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Shooting Star 歌词2

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-05 03:09



热心网友 时间:2024-11-11 01:48

歌曲名:Shooting Star
歌手:Owl City
专辑:The Midsummer Station

Shooting Star
Owl City
Close your tired eyes, relaxing them.
Count from 1 to 10 and open them.
All these heavy thoughts will
try to weigh you down, but not this time.
Way up in the air, you're finally free,
and you can stay up there, right next to me.
All this gravity
will try to pull you down, but not this time.
When the sun goes down,
and the lights burn out,
Then it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than the shooting star,
so shine no matter where you are.
Fill the darkest night, with a brilliant light,
'cause it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than a shooting star,
so shine no matter where you are, tonight.
Wooh, wooh, wooh.
Brighter than a shooting star,
Shine no matter where you are, tonight.
Gazing through my eyes,
when the fire starts,
And fan the flame so hot,
it melt our hearts.
All the pouring rain,
will try to put it out, but not this time.
Let your colours burn,
and brightly burst, into a million sparks,
but all dispursed and illuminate a world,
That'll try to bring you down,
But not this time.
When the sun goes down,
and the lights burn out,
Then it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than the shooting star,
so shine no matter where you are.
Fill the darkest night, with a brilliant light,
'cause it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than a shooting star,
so shine no matter where you are, tonight.
Wooh, wooh, wooh.
Brighter than a shooting star,
Shine no matter where you are, tonight.
A thousand heartbeats beating time,
and makes this dark planet come alive.
So when the lights flicker out tonight, you gotta shine.
When the sun goes down,
and the lights burn out,
Then it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than the shooting star,
so shine no matter where you are.
Fill the darkest night, with a brilliant light,
'cause it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than a shooting star,
so shine no matter where you are, tonight.
Wooh, wooh, wooh.
Brighter than a shooting star,
Shine no matter where you are, tonight.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-11 01:48

歌曲名:Shooting Star
歌手:Owl City
专辑:The Midsummer Station

Shooting Star
Owl City
Close your tired eyes, relaxing them.
Count from 1 to 10 and open them.
All these heavy thoughts will
try to weigh you down, but not this time.
Way up in the air, you're finally free,
and you can stay up there, right next to me.
All this gravity
will try to pull you down, but not this time.
When the sun goes down,
and the lights burn out,
Then it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than the shooting star,
so shine no matter where you are.
Fill the darkest night, with a brilliant light,
'cause it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than a shooting star,
so shine no matter where you are, tonight.
Wooh, wooh, wooh.
Brighter than a shooting star,
Shine no matter where you are, tonight.
Gazing through my eyes,
when the fire starts,
And fan the flame so hot,
it melt our hearts.
All the pouring rain,
will try to put it out, but not this time.
Let your colours burn,
and brightly burst, into a million sparks,
but all dispursed and illuminate a world,
That'll try to bring you down,
But not this time.
When the sun goes down,
and the lights burn out,
Then it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than the shooting star,
so shine no matter where you are.
Fill the darkest night, with a brilliant light,
'cause it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than a shooting star,
so shine no matter where you are, tonight.
Wooh, wooh, wooh.
Brighter than a shooting star,
Shine no matter where you are, tonight.
A thousand heartbeats beating time,
and makes this dark planet come alive.
So when the lights flicker out tonight, you gotta shine.
When the sun goes down,
and the lights burn out,
Then it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than the shooting star,
so shine no matter where you are.
Fill the darkest night, with a brilliant light,
'cause it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than a shooting star,
so shine no matter where you are, tonight.
Wooh, wooh, wooh.
Brighter than a shooting star,
Shine no matter where you are, tonight.

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