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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 08:12



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 23:32

Fei Sheng International writer, engineer and amateur scientist Scott Morrison Law (Maurice Cotterell) specializes in the ancient Mayan civilization studies, he found many old temples and steles repeated again and again a group password: 1366560. A refinement of this code unit as a "day", then converted into years, then, as in 3740. Maya was born in 3113 years BC to 750 suddenly disappeared, in which nearly 3740 years of survival between the number of years. According to Mayan literature records, the Earth every 3,740 years, life will be destroyed once, and life on Earth has been destroyed four times in the past; in other words, modern humans should have been a fifth-generation descendants of the land element.

Morris will be the number of Mayan culture in the St. 1366560 and changes in the solar magnetic field cycle, the surface has nothing to do these two things together. Scientific calculations show that solar magnetic poles will be reversed once every 3,740 years, but 3740 is exactly 1366560 days, the number of years conversion.

As the Earth's magnetic field by the solar magnetic field to contain large, when the sun magnetic pole reversal, the "Morris" inference followed by the Earth magnetic poles are reversed, so that exchange of the Earth's magnetic north and south two goals. Biological material can not adapt to sudden climate change, while the collective death. Long mammoth is believed that the biological tropical areas, but because of the reversed magnetic pole, so that they survive the barren place into a cold, so place a long woolly mammoth in Siberia, Alaska collective death thing. The archaeological evidence of these two places had a tropical climate. In many predicted, the age of the most complete record, considered "Ke'ao first Maitland's mind." He said that we know started in the fifth century BC the sun 3113 years. After the Mayan great cycle of 5125 years later, the fifth largest Yang Ji Looking final. Now contrast with the Western calendar, they will know "the Sun" will be "a century of a Day" ended. The end of day, in the year December 22, 2012 before and after.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 23:32

妈妈坐在一起看电视,爸爸送两个儿子去睡觉。我很奇怪这怎么地球的最后一天。 可题目就是这样的,即使是最后一天,人不还是要活吗?当一天和尚撞一天钟说的就是这个道理。无论什么时候,人都是人,需要干人所干的事

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 23:33


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 23:33



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