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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 00:10



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 03:35

I. General Instructions

Please read carefully and prepare the application according to Instructions on Passport Extension or Authentication before applying.

Applicants should apply to the relavent Chinese Consulate or
Embassy according to the Consular districts of the People's Republic of China. Only those applicants residing in Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Hawaii, and Pacific Islands such as Guam and Saipan can apply to the Passport & Visa Office of the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles. Applications from other states will be returned without processing.

Please mark clearly on the envelope "Passport Extension" or "Authentication" in order to have the application ly processed. The Chinese Embassy and Consulates are not responsible for any possible delay in processing or return of application if the envelope is not clearly marked.

Please enclose a cover letter including the list of items mailed and your daytime telephone number.

II. Handling Service Charge

In addition to the passport extension or authentication fee, $5.00 handling fee per package will be charged. The applicants should pre-pay the return postage.

Only money orders or bank checks are acceptable. All fees for the application(s) in one package may be covered by one check. Please do not send any cash or personal checks for consular payment.

The payment should be made payable to "Chinese Consulate".

III. A self-addressed and pre-paid Return Envelope with sufficient postage must be enclosed with the application.

Please choose trackable mail service, such as Express Mail and Priority Mail,

Do not use express delivery services such as FedEx, UPS, Airborne, DHL, or meter-stamped envelopes for return mail.

Certified or registered mail is not acceptable.

Applicants are responsible for the correct address and sufficient postage on the return envelope.

IV. Mailing Address

Passport & Visa Office, Chinese Consulate
443 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, CA 90020

V. Process Time

It takes 7 to 10 business days to process applications received by mail. Rush service is not available.

Do not make any inquires about the status of your application within 15 days of submission. In case of emergency, please fax to the Consulate the related information, including the applicant's name, birth date, passport number, mailing details, and contact numbers or E-mail.

VI. Other Notes

The applicants should fully estimate the risk of possible loss, damage, or delay in the process of delivery, and allow themselves sufficient time for recovery measures. The Chinese Embassy and Consulates are not responsible for any loss, damage, delay, or mishandling of your passport(s) or document(s) in the process of delivery.

The above instructions are subject to change, without notice, at the discretion and interpretation of the Chinese Embassy and Consulates.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 03:35

1、登陆:http://losangeles.china-consulate.org/chn/ 查看有关说明。
简单的说,就是填表(网上下载),护照原件和复印件,有效工作证复印件,入境单原件,15美元*费用(需购买当地的Money Order),邮寄到洛杉叽总领事馆办理,时间1-2个月。


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