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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-31 23:26



热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 19:22

1.On Saturday, mum and I went out for a walk. On the way we met a foreigner. She ask us for going to the Summer Palace road, I told her that go straight along the road and turn right at the third crossing, saw her thank me, I also can help because she felt happy.
2.My uncle helpful, one day uncle is park for a walk along the river. Suddenly I heard a sound of distress. He looked the privately, but saw nothing. Then, a woman ran to him and put him to the other side of the river. See the river has a girl, my uncle is very dangerous jumped off his clothes. The girl was saved, uncle is very happy

热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 19:22

1. I went for a walk with my Mum last Saturday. We met a foreigner on the way. She asked us the way to the Summer Palace. I told her to go along the road and turn right at the third crossing, then she will see it. She was very grateful. I was happy because I could help her.

2. My uncle is always very helpful. Someday, when he was taking a walk along the river, he suddernly heard someone shout:"Help! Help!" He looked down but saw nothing. At that time, a woman ran to him and led him to the other side of the river. He saw a girl in the river, it was very dangerous. He took off his clothes and jumped into the river. The girl was saved and my uncle was very happy.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 19:23

Last Saturday,my mother and I went out for a walk.On our way,we met a foreigner.She asked us how to get to the Summer Palace.I told her to walk along this road and you could see it at the third crossing on the right.She is very thankful to me.I also felt happy because I helped her.
(2)My uncle is very warm-hearted and helpful.One day,my uncle walked along the bank of the river in the park.Suddenly,he heard someone call "help".He looked around,but saw nothing.At that time,a woman ran to him and took him to the other side of the river.My uncle saw the girl was dangerous in the river.He took off the clothes and jumped into the river.The girl was saved and my uncle felt very happy.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 19:23

1)Last Saturday, my mother and I go for a walk.On the road we met a foreigner,She asked us the way to the Summer Palace.I told her walking along this road ,turn right at the third corner and she will find it.She told me that she thanks me a lot.And i am also very happy to help her.
2)My uncle was very warm-hearted,one day my uncle was waliking along the river side.Suddenly he heard the voice of distress.He look around but he could not find anything.At this moment,a woman ran to him ,she told him that a girl on the other side of the river had a lot of troubles .My uncle took off his clothes and jump into the river.Finally the girl rescuced and my uncle was very glad to save this girl.
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