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谁能总结一下初中英语短语,例如to do sth,doing sth.之类的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 04:00



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 21:02

a few=有些,几个
a great/good deal of=大量(的),许多
a little=一点,稍;一些,少许
a lot of=大量(的), 很多(的)
a matter of=(关于...)的问题;大约
a number of=若干
a series of=一系列,一连串
a variety of=种种,各种
able to=能,会
above all=首先,尤其
above all=首先,首要
according to=根据
account for=说明(原因等)
accustomed to=习惯于
add up to=合计,总计
after a while=过了一分,不久
after all=终于,毕竟;虽然这样
ahead of=在...前面,先于
ahead of time=提前
all at once=突然,同时,一起
all out=全力以赴,竭尽全力
all over=遍及,到处
all right=行,可以;顺利,良好
all right=好,行
all round=周围, 处处
all the same=仍然,照样地
all the time=一直,始终
allow for=考虑到
along with=与...一起
and so forth=等等
and so on=等等
and so on/forth=等等
and then=而且,其欠,于是,然后
anything but=除...之外的任何东西
around the clock=昼夜不停地
arrive at=达成,提出
as a matter of fact=其实,事实上
as a result=结果,因此, 由于...的结果
as a rule=规章,规则,通常,照例
as far as/so far as=远至,到...程度
as follows=如下
as for=至于,就...方面说
as good as=和...几乎一样,实际上等于
as if=好像,仿佛
as long as /so long as=只要,如果
as regards=关于,至于
as soon as=一...就,刚...便
as though=好像
as though=好像,仿佛
as to=至于,关于
as usual=像往常一样,照例
as well=也,又
as well=同样地
as well as=(除...之处)也,即...又
as well as=既...又,除...之处(还)
as yet=到目前为止,到那时为止
Aside from=除...以外
ask after=询问,问候
ask for=请求,要求
at (the) best=充其量,至多
at (the) worst=在最坏的情况下
at a loss=因惑, 不知所措
at a time=每次,一次
at all=完全,根本
at all costs=不借任何代价,无论如何
at all events=无论为何
at any rate=无论如何,至少
at first=最初,首先
at first sight=乍一看,初看起来
at hand=在手边,在附近,即将到来
at heart=在内心,实质上
at home=在家,在国内;自在,自如
at intervals=不时,时时
at large=一般,大体上
at last=最,终于
at least=至少,最低限度
at length=终于,最后;详细地
at no time=从不,决不
at once=立刻,马上
at one time=同时,曾经,从前曾
at present=目前,现在
at random=随机地
at stake=在危险中,利害攸关
at the cost of=以...为代价
at the mercy of=在...支配下
at the moment=现在,此刻
at the same time=但是,然而
at times=有时
at work=在工作,忙于
attached to=附属于,隶属于
back and forth=来回,往返,来来往往地
back down/off=放弃,让步,退却
back of=在...后部,在...背部
back up=支持,授助;倒退,后退
be about to=即将
be absorbed in=专心于
be bound to=到...去的,开往...的
be concerned with=关心, 挂念,从事于
be fed up (with )=对...腻烦
be friends with=对...友好,与...交上朋友
be made up of=由...组成
bear/keep in mind=记住
because of=由于,因为
before long=不久以后
begin with=从...开始
break away (from)=脱离,逃跑
break down=损坏,分解,瓦解
break in=强行进入,闯入;打断,插嘴
break into=闯入
break off=断绝,结束
break out=逃出,突然发生,爆发
break through=突破
break up=中止,结束;打碎,拆散
break down=垮,衷竭;损坏,故障,倒塌
bring about=带来,造成
bring down=*,挫伤;降低
bring forth=产生,提出
bring forward=提出
bring out=使出现,使显明;公布,出版
bring to=使恢复知觉
bring up=教育,培养,使成长
bring/carry into practice=实施,实行
build up== 积累,堵塞;树立, 增进,锻炼
burn out=烧掉
burn up==烧起来,旺起来;烧完,烧尽
but for=除...以外,倘没有,除非
by all means=无论如何
by chance=偶然,碰巧
by comparison=比较起来
by far=...得多,最
by hand=用手
by heart=牢记,凭记忆
by itself=独自,单独
by means of=用...办法
by mistake=错误地
by no means=决不
by oneself=独自地,单独地
by reason of=由于
by the way=顺便提一下,另处
by turns=轮流,交替地
by virtue of=由于
by way of=经由,通过...方式
call for=邀请;要求,需要
call forth=唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起
call off=放弃,取消
call on/upon=访问,拜访;号召,呼吁
call up召集,动员;打电话;镇静的,沉着的
can't /couldn't help=禁不住;不得不
Care for=照管,关心;喜欢,意欲
carry off=夺去
carry on=继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营
carry out=贯彻,执行,实现
carry/bring into effect=使生效,使起作用
catch fire=着火
catch on=理解,明白
catch one's breath=屏息,歇口气
catch one's eye=引人注目
catch sight of=发现,突然看见
catch up with=追上,赶上
check in=办理登记手续
check out== 结帐后离开;检查,核查
check up / (up)on=校对,检查,检验
cheer up=使高兴,使振奋;振作起来
clear away=扫聊,收拾
clear up=整理,收拾;清除,解除;解
come around=来访,前来;苏醒,复原
come off=实现,成功,终于
come on=请,来吧,快点,来临;出场,上演
come out=出版,出现,显露,长出;结果是
come through=经历,脱险
come to=总计,达到;苏醒,复原
come to the point=说到要点,扼要地说
come true=实现,达到
come up=走近,上来;发生,被提出
come up to=达到,符合
come up with=提出,提供
come/go into force=生效,实施
come/go into operation=开始运转,开工
count on=依靠,期待,指望
count up=把...相加
cover up=掩饰,掩盖
Credit card=信用卡
cross out=删去,取消
cut across=走捷径,抄近路
cut back=削减,减少
cut down=削减,降低
cut in=(汽车)抢挡;插嘴,打断
cut off=切断,使隔绝;删去;打断,停止
cut out=删除
cut short=突然停止
cut short=中断,简化

deal with=处理,对付,安排
derive from=导出;由...来
die down===渐渐消失,平息
die out=消灭, 灭绝
do away with=废除,去掉
do without=没有...也行
do/try one's best=尽力,努力
double up=弯腰,把...折起来
draw in=(火车,汽车)到站
draw up=写出,画出;草拟;停住
dress up=穿上盛装,打扮得漂漂亮亮
drop by/in=顺便来访
drop off=减弱,减少
drop out=退出,离队
e to== 由于,因为
each other=互相
enjoy oneself=过得快乐
even if/ though=即使,虽然
even then=即使那样,边...都
ever since=从那时起,自那时以来
every now and then=有时,时时,偶尔
every other=每隔一个的
except for=除...之外
face to face=面对面地
face up to=大胆面对
fail to=未能
fair play=公平的竞赛,公平对待,光明磊落
fall in love (with)=相爱,爱上
far from=远非,远离
feel like=欲,想要
fill in /out=填充,填写
find fault=埋怨,挑剔
find out=查明
first of all=首先,第一
flare up=突然燃起来;突然发怒
for (the) purpose of=为了
for a moment=片刻,一会儿
for a while=暂时,一时
for ever=永远
for example=例如
for good=永久地
for instance=例如,举例说
for long=长久地
for one thing=首先,一则
for short=简称,缩写
for the moment=现在,暂时
for the present=目前,暂时
for the sake of=为了...起见,看在...的份上
for the time being=目前,暂时
from time to time=有时,不时
gain/have an advantage=胜过,优于
get across=解释清楚,使人了解
get along/on with=有进展,有进步;生活得
get around/round=走动,旅行(消息)传开
get around/round to=找时间做,开始考虑
get at=得到,接近;意思是
get away=逃脱,离开
get by=通过,经过
get down=从...下来;写下
get down to=开始,着手
get hold of=抓住,掌握
get in=进入;收获,收集
get into=进入,陷入
get off=从...下来,离开,动身,开始
get out of=逃避,改掉
get over=克服,(从病中)恢复过来
get rid of=摆脱, 除去
get the best of=胜过
get the better of=打败,智胜
get the better of=占上风,胜过
get through=结束,完成;接通电话
get together=集合,聚集
get up=起床,增加
get/learn by heart=记住,背诵
give away=泄露;赠送
give back=送还,恢复
give in=交上;投降,屈服
give off=放出,释放
give oneself away=泄露,露马脚
give oneself up=自首,投降,投案
give out=分发,放出
give rise to=引起,使发生;造成
give up=停止,放弃
give way=让路,让步
give way to=给...让路/让步;被...代替
go after=追求
go ahead=开始,前进,领先
go along with=陪同前往,随行
go back on=违背
go by=过去
go down=下降,降低;被载人,传下去
go for=竭力想取得,喜爱,支持,拥护
go in for=从事,致力于,追求,沉迷于
go into=进入,研究,调查
go off=爆炸,发射;动身,离开
go on=继续,发生
go out=外出,熄灭
go over=检查,审查;复习,重温
go through=经历,经受,详细检查
go under=下沉,沉没;失败,破产
go up=上升,增加 ;建起
go with=伴随,与...协调
go without=没有...也行
go wrong=发生故障,出毛病
good for=有效,适用,胜任
had better=最好还是,应该
hand down=留传下来,传给,往下传
hand in=交上,递交
hand in hand=携手;结合起来,联合
hand on=传下来,依次传递
hand out=分发,散发,发给
hand over=交出,移交,让与
hang about=闲荡
hang back=踌躇不前,退缩
hang on=持续,坚持下去
hang up=挂,吊<物>,拖延...,中止,搁置
hardly any=几乎没有,几乎什么也不
have in mind=记住,考虑到, 想到
have nothing to do with=和...毫无关系
have on=穿着,戴着
have something to do with=和...有点关系
have to/have got to=不得不,必须
have... to do with=与...有关
have/gain access to=可以获得
head for=出发,动身,前往
head on=朝前,迎面
heart and soul=全心全意
help oneself=自取所需(食等)
here and there=处处
hold back=跨躇,退缩;阻止,抑制
hold on=继续,掘住不放
hold on to=紧紧抓住,坚持
hold out=维持,支持;坚持,不屈服
hold up=举起,阻挡, 使停止;抢劫,拦截
hot dog=红肠面包,小红肠
how about=...如何,...怎样
how do you do=你好
hurry up=(使)赶紧,(使)匆忙,仓促
I.D. card=身份证
if only=只要
improve on=改进
in (the )future=今后,将来
in a hurry=匆忙地,立即
in a moment=立刻,马上
in a sense=从某种意义上说
in a way=在某点,在某种程度上
in a word=总而言之
in accordance with=与....一致
in addition=另外
in addition to=除...之外
in advance=提前,预先
in all=总共,共计
in any case=无论如何,总之
in any event=无论如何
in brief=简单地说,简言之
in bulk=散装;大批,大量
in case=假如,以防(万一),免得
in case of=假使,万一
in charge of=负责,主管
in common=共用,共有,共同
in conclusion=最后,总之
in connection with/to=关于
in consequence=因此,结果
in consequence of=由于...的缘故
in contrast with/to=与...成反比
in danger=在危险中,垂危
in debt=欠债,欠情
in detail=详细地
in difficulty ties=困难,困境,难题
in effect=有效;实际上
in essence=大体上,本质上
in excess of=超过
in fact=其实,实际上
in favour of=有利于,有利的,顺利的
in force=有效,实施中
in front of=在...前面
in general=通常,大体上
in hand=在掌握中,在控制中
in honour of=为纪念,向...表示敬意
in itself=本身
in line=成一直线,排成一行
in line with=和...成直线,排成一行
in memory of=纪念
in nature=本质上
in no case=决不
in no time=立即,马上
in no way=决不
in one's way/in the way=妨碍,阻碍
in order=秩序井然,整齐
in order that=以便
in order to=以便,为了
in other words=换句话说,也就是说
in particular=特别地,尤其,详细地
in person=亲自
in place=在适当的位置
in place of=代替
in practice=在实践中,实际上
in proportion (to)=(与...)成比例的
in public=公开地, 当众
in question=正在考虑
in return=作为回报,作为报答
in secret=秘密地,私下地
in sequence=依次,逐一
in shape=处于良好状态
in short=简言之,总之
in sight=在望,看得见
in spite of=不管,不顾,尽管,虽然
in stock=现有,备有
in sum=总而言之
in tears=流着泪
in terms of=依据,按照;用...措词
in the air=在流行中,在传播中
in the course of=在...过程中,在...期间
in the distance=在远处
in the end=最后,终于
in the event of=万一,如果发生
in the face of=面对,在...面前;不顾,即使
in the first place=起初,首先
in the last place=最后
in the least=一点,丝毫
in the light of=按照,根据
in the long run=最终,从长远观点看来
in the past=在过去
in the way of=妨碍
in the world=到底,究竟
in time=及时,适时地
in truth=实际上,的确
in turn=依次,轮流
in vain=徒劳,无效
in/with relation to=关系到
instead of=代替,而不是
just now=刚才,一会儿以前
keep an eye on=留意,照看
keep back=阻止,阻挡;隐瞒,保留
keep company with=与...交往,与...结伴
keep down=控制,压制,*;放低(声音)
keep from=使...不(做)
keep house=管理家务,做家务
keep in touch=保持联系
keep off=不接近,避开
keep on=继续不断,保持
keep one's head=保持镇静
keep one's word=守信用
keep out of=躲开,置身...之外
keep to=坚持,保持
keep track=通晓事态,注意动向
keep up=保持,维持;继续进行,坚持
keep up with=向...看齐,跟上...
keep/hold pace with=跟上,与...同步
knock down=撞倒, 击倒
knock out=击倒, 击昏
known as=被认为是,被称为
lay aside=把<东西> (暂时地) 堆置一边
lay down=安装、建造、铺设
lay off=解雇
lay out=陈列,布局
lead the way=带路,引路
leave alone=不管
leave behind==遗落
leave out=遗漏, 略去
lend itself to=适宜于,对...有用
let alone=听其自然;更不用说
let alone=不干涉;更不用说
let down=放下,降低;使失望
let go=放开,松开
let in=让...进入,放...进来
let loose=放开,放松,释放
let off=放(炮,烟火),开(*);宽
let out=恕,从宽处理;免除
lie in=在于
line up=排队,使排成一行
little by little=逐渐地
live on /by=靠...生活,以......为食
live through=度过,经受过
look after=照管,照料
look at=看望,注视
look back=回顾,回头看
look down on=看不起,轻视
look for=寻找,寻求
look forward to=盼望,期待
look in=顺便看望
look into=调查,观察,过问,窥视
look on=帝观,观看;看待;视作
look out=留神,注意,提防,警惕
look over=检查,查看,调查
look through=仔细杳看,浏览,温习
look up=查阅,查考;寻找(某人)
look up to=尊敬,敬仰
lose heart=丧失勇气,失去信心
lose one's head=不知所措
lost one's temper=发怒,发脾气
lost track=失去联系
lots of=大量,很多
make a face=做鬼脸
make a/the difference=有影响, 很重要
make believe=假装
make for=走向,驶向;有助于,有利于
make friends=交朋支,友好相处
make fun of=取笑;嘲弄
make one's way=前进,行进
make out=辨认,区分;理解,开列,书写
make progress=进步
make sense=讲得通,有意义,言之有理
make sure=确认
make sure of/that=确信;确定,务必
make the best of=充分利用,妥善处理
make the most of=尽量利用
make up=构成,组成,拼凑;弥补
make up for=补偿,弥补
make up one's mind=下决心
make use of=利用
make way=开路,让路
mark time=原地跳步,停止不前,抢延
matter of fact=实情情况,*
mix up=混合,混淆,搞糊涂
more and more=越来越
more or less=或多或少
never mind=不要紧,没关系
next door=隔壁的
no doubt=无疑,必定
no less than=不亚于
no longer=T]'l08g2=不再,已不
no matter=无论
no more=不再
no more than=不过,仅仅,和...一样不
no sooner...than=不久,即刻;早,快
no wonder=难怪,怪不得
not as/so...as=不如...那样
not at all=一点也不
not only ...but (also)=不仅...而且...
nothing but=只是,不过是
now and then=时而,不时
now that=既然,由于
occur to=被想到,被想起
of course=T]2v'k0:s=当然,自然,无疑
off and on=断断续续,不时地
off ty=下班
on (the/an) average=平均,一般说来
on a large scale=大规模地
on a small scale=小规模地
on account of=因为,由于
on behalf of=代表,为了
on board=在船(车,飞机)上
on business=因公,因事
on condition that=在...条件下
on ty=值班,上班
on earth=究竟
on fire=着火
on foot=步行
on guard=警惕,防范
on hand=在手边,临近
on occasion=有时,不时
on one's honour=以名誉担保
on one's own=独自地,独立地
on purpose=故意,有意
on sale=出售,贱卖
on schele=按预定时间
on second thoughts=经重新考虑,一转念
on the basis of=根据,在...的基础上
on the contrary=反之,正相反
on the point of=即将...的时候
on the road=在旅途中
on the side=作为兼职,额外
on the sly=偷偷地,冷不防地
on the spot=当场,在现场
on the whole=总的来说
on time=准时
on top of=在...之上
once (and )for all=一劳永逸,限此一次
once in a while=偶尔,有时
once more=再一次,又一次
once upon a time=从前
one after another=一个接一个
one another=相互
or else=否则,要不然
or so=大约,左右
other than=不同于
out of=丧失,失去;缺乏,没有
out of breath=喘不过气来,上气不接下气
out of control=失去控制
out of danger=脱离危险
out of date=过时
out of doors=在户外
out of order=发生故障 ,失调
out of place=不得其所的,不适当的
out of practice=久不练习,荒疏
out of sight=看不见,在视野之外
out of step=步调不一致,不协调
out of touch=失去联系
out of work=失业
pass away=去世,逝世
pass off=中止,停止
pass out=失去知觉,昏倒
pay attention to=注意
pay back=偿还,回报
pay off=还清(债), 给清工资后遗散
pay up=全部付清
pick out=挑出,选出
pick up=拾起,拣起;中途带人
play with player=以...为消遣, 玩弄
point out=指出
post office=邮局
primary school=小学
pull down=拆毁,拉倒; 拉下,降低
pull in=(车)停下,进站,(船)到岸
pull off=脱(帽、衣等)
pull on=穿、戴
pull out=拔出,抽出,取出;(车、船等)驶出;(车辆)减速
pull up=(使)停下
put across=解释清楚,说明
put aside=储存,保留
put away=放好,收好;储存
put down=记下,放下;*,平定
put forward=提出
put in=驶进
put in for=申请
put in order=整理,检修
put into effect=实行,生效
put off=推迟,推延
put on=穿上,戴上;上演;增加(体重)
put out=熄灭,消灭,关灯;出版,发布;生产
put to use=使用,利用
put up=提出,举起,升起,提价;建造
put up with=容忍,忍受
put/bring into operation=使投入生产,使运转
quite a few=还不少,有相当数目的
quite a little=相当多,不少
refer to=参考,查阅,涉及,提到,把...提交
refer to ...as=把...称作,把...当作
right away=立即,马上
ring off=挂断电话
rub out=擦掉,试去
run down=撞倒,停掉,撞沉;追捕,追
run for=竞选
run into=撞上,偶然碰见
run off=复印,打印
run out of=用完,用尽,耗尽
run over=溢出,满出;略读,略述;辗过,
run short=用完,耗尽
scrape through=擦过,勉强通过
see through=看透,看破
see to=负责,注意
send for=派人去请,召唤,索取
send in=呈报,提交,送来
serve as=作为,用作
serve right=活该;给应得的待遇
set about=开始,着手
set aside=挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝
set back=推迟,延缓,阻碍
set down=卸下,放下,记下,记入
set fire to=点燃
set forth=阐明,陈述
set free=释放
set off=出发,动射 ,引起,使发生
set out=陈列,显示;动身,起程;制定
set out to=打算,着手
set up=创立,建立,树立;资助,扶持
settle down=定居,过安定的生活
show in=领入
show off=炫耀,卖弄
show up=使吴现,使醒目
shut out=把...关在外面,使...不能进入
sick of=厌烦
sit for=参加
sit in=列席,旁听
sit up=迟睡,熬夜
so ...as to=结果是;如此...以至于
so far=迄今为止
so that=以便,为的是;结果是,以致
sooner or later=迟早,总有一天,早晚
speed up=加速
stand by=支持,帮助,站在一边;袖手旁观
stand for=代替,代表,意味着
stand out=突击,显眼
stand up=站起来,耐用
stand up for=为...辩护,维护
stand up to=勇敢地面对,坚决抵抗,经得起
start from scratch=从头做起,从零开始
step by step=逐步
step in=插入,介入
step up=左 提高,加快,加紧
stick out=伸出,突出;坚持到底,继续
stick to=坚持,忠于,信守
such as=例如
sum up=总结,概括
take ...for granted=认为...理所当然
take a chance=冒险一试
take advantage of=利用,趁...之机
take after=与...相像
take away=清除,清耗
take care of=照顾,照料;承担,处理,负责
take charge of=担任,负责
take delight in=以...为乐
take down=记下,写下
take effect=生效,起作用
take for=把...认为是,把...看成是
take in=接受,吸收;了解,理解;欺骗
take off=拿走,脱下;起飞
take on=呈现,具有,装出;接纳,承担,从事
take one's time=不急不忙,从容进行
take over=接管,接办
take pains=尽务,煞费苦心

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 21:02

Unit 1 词组和句型
1.听磁带 listen to tapes
2.首先 first of all, to begin with
3.和小组一起学习 work/study with a group
4.看英语电影 watch English movies
5. 查字典 look up words (in a dictionary)
6.生来就说某种语言的人 native speakers
7.写作训练 writing practice
8.加入英语俱乐部 join an English club
9.英语口语 spoken English
10.以后,随后 later on
11.根本不, 一点也不 not at all, not … in the slightest
12.结束 end up with sth.
13.求助于老师 ask the teacher for help
14. 编造,组成 make up
15.喜欢作某事 enjoy/like doing sth.
16. 做笔记 take notes
17. 犯错误 make mistakes
18.制作认读卡片 make flashcards
19.大声朗读 read aloud
20.做某事有困难 have trouble (in) doing sth.
21.与某人对话 have conversations with
22.听起来像 sound like
23.生气 get mad, be angry with
24.感觉很柔软 feel soft
25.尽某人所能做某事 try/do one’s best to do
26.太…而不能做… too adj. to do
27.对某人来说做某事真… It’s adj. for sb. to do
28.做…怎么样? What/ How about doing sth?
29.你曾经…吗? Have you ever done sth?
30.为什么不…? Why not do sth.?
31.发现某事… find sth. adj.
32.看见某人/某物做了某事 see sb. do
33.向…求助 ask sb. for help
34.在某人去…的路上 on one’s way (to)
Unit 2 词组及句型
1.对…… 感兴趣 be interested in sth./doing sth.
2.开始上学 start school
3.直发 straight hair
4.弹钢琴 play the piano
5.在游泳队 on the swim team
6.独处 be alone
7.画画 draw/paint pictures
8.日常生活 daily life
9.走路上学 walk to school, go to school on foot
10.体操课 gym class
11.音乐课 music class
12.对…恐惧 be terrified of sth./doing sth.
13.几乎不曾 hardly ever
14.怀念过去 miss the old days
15.开着卧室的灯 with the bedroom light on
16.担心 worry about
17.嚼口香糖 chew gum
18.在过去的几年里 in the last few years
19.在全班面前 in front of the whole class
20.使某人疲劳 make sb. stressed out
21.浪费某人的时间 waste one’s time
22.戴眼镜 wear glass
23.与……不一样 be different from
24.看起来像 l look like (侧重外貌),take after (侧重性格)
25.过去常常做 used to do
26.不再… not …any longer, no longer
not…any more, no more
27.尽…可能 as…adj./adv as …can/could/possible
28.负担得起做 afford to do…
29.花…做… spend … in doing
Unit 3 词组及句型
1.几天以前 the other day
2.对……有益处 be good for
3.向……学习 learn from
4.目前,现在 at present
5.熬夜 stay up
6.不够严肃(严重) not serious enough
7.周五下午不上课/休息 have Friday afternoons off
8.通过考试 pass a test
9.严格的规定 strict rules
10.变得吵闹 get noisy
11.愿意做某事 would like to do
be willing to do
12.驾驶执照 driver’s license
13.代替,而不是 instead of
14.被允许做 be allowed to do
15.有兼职工作 have part-time jobs
16.耳朵穿洞 get ears pierced
17.停止做 stop doing sth.
18.好像,似乎 seem to do
19.在周末 on weekends
20.需要做 need to do
21.花时间和朋友在一起 spend time with friends
22.在学校有课的晚上 on school nights
23.上课迟到 get to school late
24.考试没及格 fail a test
25.通过考试 take a test
26.对某人严格 be strict with sb.
27.集中在 concentrate on
28.八小时的睡眠 eight hours’ sleep
29.演出一个剧本 perform a play
30.很困 be sleepy
31.阻碍,挡道 in the way
32.允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do
33.关心 care about; care about
34.对…… 认真的 be serious about
Unit 4 词组及句型
1. give it to charities 把它捐给慈善机构
2. put it in the bank 把它存入银行
3. medical research 医疗研究
4. what if 如果
5. get nervous 变得紧张
6. get pimples 长青春痘
7. take a big exam 参加大考
8. help with this problem 帮助解决这个问题
9. take a long walk 走很长一段路
10. the night before an exam 考试前一天晚上
11. speak in public 在公共场合发言
12. hardly ever 几乎从不
13. give a speech 做演讲;发言
14. ask sb’s permission 征求某人的许可
15. without permission 没有得到许可
16. ask sb to be in a movie 请某人演电影
17. introce oneself to sb 把自己介绍给
18. invite sb to have dinner (at one’s house) 邀请……去……家吃饭
19. social situations 社会状况
20. in the slightest 一点也;根本
21. bring a present 带一个礼物
22. a small circle of 一个小圈子
23. say something bad about… 说…的坏话
24. 5 million dollars 五百万美元
25. feel nervous doing something 对做某事感到紧张
26. be more friendly to people 对人更友好
27. English speech contest 英语演讲比赛
28. come top in exams 在考试中名列前茅
29. let sb down 让某人失望
30. good solutions to the problem 解决问题的好办法
31. have a cold 患了感冒
32. say nothing 什么都没说
33. the rest of the students 剩余部分的学生
34. think of=come up with 想出;提出
35. be easy to get along with 容易相处
36. would rather do…than do… 宁愿做…而不愿…
37. refuse to do 拒绝做
38. running water 流动的水
39. first-aid book 急救书
40. rather than 而不是
41.What if…? 如果…将会怎么样?
42.too…to… 太…而不能…
Unit 5 词组及句型
1. belong to sb 属于某人
2.a toy car 一个玩具车
3.one’s favorite author 某人最喜欢的作家
4.the only kid 对生子;唯一的小孩
5.listen to classical music 听古典音乐
6.make up 组成;构成
7.play the guitar 弹吉他
8.ba at school 在学校
9.much too small for sb 对…来说太小
10.try to do 试图;努力做…
11.have a math test on algebra 考代数
12.study for a test 准备考试
13.the director of the local 当地的主管
14.because of 因为
15.a present for sb 给某人的礼物
16.run for exercise 跑步锻炼
17.be late for 迟到
18.in the sky 在空中
19.make a movie 拍电影
20.catch a bus 赶公交车
21.be worried 担心
22.have fun 有乐趣;娱乐
23.call the police 报警
24.in our neighborhood 在临近地区
25.a local school teacher 一名当地老师
26.next door neighbor 隔壁邻居
27.use up 用光
28.in front of 在…前边
29.escape from 从…逃跑
30.in an ocean of paper 在题海中
31.be afraid of 害怕…
32.too much homework 太多作业
33.be careful of 当心;小心
34.feel anxious 变得着急
35.get on the plane 上飞机
36.pretend to do 假装做…
37.a hair band 一根发带
38.study French 学习法语
39.It has her name on it 这上面有她的名字
40.go to a concert 去一场音乐会
41.have an appointment 有一个约会
42.strange noises 奇怪的噪音
43.movie star 电影明星
44.local newspaper 当地报刊
45.final exam 期末考试
46. There must be sb/sth doing sth 一定有…在做…
47. 情态动词+be+v.-ing 推测某动作现在正在进行
48. used to be 过去常常
Unit 6 词组及句型
1. sing along with…music 伴随…音乐唱歌
2.dance to…music 随…音乐起舞
3.quiet and gentle songs 轻柔的歌曲
4.prefer…to… 比…更喜欢…
5.different kinds of music 不同种类的音乐
6.write one’s own music 原创音乐
7.remind…of… 提醒;使记起
8.Brazilian dance music 巴西舞蹈音乐
9.the Yellow River 黄河
10.over the years 多年来
11.look for entertainment 寻找乐趣(找乐子)
12.stay at home 呆在家
13.be sure to do sth 肯定做某事
14.the best known… 最知名的…
15.a balanced diet 一个平衡的饮食习惯
16.be on display; on show 展览;陈列
17.a world class photographer 一个世界级的摄影师
18.keep/stay healthy 保持健康
19.come and go 来来往往
20.lots of energy 许多精力
21.look for a quiet place to go on vacation 找一个安静的地方度假
22.make me feel sick 使我感到恶心
23.have to be honest 必须诚实
24.a six-month English course 为期半年的英语课程
25.some other students 一些其它学生
26.Chinese music concert 中国音乐会
27.suit sb fine 很适合某人
28.go for Italian food 去吃意大利饭
29.whatever you go 无论你去哪里
30.an Indian film festival 印度电影节
31.some…others… 一些…另一些…
32.a great place to visit 一个去参观的好地方
33.host family 寄宿家庭
34.wear cool clothes 穿很酷的衣服
35.CD review CD评论
36.what kind of film 什么种类的电影
37.taste good 尝起来好吃
38.be bad for 对…有害
39.stay away from 与…保持距离
40.be in agreement 意见一致
41.strict vegetarian 严格的素食者
42.burnt meat 烧焦的肉
43.fried chips 薯片
44.mind doing sth 介意做….
45.be sure to do sth 一定去做
46.prefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢A
47.be lucky to do sth 做某事是幸运的
48.It’s good to do sth 做…是好的

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 21:03

Unit 1 词组和句型
1.听磁带 listen to tapes
2.首先 first of all, to begin with
3.和小组一起学习 work/study with a group
4.看英语电影 watch English movies
5. 查字典 look up words (in a dictionary)
6.生来就说某种语言的人 native speakers
7.写作训练 writing practice
8.加入英语俱乐部 join an English club
9.英语口语 spoken English
10.以后,随后 later on
11.根本不, 一点也不 not at all, not … in the slightest
12.结束 end up with sth.
13.求助于老师 ask the teacher for help
14. 编造,组成 make up
15.喜欢作某事 enjoy/like doing sth.
16. 做笔记 take notes
17. 犯错误 make mistakes
18.制作认读卡片 make flashcards
19.大声朗读 read aloud
20.做某事有困难 have trouble (in) doing sth.
21.与某人对话 have conversations with
22.听起来像 sound like
23.生气 get mad, be angry with
24.感觉很柔软 feel soft
25.尽某人所能做某事 try/do one’s best to do
26.太…而不能做… too adj. to do
27.对某人来说做某事真… It’s adj. for sb. to do
28.做…怎么样? What/ How about doing sth?
29.你曾经…吗? Have you ever done sth?
30.为什么不…? Why not do sth.?
31.发现某事… find sth. adj.
32.看见某人/某物做了某事 see sb. do
33.向…求助 ask sb. for help
34.在某人去…的路上 on one’s way (to)
Unit 2 词组及句型
1.对…… 感兴趣 be interested in sth./doing sth.
2.开始上学 start school
3.直发 straight hair
4.弹钢琴 play the piano
5.在游泳队 on the swim team
6.独处 be alone
7.画画 draw/paint pictures
8.日常生活 daily life
9.走路上学 walk to school, go to school on foot
10.体操课 gym class
11.音乐课 music class
12.对…恐惧 be terrified of sth./doing sth.
13.几乎不曾 hardly ever
14.怀念过去 miss the old days
15.开着卧室的灯 with the bedroom light on
16.担心 worry about
17.嚼口香糖 chew gum
18.在过去的几年里 in the last few years
19.在全班面前 in front of the whole class
20.使某人疲劳 make sb. stressed out
21.浪费某人的时间 waste one’s time
22.戴眼镜 wear glass
23.与……不一样 be different from
24.看起来像 l look like (侧重外貌),take after (侧重性格)
25.过去常常做 used to do
26.不再… not …any longer, no longer
not…any more, no more
27.尽…可能 as…adj./adv as …can/could/possible
28.负担得起做 afford to do…
29.花…做… spend … in doing
Unit 3 词组及句型
1.几天以前 the other day
2.对……有益处 be good for
3.向……学习 learn from
4.目前,现在 at present
5.熬夜 stay up
6.不够严肃(严重) not serious enough
7.周五下午不上课/休息 have Friday afternoons off
8.通过考试 pass a test
9.严格的规定 strict rules
10.变得吵闹 get noisy
11.愿意做某事 would like to do
be willing to do
12.驾驶执照 driver’s license
13.代替,而不是 instead of
14.被允许做 be allowed to do
15.有兼职工作 have part-time jobs
16.耳朵穿洞 get ears pierced
17.停止做 stop doing sth.
18.好像,似乎 seem to do
19.在周末 on weekends
20.需要做 need to do
21.花时间和朋友在一起 spend time with friends
22.在学校有课的晚上 on school nights
23.上课迟到 get to school late
24.考试没及格 fail a test
25.通过考试 take a test
26.对某人严格 be strict with sb.
27.集中在 concentrate on
28.八小时的睡眠 eight hours’ sleep
29.演出一个剧本 perform a play
30.很困 be sleepy
31.阻碍,挡道 in the way
32.允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do
33.关心 care about; care about
34.对…… 认真的 be serious about
Unit 4 词组及句型
1. give it to charities 把它捐给慈善机构
2. put it in the bank 把它存入银行
3. medical research 医疗研究
4. what if 如果
5. get nervous 变得紧张
6. get pimples 长青春痘
7. take a big exam 参加大考
8. help with this problem 帮助解决这个问题
9. take a long walk 走很长一段路
10. the night before an exam 考试前一天晚上
11. speak in public 在公共场合发言
12. hardly ever 几乎从不
13. give a speech 做演讲;发言
14. ask sb’s permission 征求某人的许可
15. without permission 没有得到许可
16. ask sb to be in a movie 请某人演电影
17. introce oneself to sb 把自己介绍给
18. invite sb to have dinner (at one’s house) 邀请……去……家吃饭
19. social situations 社会状况
20. in the slightest 一点也;根本
21. bring a present 带一个礼物
22. a small circle of 一个小圈子
23. say something bad about… 说…的坏话
24. 5 million dollars 五百万美元
25. feel nervous doing something 对做某事感到紧张
26. be more friendly to people 对人更友好
27. English speech contest 英语演讲比赛
28. come top in exams 在考试中名列前茅
29. let sb down 让某人失望
30. good solutions to the problem 解决问题的好办法
31. have a cold 患了感冒
32. say nothing 什么都没说
33. the rest of the students 剩余部分的学生
34. think of=come up with 想出;提出
35. be easy to get along with 容易相处
36. would rather do…than do… 宁愿做…而不愿…
37. refuse to do 拒绝做
38. running water 流动的水
39. first-aid book 急救书
40. rather than 而不是
41.What if…? 如果…将会怎么样?
42.too…to… 太…而不能…
Unit 5 词组及句型
1. belong to sb 属于某人
2.a toy car 一个玩具车
3.one’s favorite author 某人最喜欢的作家
4.the only kid 对生子;唯一的小孩
5.listen to classical music 听古典音乐
6.make up 组成;构成
7.play the guitar 弹吉他
8.ba at school 在学校
9.much too small for sb 对…来说太小
10.try to do 试图;努力做…
11.have a math test on algebra 考代数
12.study for a test 准备考试
13.the director of the local 当地的主管
14.because of 因为
15.a present for sb 给某人的礼物
16.run for exercise 跑步锻炼
17.be late for 迟到
18.in the sky 在空中
19.make a movie 拍电影
20.catch a bus 赶公交车
21.be worried 担心
22.have fun 有乐趣;娱乐
23.call the police 报警
24.in our neighborhood 在临近地区
25.a local school teacher 一名当地老师
26.next door neighbor 隔壁邻居
27.use up 用光
28.in front of 在…前边
29.escape from 从…逃跑
30.in an ocean of paper 在题海中
31.be afraid of 害怕…
32.too much homework 太多作业
33.be careful of 当心;小心
34.feel anxious 变得着急
35.get on the plane 上飞机
36.pretend to do 假装做…
37.a hair band 一根发带
38.study French 学习法语
39.It has her name on it 这上面有她的名字
40.go to a concert 去一场音乐会
41.have an appointment 有一个约会
42.strange noises 奇怪的噪音
43.movie star 电影明星
44.local newspaper 当地报刊
45.final exam 期末考试
46. There must be sb/sth doing sth 一定有…在做…
47. 情态动词+be+v.-ing 推测某动作现在正在进行
48. used to be 过去常常
Unit 6 词组及句型
1. sing along with…music 伴随…音乐唱歌
2.dance to…music 随…音乐起舞
3.quiet and gentle songs 轻柔的歌曲
4.prefer…to… 比…更喜欢…
5.different kinds of music 不同种类的音乐
6.write one’s own music 原创音乐
7.remind…of… 提醒;使记起
8.Brazilian dance music 巴西舞蹈音乐
9.the Yellow River 黄河
10.over the years 多年来
11.look for entertainment 寻找乐趣(找乐子)
12.stay at home 呆在家
13.be sure to do sth 肯定做某事
14.the best known… 最知名的…
15.a balanced diet 一个平衡的饮食习惯
16.be on display; on show 展览;陈列
17.a world class photographer 一个世界级的摄影师
18.keep/stay healthy 保持健康
19.come and go 来来往往
20.lots of energy 许多精力
21.look for a quiet place to go on vacation 找一个安静的地方度假
22.make me feel sick 使我感到恶心
23.have to be honest 必须诚实
24.a six-month English course 为期半年的英语课程
25.some other students 一些其它学生
26.Chinese music concert 中国音乐会
27.suit sb fine 很适合某人
28.go for Italian food 去吃意大利饭
29.whatever you go 无论你去哪里
30.an Indian film festival 印度电影节
31.some…others… 一些…另一些…
32.a great place to visit 一个去参观的好地方
33.host family 寄宿家庭
34.wear cool clothes 穿很酷的衣服
35.CD review CD评论
36.what kind of film 什么种类的电影
37.taste good 尝起来好吃
38.be bad for 对…有害
39.stay away from 与…保持距离
40.be in agreement 意见一致
41.strict vegetarian 严格的素食者
42.burnt meat 烧焦的肉
43.fried chips 薯片
44.mind doing sth 介意做….
45.be sure to do sth 一定去做
46.prefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢A
47.be lucky to do sth 做某事是幸运的
48.It’s good to do sth 做…是好的
回答者: fty1122 - 初入江湖 * 4-15 21:46
1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、 look at (感官动词)+ do
eg :I like watching monkeys jump
2 (比较级 and 比较级) 表示越来越怎么样

3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易)
4 agree with sb 赞成某人
5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样
6 all over the world = the whole world 整个 世界
7 along with 同……一道,伴随……
eg : I will go along with you 我将和你一起去
the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树
8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样
9 as you can see 你是知道的
10 ask for ……求助 向…要…(直接接想要的东西) eg : ask you for my book
11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么
12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事 ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事
13 at the age of 在……岁时 eg:I am sixteen I am at the age of sixteen
14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始
15 at the end of +地点/+时间 最后;尽头;末尾 eg : At the end of the day
16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候
17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句 感觉/对什么有信心,自信
eg : I am / feel confident of my spoken English I feel that I can pass the test
18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时 2 将来时
19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原) 能够…… eg : She is able to sing She can sing
20 be able to do sth 能够干什么 eg :she is able to sing
21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕…… eg : I'm afraed to go out at night I'm afraid of dog
22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么
eg: I'm allowed to watch TV 我被允许看电视 I should be allowed to watch TV 我应该被允许看电视
23 be angry with sb 生某人的气 eg : Don't be angry with me
24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气
25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样 eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高
26 be ashamed to
27 be away from 远离
28 be away from 从……离开
29 be bad for 对什么有害 eg : Reading books in the sun is bad for your eyes 在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不好
30 be born 出生于
31 be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事 be busy with sth 忙于……
32 be careful 当心;小心
33 be different from…… 和什么不一样
34 be famous for 以……著名
35 be friendly to sb 对某人友好
36 be from = come from 来自
eg :He is from Bejing He comes from Bejing Is he from Bejing ? Does he come from Bejing ?
37 be full of 装满……的 be filled with 充满 eg: the glass is full of water the glass is filled with water
38 be glad+to+do/从句
39 be going to + v(原) 将来时
40 be good at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善长, 善于……
41 be good for 对什么有好处 eg : Reading aloud is good for your English
42 be happy to do 很高兴做某事
43 be helpful to sb 对某人有好处
eg : Reading aloud is helpful to you 大声朗读对你有好处
Exercising is helpful to your bady 锻炼对你的身体有好处
44 be in good health 身体健康
45 be in trouble 处于困难中 eg : She is in trouble They are in tronble
46 be interested in 对某方面感兴趣
47 be late for = come late to 迟到 eg: Be late for class 上课迟到
48 be like 像…… eg : I'm like my mother
49 be mad at 生某人的气
50 be made from 由……制成(制成以后看不见原材料)
51 be made of 由……制成(制成以后还看得见原材料)
52 be not sure 表不确定
53 be on a visit to 参观
54 be popular with sb 受某人欢迎
55 be quiet 安静
56 be short for 表**的缩写 eg: 陶 is short for 陶俊杰
57 be sick in bed 生病在床
58 be sorry to do sth be sorry for sb eg : I am sorry for you
59 be sorry to hear that
60 be sorry to trouble sb eg : I am sorry to trouble you
61 be strict in doing sth 严于做某事 eg : He's strict in obeying noles
62 be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 eg: Some students are not strict with them selves 这些学生对自己不严格
63 be strict with sb in sth 某方面对某人严格
64 be supposed to do 被要求干什么
65 be sure 表确定
66 be sure of doing sth 对做某事有信心 eg: He is sure of winning I am sure of learning English well
67 be sure of sth 对做某事有信心 eg: I'm sure of my head (my teacher 我相信我的大脑(老师)
68 be sure that sth 对做某事有信心 eg: I'm suer that he can pass the test 我相信他能通过考试
69 be sure to do sth 一定会做某事
eg: We are sure to pass the test 我们一定会通过这次考试 We are sure to learn English well 我们一定能学好英语
70 be terrified of + 名/动doing 害怕……
71 be terrified to do sth 害怕做某事
72 be the same as … 和什么一样
73 be used to doing sth 习惯做某事
eg: My father is used to getting up early 我爸爸习惯早起 He is used to sleeping in class 他习惯上课睡觉
He is used to working hard He is used to hard work 他习惯努力工作
74 be worth doing 值得做什么
75 be(feel) afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 be afraid of sth 害怕某物 be afraid that 丛句
76 because+句子 because of +短语
eg : He was late because he had a headache He was late because of his headache
77 begin to do = start to do 开始做某事 start…with…=begin…with… 以什么开始什么
eg : Let's begin the game with the song I begin to go home
78 between…and… 两者之间
79 borrow sth from sb 向……借…… lend sth to sb ( lend sb sth 借给……什么东西
eg : I borrowed a pen from him he lent a pen to me ( he lent me a pen
80 both = the same(as) = not different(from) 表相同
81 bother 打扰 bother sb to do sth
eg : I'm sorry to bother you ,but can you tell me to way to the station
the problem has been bothering me for weeks 这个问题困扰了我几个周了
He's bothering me to lend him money
82 by the end of 到……为止
83 call sb sth eg : We call him old wang
84 care 关心 eg : Don't you care about this country's future ?你为什么不关心国家的未来
85 catch up with sb 赶上某人
86 chat with sb 和某人闲谈 take sb to + 地点 带某人去某地
87 come in 进来
88 come over to 过来
89 come up with 提出 eg: Can you come up with a good idea 你能想出一个好办法吗?
90 communicate with sb 和某人交流
91 consider + doing 考虑做什么 eg : Why not consider going to lu zhou 为什么不考虑去泸州?
92 dance to 随着……跳舞 eg : She likes dancing to the music 她喜欢随着音乐跳舞
93 decide to do sth 决定做某事
94 do a survey of 做某方面的调查
95 do better in 在……方面做得更好
96 do wrong 做错
97 Don't forget to do sth 不要忘了做某事
98 Don't mind +doing /从句 /名词 不要介意……
99 each +名(单)每一个…… eg : Each student has many books 每一个学生都有一些书
100 end up +doing

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 21:03

1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、 look at (感官动词)+ do
eg :I like watching monkeys jump
2 (比较级 and 比较级) 表示越来越怎么样

3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易)
4 agree with sb 赞成某人
5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样
6 all over the world = the whole world 整个 世界
7 along with 同……一道,伴随……
eg : I will go along with you 我将和你一起去
the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树
8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样
9 as you can see 你是知道的
10 ask for ……求助 向…要…(直接接想要的东西) eg : ask you for my book
11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么
12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事 ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事
13 at the age of 在……岁时 eg:I am sixteen I am at the age of sixteen
14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始
15 at the end of +地点/+时间 最后;尽头;末尾 eg : At the end of the day
16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候
17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句 感觉/对什么有信心,自信
eg : I am / feel confident of my spoken English I feel that I can pass the test
18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时 2 将来时
19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原) 能够…… eg : She is able to sing She can sing
20 be able to do sth 能够干什么 eg :she is able to sing
21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕…… eg : I'm afraed to go out at night I'm afraid of dog
22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么
eg: I'm allowed to watch TV 我被允许看电视 I should be allowed to watch TV 我应该被允许看电视
23 be angry with sb 生某人的气 eg : Don't be angry with me
24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气
25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样 eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高
26 be ashamed to
27 be away from 远离
28 be away from 从……离开
29 be bad for 对什么有害 eg : Reading books in the sun is bad for your eyes 在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不好
30 be born 出生于
31 be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事 be busy with sth 忙于……
32 be careful 当心;小心
33 be different from…… 和什么不一样
34 be famous for 以……著名
35 be friendly to sb 对某人友好
36 be from = come from 来自
eg :He is from Bejing He comes from Bejing Is he from Bejing ? Does he come from Bejing ?
37 be full of 装满……的 be filled with 充满 eg: the glass is full of water the glass is filled with water
38 be glad+to+do/从句
39 be going to + v(原) 将来时
40 be good at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善长, 善于……
41 be good for 对什么有好处 eg : Reading aloud is good for your English
42 be happy to do 很高兴做某事
43 be helpful to sb 对某人有好处
eg : Reading aloud is helpful to you 大声朗读对你有好处
Exercising is helpful to your bady 锻炼对你的身体有好处
44 be in good health 身体健康
45 be in trouble 处于困难中 eg : She is in trouble They are in tronble
46 be interested in 对某方面感兴趣
47 be late for = come late to 迟到 eg: Be late for class 上课迟到
48 be like 像…… eg : I'm like my mother
49 be mad at 生某人的气
50 be made from 由……制成(制成以后看不见原材料)
51 be made of 由……制成(制成以后还看得见原材料)
52 be not sure 表不确定
53 be on a visit to 参观
54 be popular with sb 受某人欢迎
55 be quiet 安静
56 be short for 表**的缩写 eg: 陶 is short for 陶俊杰
57 be sick in bed 生病在床
58 be sorry to do sth be sorry for sb eg : I am sorry for you
59 be sorry to hear that
60 be sorry to trouble sb eg : I am sorry to trouble you
61 be strict in doing sth 严于做某事 eg : He's strict in obeying noles
62 be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 eg: Some students are not strict with them selves 这些学生对自己不严格
63 be strict with sb in sth 某方面对某人严格
64 be supposed to do 被要求干什么
65 be sure 表确定
66 be sure of doing sth 对做某事有信心 eg: He is sure of winning I am sure of learning English well
67 be sure of sth 对做某事有信心 eg: I'm sure of my head (my teacher 我相信我的大脑(老师)
68 be sure that sth 对做某事有信心 eg: I'm suer that he can pass the test 我相信他能通过考试
69 be sure to do sth 一定会做某事
eg: We are sure to pass the test 我们一定会通过这次考试 We are sure to learn English well 我们一定能学好英语
70 be terrified of + 名/动doing 害怕……
71 be terrified to do sth 害怕做某事
72 be the same as … 和什么一样
73 be used to doing sth 习惯做某事
eg: My father is used to getting up early 我爸爸习惯早起 He is used to sleeping in class 他习惯上课睡觉
He is used to working hard He is used to hard work 他习惯努力工作
74 be worth doing 值得做什么
75 be(feel) afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 be afraid of sth 害怕某物 be afraid that 丛句
76 because+句子 because of +短语
eg : He was late because he had a headache He was late because of his headache
77 begin to do = start to do 开始做某事 start…with…=begin…with… 以什么开始什么
eg : Let's begin the game with the song I begin to go home
78 between…and… 两者之间
79 borrow sth from sb 向……借…… lend sth to sb ( lend sb sth 借给……什么东西
eg : I borrowed a pen from him he lent a pen to me ( he lent me a pen
80 both = the same(as) = not different(from) 表相同
81 bother 打扰 bother sb to do sth
eg : I'm sorry to bother you ,but can you tell me to way to the station
the problem has been bothering me for weeks 这个问题困扰了我几个周了
He's bothering me to lend him money
82 by the end of 到……为止
83 call sb sth eg : We call him old wang
84 care 关心 eg : Don't you care about this country's future ?你为什么不关心国家的未来
85 catch up with sb 赶上某人
86 chat with sb 和某人闲谈 take sb to + 地点 带某人去某地
87 come in 进来
88 come over to 过来
89 come up with 提出 eg: Can you come up with a good idea 你能想出一个好办法吗?
90 communicate with sb 和某人交流
91 consider + doing 考虑做什么 eg : Why not consider going to lu zhou 为什么不考虑去泸州?
92 dance to 随着……跳舞 eg : She likes dancing to the music 她喜欢随着音乐跳舞
93 decide to do sth 决定做某事
94 do a survey of 做某方面的调查
95 do better in 在……方面做得更好
96 do wrong 做错
97 Don't forget to do sth 不要忘了做某事
98 Don't mind +doing /从句 /名词 不要介意……
99 each +名(单)每一个…… eg : Each student has many books 每一个学生都有一些书
100 end up +doing

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 21:04

want sb to do sth
make sb do sth
mind doing sth
finish to do sth
finish doing sth
like to do sth
like doing sth
listen to sth
hear sb to do sth
forget to do sth
forget doing sth
how to do sth
used to do sth
by dong sth
wait sb to do sth
hope to do sth
sb want to do sth
be busy doing sth
do one's best todo sth
sb need to do sth
try to do sth
tell sb to do sth
tell sb not to do sth
stop sb from doing sth
have trouble doing sth
lend sb to do sth
manage to do sth
go on doing sth
be interested in doing sth
be afraid to do sth
too...to do sth
end up doing sth
get used to do sth
What about doing sth
would like to do sth
mind one's doing sth
be make up of doing sth
get to do sth
become expect at doing sth
succeed in doing sth
ask sb about doing sth
arrived in doing sth
love to do sth
love doing sth
it is time to do sth
enjoy doing sth
do well in doing sth
the best way to do sth
you'd better to do sth
practice doing sth
watch sb to do sth
decide to do sth
give up doing sth
agree to do sth
see sb doing sth
allowed sb to do sth
invite sb to do sth
make a conctribution to doing sth
prevent from doing sth
remember to do sth
remember not to do sth
remember doing sth
drop doing sth
drop to do sth
consider doing sth
pretend to do sth
prefer to do sth
can't stand doing sth
be shocked by doing sth
离焦和普通镜片的区别 昨夜星辰昨夜风,画楼西畔桂堂东.身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀壹点通 后面的... “昨夜星辰昨夜风,画楼西畔桂堂东。”是什么意思_出处及原文翻译_学 ... 春捂养生吃什么?春不捂好易宫寒严重者或致不孕! 吃什么滋阴养颜 四种滋阴的食物最适合女性主妇网 5种食物来帮忙,滋阴补肾更健康 十大滋阴补气保健食材推荐 女性滋阴润燥最好的10种补品有哪些_百度知 ... 500g肉松紫米饭团的大小 下雨天的心情说说经典 三文鱼的胆固醇高吗 初中英语所有短语句式 初中英语基本短语有哪些? 梦见老婆送白鞋? 梦见老婆送鞋送水给老公啥意思 梦见老婆去给别人粘鞋 男58晚上凌晨四点左右梦见老婆给别人买了一双鞋什么意思? 梦见老婆送别的男人鞋子? 梦见老婆的鞋送人 梦见老婆送别人鞋子被逮着 台式联想电脑密码修改过了后面显示密码不正确,这个怎么搞? 信用卡早上几点刷好 联想电脑为什么会提示改密码 联想笔记本电脑的用户名输入了密码还是不正确。怎样才能消除 联想电脑设置每次登录前更换密码后打不开了怎么办 联想台式电脑输入密码正确,但打不来,怎么办 VI设计稿问题 联想笔记本电脑密码明明输入正确,但是电脑上面显示错误 联想Windows10更改账户密码后出现了一系列问题!求帮助,谢谢! 联想笔记本电脑 Z485修改了用户名和密码后进不去怎么办 急 关于联想笔记本电脑修改开机密码的问题。 在线等 初中英语常见的短语及意思 初中八年级英语短语大全 初中英语词组归纳 初中英语语法 词组 句型 越多越好 北大有哪几个学院招金融学硕,学硕不是专硕。看了下今年招生目录好像经院没有学硕 五道口金融是学硕还是专硕,清华经管和北大光华是学硕还是专硕? 求解:北大经院和光华的金融硕士是专硕还是学硕 向各位求教北大光华金融学硕士一些情况 他是学硕还是专硕 为什么是单列项目 为什么学费那么贵 是几年制 北大光华金融学硕和清华五道口金融专硕哪个好? 北大金融专硕没进复试能调北大剂到经济类学硕吗? 北大光华金融明年招生是什么*啊?还招统考考研生吗?名额会不会下降啊?学硕会变转硕吗 北大和清华哪个学校的金融硕士录取几率大些? 北大金融专硕是正规北大毕业吗,为什么连住宿都不管 oppor9手机听筒声音小该怎么办 OppOR9话筒如何设置 oppor9听筒模式怎么关 oppor9听筒声音小怎么办 OPPOR9听筒声音调的最大,还是很小,有没有什么办法? oppor9通话音量怎么调 怎么把oppoR9m手机的听筒模式取消?