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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-03 05:46



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 05:58


Nothing stays the same.
All I know is the everchanging nature of people and things.
Dividing our past and future is the endless river of time.
On the edge of time, we walk towards tomorrow.
An incomplete story is more facinating than one that is complete.
We are the ants in this gigantic city.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 05:59

1.the world is changing all the time./everything has changed./nothing's the same as yesterday.
2.all i'm aware of is everything, everyone around has all changed.(这句比较注重语境,不同语境有不同较合适的翻译)
3.Our past and our future is divided by TIME, just like a water divide.(原谅,很chinglish)
4.time drinks us every day, every hour, every sec. (all we can do is shrinking and aging.)
5.TO BE CONTINUED is much more enchanting than THE END.
6.we're all of us sentenced to fragility and small existence inside our own cities for life.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 05:59

1,everything has changed
2,all i know is the changing and drifting away
3,time is like a divide line, which seperate our past and future
4,everyday we are walking along the blade of time
5,the story to be continued is more beautiful
6,we are all the tinest exist in the city

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 06:00

Everything is changed.
The only thing i know is people and things not and run away.
Time is a divide line,it cut apart our nowadays and the future.
Every day we walk through the blade of time.
the to be continued story is more beautiful.
we are all the small existence in the city.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 06:00

1,everything has changed
2,all i feel is the changing and misunderstanding among us
3,time is a river departed our future and past
5,an unfinished ending makes the story better
4,everyday we walking on the edge of time itself
6,we are petty st in this glory metropolis
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