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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 02:38



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 20:44

I was in this business is the role of the director of finance, at the beginning of that role, in fact I didn't go to their role. From the beginning of the finance is just money, then recognize the importance of financial work. The normal operation of a company is on everyone to work hard together as a team. Whether it's CEO, finance director, marketing director, proction director, purchasing director, secretary, assistant. Each person's work is very important. Just like our CEO in the final summary said: the importance of team spirit, importance and details.
Our company is in the first year is doing very well, the long - short credit lending. The original plan was very good. Although no profit. But in second years the operator error, cause our company became the first became negative rights and interests of the company. I think for me the chief financial officer is also great responsibility. No annual budget. Lead to a loss of serious phenomenon. Although our later years is also trying to make up for the loss. But too many losses, unable to continue. One can imagine bankruptcy will befall us. Our team didn't win in the final results, but the most important thing is that we gained experience.
I think the process is not the most important, failure or success is not conclusive, it is important to own sentiment. That is my words I learned a lot in this game, the first thing you as a leader, to fully realize the importance of their role, organization of each member, decisions at the same time to decisively, plan. This is what I lack, so I cherish such a chance. Secondly, we conct business, some rules are not very clear, the start from random condition, accounting also Its loopholes appeared one after another., but fortunately, this in the last few years did not happen. Finally, when take orders too soon, to combine their proctivity and Nathan, otherwise there will be not handed in single status. To do everything before you have to have a plan, have a budget, perhaps in the business will appear when the beat all situations, but remember one thing is to be with your original plan big difference is not bad, or temporary to think, then I will not, do not act with une haste, we jumped out to compete for the first idea, Wenzhongqiusheng will succeed.
This operation let me understand a company's general operating proceres, close contact between each department to. Involved in financial analysis and forecasting, and bank loans, and even with other companies in the payment transactions, a position that is very strong interaction. In the financial budget, control, capital outflow. And the registration of cash income and expenditure, flow of fund raising. On the calculation of the effect of advertising marketing, advertising costs, market survey, sometimes need to do spy to understand other company's operation process, advertising fee. In this simulation, I learned a lot. I think in the whole operation process, the team spirit is very important, so it shows the meaning of teamwork. In Public opinions are divergent. cases in each sticks to his own viewpoint, under the condition of each director, how quickly the analysis of decision-making, and persuade others. Or provide data report, accepting others' opinions and suggestions. This is a difficulty, how to hold their own positions and not wrong, this is the need for a decision maker to mediate. Open the team away from the reality, not the spirit of cooperation of indivials may be abandoned by society today.
The harvest is, a profound experience of manufacturing enterprise operation flow. Marketing, proction, procurement, finance, interlocking, closely related to. Any step can not be wrong. Familiar with the process of each mole. To count the cash flow. On the financial side, is finally no longer feel literally short-term loans, accounts payable, accounts, discount, etc..
I as a finance director in register cash flow, fill in the report and assist finance director of financial accounting, to open up the market in the marketing of procts, R & D, advertising placement, ISO9000 and 14000 system certification have roughly understanding,, even for our company's proction, the interface of common sense could give some opinions and help. In fact, most of the time, our company members are helping each other, together to consider a problem, solve problems together.
After six years of unremitting efforts, we are a group with their own pay for return. In the six years of operation, we have tried, struggle, fear. No matter how we came all the way, we can not own superiority, but by our collective strength, therefore I am pleased!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 20:44


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 20:45

教你一招 你把这篇论文 截取成N*100字的小段落再一个一个发出去,找人“不要给我软件翻译”!效果应该不错。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 20:45

I was in this business is the role of the director of finance, at the beginning of that role, in fact I didn't go to their role. From the beginning of the finance is just money, then recognize the importance of financial work. The normal operation of a company is on everyone to work hard together as a team. Whether it's CEO, finance director, marketing director, proction director, purchasing director, secretary, assistant. Each person's work is very important. Just like our CEO in the final summary said: the importance of team spirit, importance and details.Our company is in the first year is doing very well, the long - short credit lending. The original plan was very good. Although no profit. But in second years the operator error, cause our company became the first became negative rights and interests of the company. I think for me the chief financial officer is also great responsibility. No annual budget. Lead to a loss of serious phenomenon. Although our later years is also trying to make up for the loss. But too many losses, unable to continue. One can imagine bankruptcy will befall us. Our team didn't win in the final results, but the most important thing is that we gained experience.I think the process is not the most important, failure or success is not conclusive, it is important to own sentiment. That is my words I learned a lot in this game, the first thing you as a leader, to fully realize the importance of their role, organization of each member, decisions at the same time to decisively, plan. This is what I lack, so I cherish such a chance. Secondly, we conct business, some rules are not very clear, the start from random condition, accounting also Its loopholes appeared one after another., but fortunately, this in the last few years did not happen. Finally, when take orders too soon, to combine their proctivity and Nathan, otherwise there will be not handed in single status. To do everything before you have to have a plan, have a budget, perhaps in the business will appear when the beat all situations, but remember one thing is to be with your original plan big difference is not bad, or temporary to think, then I will not, do not act with une haste, we jumped out to compete for the first idea, Wenzhongqiusheng will succeed.This operation let me understand a company's general operating proceres, close contact between each department to. Involved in financial analysis and forecasting, and bank loans, and even with other companies in the payment transactions, a position that is very strong interaction. In the financial budget, control, capital outflow. And the registration of cash income and expenditure, flow of fund raising. On the calculation of the effect of advertising marketing, advertising costs, market survey, sometimes need to do spy to understand other company's operation process, advertising fee. In this simulation, I learned a lot. I think in the whole operation process, the team spirit is very important, so it shows the meaning of teamwork. In Public opinions are divergent. cases in each sticks to his own viewpoint, under the condition of each director, how quickly the analysis of decision-making, and persuade others. Or provide data report, accepting others' opinions and suggestions. This is a difficulty, how to hold their own positions and not wrong, this is the need for a decision maker to mediate. Open the team away from the reality, not the spirit of cooperation of indivials may be abandoned by society today.The harvest is, a profound experience of manufacturing enterprise operation flow. Marketing, proction, procurement, finance, interlocking, closely related to. Any step can not be wrong. Familiar with the process of each mole. To count the cash flow. On the financial side, is finally no longer feel literally short-term loans, accounts payable, accounts, discount, etc..I as a finance director in register cash flow, fill in the report and assist finance director of financial accounting, to open up the market in the marketing of procts, R & D, advertising placement, ISO9000 and 14000 system certification have roughly understanding,, even for our company's proction, the interface of common sense could give some opinions and help. In fact, most of the time, our company members are helping each other, together to consider a problem, solve problems together.After six years of unremitting efforts, we are a group with their own pay for return. In the six years of operation, we have tried, struggle, fear. No matter how we came all the way, we can not own superiority, but by our collective strength, therefore I am pleased!
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