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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 03:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 05:01

必修一. M1 Unit 1
upset ignore tip friendship nature
thunder cheat share series dare
power trust suffer quiz survey
situation habit loose gossip grateful
highway culture spirit community selfish
recover understand favorite settle background
discover entirely point experience solve
calm down be concerned about make a list of
be crazy about according to get along with
fall in love try out add up
share sth. with sb. go through a series of
on purpose join in communicate with
face to face happen to do at sk
stay away set down hide away
laugh at go on holiday walk the dog
live in peace get tired of

必修一. M1 Unit 2
Include international native modern vocabulary
culture actually rule latter elevator/lift
usage identity government command petrol/gas
request polite standard recognize apartment/flat
accent direction block official voyage
conquer graally enrich especially rapidly
spelling settle/settler
play a role (in) play a part(in) even if
be based on from one place to another the same…as…
such as make use of at present
no longer come up to the number of

必修一 M1 Unit3
Journal/journalist/journey/trip/tour(tourist, tourism)/travel/vayage/flight
fare transport finally persuade cycle/recycle
stubborn insist attitude camp proper/properly
topic familiar prefer disadvantage record/recorder
flow cousin province graate brave /bravery
schele detail wool determine/determination/determined
freeze reliable encourage graally source/resource
inn afford lucky special temple
café population directions separate field
get sb interested in make camp dream of doing
persuade sb to do persuade sb into/out of (doing) sth
insist on sth /doing sth put up one’s tents set /break(beat)/hold a record
care about care for sth/sb
give in(to sb) give away give off give out
make up one’s mind read one’s mind keep/bear sth in mind
be familiar with sth be familiar to sb be similar to
必修一 M1 Unit4
Shake rise burst ruin/destroy earthquake
injure judge honour useless imagine
shock rescue disaster shelter survivor
fresh countryside smelly nervous strange/stranger
well pipe event suffering steam
extreme bury canal brick express
dam track steel mine/miner trap
competition organize congratulations
prepare to do sth/get prepared instead of a/the number of
thousands of Shake hands with sb. Burst into
Judging by/from Be/feel honoured by Give honour to sb
Dig out as usual right away
Be proud of at an end
必修一 M1 Unit5
quality willing principle fight mean
peaceful prisoner advise continue active
vote position accept violence save
equal degree ecated terror generous
reward criminal president sincerely selfish
devoted cruel easy-going mankind guidance
offer lawyer legal equal sentence
violence relative found generous
as a matter of fact come to power devote … to …
set up in trouble lose heart
worry about out of work believe in
put…in prison realize one’s dream of blow up

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 05:01

必修一. M1 Unit 1
upset ignore tip friendship nature
thunder cheat share series dare
power trust suffer quiz survey
situation habit loose gossip grateful
highway culture spirit community selfish
recover understand favorite settle background
discover entirely point experience solve
calm down be concerned about make a list of
be crazy about according to get along with
fall in love try out add up
share sth. with sb. go through a series of
on purpose join in communicate with
face to face happen to do at sk
stay away set down hide away
laugh at go on holiday walk the dog
live in peace get tired of

必修一. M1 Unit 2
Include international native modern vocabulary
culture actually rule latter elevator/lift
usage identity government command petrol/gas
request polite standard recognize apartment/flat
accent direction block official voyage
conquer graally enrich especially rapidly
spelling settle/settler
play a role (in) play a part(in) even if
be based on from one place to another the same…as…
such as make use of at present
no longer come up to the number of

必修一 M1 Unit3
Journal/journalist/journey/trip/tour(tourist, tourism)/travel/vayage/flight
fare transport finally persuade cycle/recycle
stubborn insist attitude camp proper/properly
topic familiar prefer disadvantage record/recorder
flow cousin province graate brave /bravery
schele detail wool determine/determination/determined
freeze reliable encourage graally source/resource
inn afford lucky special temple
café population directions separate field
get sb interested in make camp dream of doing
persuade sb to do persuade sb into/out of (doing) sth
insist on sth /doing sth put up one’s tents set /break(beat)/hold a record
care about care for sth/sb
give in(to sb) give away give off give out
make up one’s mind read one’s mind keep/bear sth in mind
be familiar with sth be familiar to sb be similar to
必修一 M1 Unit4
Shake rise burst ruin/destroy earthquake
injure judge honour useless imagine
shock rescue disaster shelter survivor
fresh countryside smelly nervous strange/stranger
well pipe event suffering steam
extreme bury canal brick express
dam track steel mine/miner trap
competition organize congratulations
prepare to do sth/get prepared instead of a/the number of
thousands of Shake hands with sb. Burst into
Judging by/from Be/feel honoured by Give honour to sb
Dig out as usual right away
Be proud of at an end
必修一 M1 Unit5
quality willing principle fight mean
peaceful prisoner advise continue active
vote position accept violence save
equal degree ecated terror generous
reward criminal president sincerely selfish
devoted cruel easy-going mankind guidance
offer lawyer legal equal sentence
violence relative found generous
as a matter of fact come to power devote … to …
set up in trouble lose heart
worry about out of work believe in
put…in prison realize one’s dream of blow up
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