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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 05:02



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 15:58

  1 pairs of tests concted by China's coastal regions of university students showed that some of the old social customs, such as the traditional concept of a wife should obey her husband, in the new generation still exists.
  Although young people's sexual attitudes in China are changing, and increasingly open, but their notion of marriage and parents and even grandparents are still the same, 100% of the men surveyed said that the reluctance, and a higher level of ecation than their married women. The men of this view has been endorsed by Ms., they also believed that a husband should be smarter than themselves, and the higher level of ecation. 87% of the students surveyed expressed opposition to the relationship between extramarital affair, and firmly opposed to marriage, the "third party." In addition, the 3 / 4 of college students emphasis on loyalty to the marriage, expressing love to find a spouse to be understanding of the behavior is not to end in divorce.

  On mate choice criteria, students are the first choice is the "personality and character," followed by the humor and mutual understanding, virginity is ranked last.

  In China, parents and families for the enormous impact on children of a marriage. As a result, most people get married between the ages of 20-25, this time should be earlier than the West. Single, older teens and those who are affected by social exclusion of some sort. The survey also included some information on sexual attitudes of young people, although the idea of young people in this area is different from the previous generation, but it is still one of the best not to discuss the topic.

  The prevalence of premarital chastity old practice of keeping now seems to have become obsolete, 85% of students answered, pre-marital sexual relations can occur. Some young people in the survey stressed that "do not have to and have sex with a person get married." The traditional Chinese idea that the first one should be loyal lover, and life only love this one. In addition, 60% of the respondents were tolerant attitude towards homosexuality. In the current China, homosexuality is still opposed by the community, and many people think it is a sexual perversion. The Chinese government publicly announced a few months ago, "homosexuality is not a mental illness."

  China has yet to conct a comprehensive sex ecation in adolescents and children. But the college students who had just carried out sex ecation in colleges and universities interested in doctrinal.

  Sex ecation in the university began to spread, many people participate in these courses appeared to be very embarrassed, but said it would like to understand the nature of knowledge, and I felt that courses are too late.

  The Chinese government in order to fight against AIDS, and in some schools, the placement of condoms, the University of automatic payment machines, but this approach met with some criticism from the community, but the college students think that this is a very positive measure.
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