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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-09 20:52



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 19:59

是samira的《I saw you walking in the rain》,是首慢嗨。

歌曲:i saw you walking in the rain


i saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and i'll never be the same.
i saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and i'll never be the same.
tossing and turning
another sleepless night
the rain crashes against my window pane.
jumpde into my car
and drive too far
that moment i knew i would never be the same.
i saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and i'll never be the same.
i saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and i'll never be the same.
now here you are begging to me
to give our love another try
more than love you and i always will
but darling
right now i've got to say good-bye.
i saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and i'll never be the same.
i saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and i'll never be the same.
mm: hi baby what's your day today?
gg: i love you,i want you, baby.
mm: you miss me? well , i missed you too
gg: hey, come on baby
mm: i missed you so much that i followed you today
gg: what? you followed me?
mm: yeah, that's right. i saw you with that girl.
gg: what girl?
mm: walking on the street,kissing her,
holding her hand and now you come back to me ?
no ,baby, forget you but i love you ,
and i can't see you no more.
i saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and i'll never be the same.
i saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and i'll never be the same.
i saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
you were holding hands
and i'll never be the same.
and i'll never be the same.
i saw you (and her)
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