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喜欢上海的理由 英语短文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 06:42



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 21:49



I had only been in Shanghai for a few months when I was pushed onto the stage at a school concert to sing Ye Shang Hai。


a song from the bad “good old days” of Shanghai. I was awful, and to this day I apologize to Zhou Xuan for murdering her 1937 hit song. 


But learning about the song and getting a cheerful response from the Chinese audience, despite my incomprehensible accent, was a great introction to this relentlessly robust and enring city.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 21:49

Shanghai,a modern city with properity and beauty , does attract me a lot. I am fond of this city for several reasons.
As is known to all, Shanghai is the financial center of whole China. Therefore, Shanghai people enjoy comparatively rich life. With a strong economy, Shanghai can give me a larger stage to show my abilities in the near future, providing me with lots of oppotunities not only for ecation but also for my future employment.
Second, Shanghai is a city with long and profound history,as well as nice scenery. The famous Bund near the Huangpu River,is a symbol of the culture of history.At the same time, the Oriental Pearl stands in the financial center in Shanghai. Standing in the building, you can see the whole city in different angles.
Third,people in Shanghai are friendly, talented as well as fashionable. Because the 2010 Expo will be held in Shanghai, all the citizens are making preparations for that,for a better city and better life. They want to show their hospitality and smiles to the people around the world, showing the best side of their home Shanghai,a marvalous city!
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