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小学四年级英语课外阅读 少一点

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 06:27



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 16:31

One day Tom tells his friends, “ I’m going to have holidays in Beijing. But I can’t speak Chinese, so I’m going to have evening classes and have Chinese lessons there for a month.” Soon his holidays come and he goes to China happily. After he comes back, his friends ask him, “ Do you have any trouble with your Chinese ,Tom?” “ No, I don’t.” answers Tom, “ But the Chinese do!”
( )1. Tom( ) Beijing.
A. lives in B. is going to C. stays in D. comes to
( )2. Tom ( )Chinese for a month.
A. studies B. is a C. meets D. looks for
( )3. Tom( ) China very happily.
A. lives in B. is in C. goes to D. comes back from
( )4. Tom( ) trouble with his Chinese in China.
A. has some B. does have any
C. has no D. can understand
( )5. “But the Chinese do.” Means .
A. the Chinese people have trouble with my Chinese.
B. the Chinese people don’t understand Chinese.
C. Tom’s Chinese good. People can understand him easily.
D. the Chinese know themselves

I often get up at 6:00 in the morning. I have breakfast at 6:30. I usually go to school at 7:00. Our classes begin at 8:20 a.m..
I often have Chinese, Maths, English in the morning. I have lunch at 12:00. I have other three lessons in the afternoon. I’m very happy at school. At about 4:30 , I go home. I have dinner at 6:00 p.m.. I often watch TV at 7:00. I like “Animal World” very much. I go to bed at 8:30.

get up

have breakfast

go to school

have lunch

go home

have dinner

watch TV

go to bed

I have a good friend in my home. It’s a cat. Its name is Mimi. It’s white and yellow. And it’s very beautiful. I play with it after school. It often plays with a ball or lines. My friends, Mary and Alice come to see it, but it is behind sofas or in a box. Our families sit in a sofa and it can go there with us. In the evening, I must study at my desk, but it is on the desk, too. At that time, I put it down. Is it my good friend? Guess, please.
1. Mimi is the name of a( ) .
A. boy B. girl C. cat D. bird
2. Who is my friend in my home?( )
A. Mary B. Alice C. Mimi D. My brother
3. Can my friends see my cat in my home?( )
A. Yes, they can. B. No, they can’t.
C. Yes, they can’t. D. No, they can.
4. I often play with ( )after school.
A. a ball B. the cat C. books D. lines
5. why do I put the cat onto the floor.
A. The cat isn’t my good friend.
B. I don’t play with the cat.
C. I want to go to bed.
D. I must study in the evening.

Betty and Kitty are twins. They’re 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different hobbies. Betty likes collecting stamps. She has many beautiful stamps. They’re from different cities and countries. But Kitty likes growing flowers. The flowers are all very beautiful. Betty and Kitty both like reading books. Betty likes reading storybooks. But Kitty likes reading science books. On Sunday, they usually ride bikes to the park. They can play with their friends there. Sometimes their parents go there, too.
( ) 1. Betty is Kitty’s sister.
( ) 2. Betty likes growing flowers.
( ) 3. Kitty likes reading storybooks.
( ) 4. They’re twelve years old.
( ) 5. They usually take a bus to the park on Saturday.

Lovely Pandas’ faces look like cats’, but their fat bodies and short tails are like bears’. Pandas are very lovely and they are friendly to people. People like them very much. Most Pandas live in China. The northwestern part of Sichuan Province(省) and southern part of Gansu Province are their hometowns. Pandas like to climb trees. They usually live in the forests of high mountains, eat bamboo and drink spring water.
1. The panda mainly lives in (   ).
A. America B. Shanghai C. London D. China
2. (   ) is like a cat’s.
A. The panda   B. The panda’s face
C. The panda’s body   D. The panda’s tail
(   )3. Where are the pandas’ hometowns?
A. Guangdong and Gansu. B. Sichuan and Suzhou.
C. Gansu and Sichuan D. Hubei and Sichuan
(   )4. What’s the panda’s main food?
A. Rice. B. Meat. C. Bamboo. D. Grass.

Our Good Friends Mary, Nancy, Ron and Kate are good friends. Mary’s favorite number is 3 and her favorite country is France. 16 is Nancy’s number, and America is her favorite country. Ron likes Japan very much. 30 is his favorite number. Whose favorite number is 60? Oh, it is Kate. Kate’s father works in Chinese food very much and they also like Chinese people. Kate’s lucky number is 6. All of them hope that one day they can travel the world together.
1. What’s Mary’s favorite number?
2. What’s Nancy’s favorite country?
3. What’s Kate’s father’s job?
4. Does Kate like Chinese food?

My name is Lily. This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mother’s room. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk near the window. There are two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is a toilet. On the right, it’s my room. There are four pictures and a poster on the wall.
( )1. This is Lily’s house.
( )2. There are four rooms in the house.
( )3. There are three pictures in Lily’s room.
( )4. There are two chairs and a desk in father and mother’s room.
( )5. The toilet is on the left of my father and mother’s room.

Do You Want Me To Tell a Lie?
Mummy: Which apple do you want, Dick?
Dick: The biggest one, Mummy.
Mummy: What? You should be polite and pick the little one.
Dick: Should I tell a lie just to be polite, Mummy?
1. Mummy have two pears. ( )
2.Dick wants to eat the big one. ( )
3.Mummy wants Dick to eat the big one. ( )
4.Dick eats the big one, because he doesn’t want to tell a lie. ( )

Good News
Jim is a primary school student, he’s in Grade Two now. He has a round face and wears glasses. He likes football and swimming. But today he’s not at school. He’s ill . He’s in bed. He had a bad cold. He must stay in bed for a week. But that’s a good news for him, because he doesn’t like school.
1. Jim is a student.
A: primary school B: middle school C: senior school
2. Jim is in Grade .
A: Too B: Three C: Two
3. Jim likes . A: basketball B: football C: table tennis
4. Jim is in bed because .
A: he is tired B: he is ill C: he is sleepy
5. Jim must stay in bed for .
A: a day B: a week C: two weeks

A crow is thirsty . He finds a bottle with a little in it. But the neck of the bottle is too long, the crow can’t get the water. The crow thinks and thinks, and then he has a good idea. He puts some pebbles in the bottle, the water rises up. Now he can drink the water. What a clever crow!
1. The crow is .
A: hungry B: tired C: thirsty
2. The bottle’s neck is .
A: too long B: too short C: too big
3. The crow puts man in the bottle.
A: sticks B: pebbles C: bricks
4. The crow is .
A: stupid B: clever C: naughty

十一、A: Mum, it’s Teacher’s Day. I’d like a card for my teacher.
B: OK, here’s a green one on the desk.
A: Thank you, Mum. what’s the time, please.
B: It’s seven now.
A: Oh, I’m late. Where’s my school bag?
B: It’s on the bed.
A: Mum, shall we go by bus?
B: OK. Let’s close the door.
(  ) 1. It’s Teacher’s Day.
(  ) 2. His school bag is on the desk.
(   ) 3. They go to school by bike.
(  ) 4. They go to school at seven。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 16:32

有一些暑假和寒假作业什么的里面有....... 比如:互动英语。举一反三。。。追问你有吗


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