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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 03:52



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:27

Welcome to our noodles house. We are ready to offer you various noodles with unimaginably low prices. For instance, a bowl of beef noodles sells for 8 Yuan, and a bowl of chicken noodles sells for 6 Yuan. Hey, do you want a bowl of TOMATO NOODLES? It’s our special and only sells for 3 Yuan. So what are you waiting for? Come and try now.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:27

Welcome to our noodles house. We are ready to offer you various noodles with unimaginably low prices. For instance, a bowl of beef noodles sells for 8 Yuan, and a bowl of chicken noodles sells for 6 Yuan. Hey, do you want a bowl of TOMATO NOODLES? It’s our special and only sells for 3 Yuan. So what are you waiting for? Come and try now.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:27

Welcome to our noodles house. We are ready to offer you various noodles with unimaginably low prices. For instance, a bowl of beef noodles sells for 8 Yuan, and a bowl of chicken noodles sells for 6 Yuan. Hey, do you want a bowl of TOMATO NOODLES? It’s our special and only sells for 3 Yuan. So what are you waiting for? Come and try now.

Come and try now.

求一篇英语作文 现在就要40分钟内 SuSan开了家面馆,供应各种美味面条...

the noodle here is delicious ,the shop is clean,and there are all kinds of taste,such as Beef, lamb, chicken, cabbage ,you can choose all want ,don't miss it,Waiting for your arrival。


Come and try now.


Come and get your noodles today!


写作思路:首先介绍山西人对面食的热爱,然后介绍一道具体面食的做法,最后写山西面食的精华做法。英语内容:Shanxi pasta is one of the representatives of local traditional pasta culture. It has a long history and has a long history.山西面食是当地传统面食文化的代表之一。它有着悠久的历史,也...


East Han Dynasty between AD 25 and 220. In October 2005, the oldest noodles yet discovered were found at the Lajia site (Qijia culture) along the Yellow River in Qinghai, China. The 4,000-year-old noodles appear to have been made from foxtail millet and broomcorn millet....

搜一篇以方便面为主题的英语作文 110词



如果是翻译:我爸爸最爱的食物。如果是写作文:好吧,我就帮你写:My Father's Favorite Food My father's favorite food is noodles.He almost eats noodles everyday. So my mother always cooks noodle for him.I didn't like noodles at first. But now I like noodles too.My father says...


1. 英语作文写关于开一家面馆的英语作文30词 there is a good noodle restaurant on the green street,just beeen the bank and the post office.the noodle here is delicious ,the shop is clean,and there are all kinds of taste,such as Beef,lamb,chicken,cabbage ,you can choose all...


英文:Turns on the water the ebullition to boil thoroughly the first surface, is putting the thing which one like eating, may put the egg and some pork and the minced green onion, moreover do not fet that adds the seasoning powder! 怎样煮面条英语作文 First put some water into the pot ,...

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