
I can see you every-where!
Everywhere I look is a special place
I can feel those memories I can see your face!
It was on these streets that
my dreams came true,
Yes I'm walking in New York and
it reminds me of you!
Yes, I'm wa-wa-walking in New York!
And I'm doing all the things that
we used te do!
'Cause I am wa-wa-walking in New York!
Yes I'm walking in New York and
it reminds me of you!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 01:14

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