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一首舞曲,欧美女声,只记得不停地UP,UP,UP, 。。。 节奏感很鲜明的,每段结尾都有一个拖音的 O~~~

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 06:24



热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 11:32

Hilary Duff - Wake Up

There’s people talking
They talk about me
They know my name
They think they know everything
But they don’t know anything about me
Give me a dance floor
Give me a DJ
Give me a record
Forget what they say
Cause I need to go
Need to getaway tonight
I put my makeup on a Saturday night
I try to make it happen try to make it all right
I know I make mistakes
I'm living life day to day
It’s never real easy
But it’s ok
Wake up, wake up
On a Saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris
Maybe Tokyo
There’s something going on anywhere I go tonight
Tonight, yeah tonight
The city’s restless
It’s all around me
People in motion
And sick of all the same routines
And they need to go
They need to getaway tonight
I put my makeup on a Saturday night
I try to make it happen try to make it all right
I know I make mistakes
I’m living life day to day
It’s never real easy
But it’s ok
Wake up, wake up
On a Saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris
Maybe Tokyo
There’s something going on anywhere I go tonight
Tonight, yeah tonight
People all around you
Everywhere that you go
People all around you
They don’t really know you
Everybody’s watching like it’s some kind of show
Everybody’s watching
They don’t really know you now
(They don’t really know you)
(They don’t really know you)
And forever
Wake up, wake up
Wake up, wake up
Wake up, wake up
On a Saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris
Maybe Tokyo
There’s something going on anywhere I go
Wake up, wake up
On a Saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris
Maybe Tokyo
There’s something going on anywhere I go tonight
Tonight, yeah tonight




热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 11:33

Ke$ha - We R Who We R ???

YY聊天中哪些语音的会不会作为文件存下来 2023谷雨节气的含义 谷雨三候是什么 我老公欠债,外遇,我想离婚,怎么办 ...我提供了我的姓名,出生年月日,还有工作地点,会出什么事吗... 刚刚接到一个诈骗电话,问我要了我的姓名和出生年月日,会不会利用... 不小心接到骗子的电话,还告诉了我的姓名和出生年月日,要不要紧啊... 知道了姓名和出生年月日,能拿来作案吗? WOW安装要CD 是什么问题? 急急急、、、魔兽世界用盘安装时老要CD片 时怎么回事 取消以后就安装不... 每次下载魔兽世界安装中途都会断掉,要求插入什么CD,然后出现这么一段文... follow up什么意思? UP是印度哪个州的缩写? pick up the pace是什么意思 make up什么意思 grow 和grow up 的区别是什么? up与down的区别 coughed up l save up the rest……什么意思 up做介词与作副词的区别 up和down的区别是什么 天冷了豆腐常温能放几天 正值农忙季节,农田需要大量的灌溉用水。若水泵在0.5h内把360m&#xFFFD;0&#xFFFD;6的水 抽到5m高处, 誉腾抽油烟机出现L2H0是啥意思誉腾抽油烟机出现L2HO是啥意思 冬天豆腐泡水里能泡几天 今天买的豆腐没吃完,能用冷水浸泡吗? 品牌营销推广方案的制定需遵循哪些原则 有什么好的营销推广策划方案吗?现在急需! 一朵云下面一个闪电是什么意思? Word或其它软件在什么情况下用文本框? 有没有车主的雨刷器电机工作声音大,嗡嗡的 php里面有这样的代码 “&lt;?=implode(&#39;, &#39;,$uptypes)?&gt;” 麻烦解释下是什... add up 和 add up to有什么区别 bundle up是什么意思 make up什么意思? 请问add up,add up to,add to各什么意思,有什么区别,能放在例句里解释一 Up英文剧情介绍 云加闪电是什么天气? .周公解梦发现自己摩托车被人盗走 梦见摩托车被盗是何吉兆? 这几天总梦见自己爱的人和别人在一起是怎么回事?梦见摩托车被偷,自己家也被盗是怎么回事?周公解梦 梦见自己的摩托车被人偷 我梦到我的摩托车被偷了,有人知道是什么奖吗? 【解梦】梦见亲戚未经同意借走我的摩托车,却丢失我的摩托车 带孩子去福建旅游,有哪些好玩的冷门地方值得推荐? 福建什么地方旅游比较好玩,风景好! 福建哪个城市最值得旅游和居住? 福建值得旅游的好地方有哪些 福建有什么好去处? 求一个是第一视角的射击类的街机游戏,人物一直往前跑的那种 求一款射击的街机游戏的名字:画面里面看不到主人公只有一个瞄准框背景是越南丛林,是用一把*来控制射击