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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 01:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 04:19

This make mistakes, you want to a lot of things, to reflect a lot of things, I'm really sorry, are mad at her, to break the iron law school, also realized the seriousness of their mistakes, he made a mistake to feel ashamed.
The school terms begins SanLingWuShen, repeatedly stressed that the school rules, remind students don't break the rule, but I do not have the school and teacher words in heart, and failed to pay attention to the teacher said, failed to pay attention to the school issued important events, as STH, these are not as it should be. Also is the teacher's not respect. Should the teacher said in mind, issued by the school rules and principles in mind.
After the event, I was calm and thought for a long time, I this mistake not only bring you trouble, hold up their own learning. And I this behavior to the school also creates and its bad effect, destroy the school management system. Among the schoolmates also caused the bad influence. Because I a person's mistake, can cause the other students the copy, affect the class discipline, grade and discipline to the school discipline is also a kind of damage, and to have great expectations for their teachers, parents also is a kind of damage, but also of the other students parents of a kind of irresponsible.
Every school hopes its students to be excellent, comprehensive development, establishing good image, also make our school has a good image. Each and every one of my classmates are also hope the school to give yourself a good learning environment to study and life. My own included I also want to have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment by everyone to jointly maintain to set up, and I myself this time is made a mistake, and to destroy the school's good environment, it is very should not, if each and every one of my classmates are so make mistakes, it is not a good learning environment formation, to break the rule of the students give punishment is also should.
I also for half a month at home, they think a lot, also realize that he had made a very serious mistakes, I know, cause so much damage, I should be for his own mistakes pay the price, I would also like to should assume the responsibility of despite is can't afford, especially in key universities accept ecation for the people, in this error should be in negative unshirkable main responsibility.
I sincerely accept the criticism, and willing to accept school gives processing.
I'm sorry, the teacher! I made a serious problem of principle. I know, I know, the teacher of the school rules also made for me very angry. I also know, for students, is to break the rules and do not violate discipline, do your own thing is one of the most basic responsibility, also is the most basic ty. But I and even the most basic didn't do it. Today, making a big mistake, I deeply regret unceasingly. I'll to the disciplinary event as a mirror always behave yourself, criticism and ecation, consciously accept supervision. I'm ashamed and keep watch, knows the shame and progressive, before it, and to change the shame for power, study hard.
I also want to pass the event, improve my ideological understanding, strengthen the responsibility measures. His would still like to study well, learning to me is the most important and the future survival, obtain employment is very important. I can now is small, I have the ability to fight. I also want to spell it once, in to a, hope the teacher to give me a for student a chance, and I'll turn, serious to learn, that way of life enrichment, this also is a waste of course at home, school course was very tight, learn rise very laborious, in future study life, I will study hard, all the lessons are trying to catch up.
Remember just got into the school, the teacher in charge teacher and vice head teacher have great expectations for me, learning can accept, can be in discipline but problems, the SanLingWuShen iron law in school, in the strict violated either of the environment, I made such a serious mistake, I should be severely punished for school is, I don't know how many times said with a loud voice, the principal, the teacher I was wrong, I'm wrong. Mom, dad, I was wrong, and I was wrong.
In this and a half months of, and every day I get up on time or it, think of me in school life for nearly two years. Have strong feelings for the school, the school in the future, I will have new look, appear in school, not in school and grade and my head teacher took. No matter in the study or in other aspects I will use the school rules to strict demands on themselves, and I will grasp the opportunity. Will it as the turning point of my life, the teacher want us to be the pillar of society, so I study in the future of school life more effort, not only the teacher taught us to learn the knowledge, to learn how to behave more, make such mistakes, for parents to my expectation is also a big hit, parents worked so hard to make money, we can make the life of the superior than others, some better, that we can make a commitment to the study. But, I make a mistake but against the wishes of the parents, but also of the parents of a negative wholeheartedly.
I'm ashamed. Believe that the teacher saw me this attitude can also know I to the incident is deeply repent of attitude, I believe my repent of heart, my behavior to the teacher is not the discipline challenges, your own a slip, hope the teacher can forgive my mistake, I will assure you it won't happen again the second time. For all this I will also further summary, deep reflection, ask teachers believe that I can learn from them, and correct the mistakes, the future redouble efforts to do a good thing. At the same time also sincerely hope that the teacher can continue to care about and support me, and for my question but act accordingly.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 04:20

Honorific teacher:
Today, I keep in mind sorry and ashamed write down this guarantee certificate for you to say to you my bad behavior in hasing a class to play a cellular phone, profoundly the understanding corrects false decision!
If this is the once very deep check, I am very ashamed with I making this time of mistake, I really should not not value teacher's words, I should not disobey a teacher, we are completely students and then should listen to the teacher's words, but I this time have no good value the teacher speaks of words.I feel very sorry, I hope that the teacher can forgive my mistake, I this of repent really deep.
The person always makes the false, certainly I know also not the ability use this as and lend, we still want and as far as possible avoid false occurrence like this, hope the heart of that the teacher can believe my and repent."The person has already lost a hand, Ma You slips".My bad behavior is to carry on a challenge to the teacher's discipline.Absolutely is a mistake, the teacher's words is very correct, be want to make mistake a mistake also should not again you of the in front make mistake a mistake, I feel really very ashamed, how can so of......
The attitude that believes that the teacher sees me can also know that my affairs to this repented an attitude very profoundly, I so thus of value the affairs this time, hope the mistake that teacher can forgive me, I can promise to will 't definitely appear the figure of my cellular phone inside your view scope again from now on toward the teacher, also absolutely can't at have a class of time inside play a cellular phone again, can't let, either cellular phone at go to school of time inside switch on.
If we are still students, there is no ability to the viewpoint that the words creation that the teacher speaks doesn't listen to, the only affair that can do of our student is thoroughly listen to a teacher and thoroughly study well, make the teacher able to trust, make the teacher able to trust.
The affairs this time I really feel sorry, hope the teacher can forgive me, can approve the attitude that I admit mistake, I really have already profoundly examined oneself my mistake, please concern to take good care of my teacher's classmate to continue to inspect, help I correct weakness and obtain a greater progress!





如今,大错既成,我深深懊悔不已.深刻检讨,认为在本人的思想中已深藏了致命的错误:思想觉悟不高,本人对他人的尊重不够,以后我将对老师有更多的尊重.对重要事项重视严重不足.平时生活作风懒散,如果不是因为过于懒散也不至于如此. 我辜负了您的一番心血,事无巨细.见微知著,由小及大,我作为一名初2学生还像小孩子一...

急求一千字检讨书 关于课间打闹!!




...有到放学时间就先走了(我只先走了2分钟) 1000字 o(︶︿︶)o 唉...





所以我不可以再犯懒惰的错误了,我要积极地看待我所生活,学习过的每一天,给我自己留下一个美好的回忆,给同学和老师留下好的印象,让我在这3年的时间创造出一个另人折服的奇迹。怀着十二万分的愧疚和懊悔写下这份检讨书. 经过这段时间的思想转变,现在的我,较之以前已经有了很大的改变,对自己...





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