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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-31 23:07



热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 13:51

1、尽管我们动身晚了,我们仍然及时到达这这儿(in time)
We can still reach there in time though we started late.
2、很多妇女准备在明年生宝宝(give birth to)
Many women are ready for giving birth to a baby next year.
Could you please tell me how to prevent these things from happening?
4、他除了给我忠告外,还给我钱(as well as)
He gave me advice as well as money.
He puzzled his brain about how to answer the letter.
6、现在轮到我们学会如何与别人相处了(in one's turn)
It's our turn to learn how to get along with others.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 13:51

1.Although we leave a bit late, we still arrive here in time.
2.Many women plan to give birth to their babies the next year.
3.Could you please tell me how to prevent these things from happening?
4.He gives me suggestions, as well as money.
5.He is puzzled about replying this letter.
6.Now, it's in our turn to learn how to get along with others.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 13:52

1.Though we got started late,we still got here in time.
2.Many women are giving birth to babies next year.
3.Please tell me how to prevent such things from happening.
4.He gave me advice as well as money.
5.He is puzzling over how to write back.
6.Now it's our turn to learn how to get along with others.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 13:52

Although we leave late , we still arrival here in time
Many women prepare to give birth to a baby next year
Would you please tell me how to prevent this kind of thing from happening
He gave me advice, as well as money
He puzzled how to reply to this letter
Now we ,in our turn, should learn how to get along with others

热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 13:53

1.Although we late start, we still arrive in time this here
2.Many women ready to have the baby in the next year
3.Would you please tell me how to prevent this kind of thing happen?
4.He as well as advice, return to me money
5.He didn't know how to reply to this letter
6.Now it's our turn to learn how to get along with others

热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 13:54

1 Although we left late, we still arrive in time here
2 Many women in the next year baby
3 Please tell me how to prevent this from happening, please?
4 Addition to give me advice, and gave me the money
5 He do not know how to return this letter
6 Now up to us to learn how to get along with others

1、尽管我们动身晚了,我们仍然及时到达这这儿(in time)We can still reach there in time though we started late.2、很多妇女准备在明年生宝宝(give birth to)Many women are ready for giving birth to a baby next year.3、请你告诉我怎样防止这种事情发生好吗?(prevent..from..)Could...


5. 老实说,我当时感到很尴尬,真希望地上能裂开一个口子把我吞灭。(to tell the truth)To tell the truth, I felt so embarrassed at that moment that I hoped there had splited a rift to swallow me at once.4. 教育重在培养学生的综合能力,而不是只注重他们的考试成绩。(emphasize ,r...

哪位英语好的朋友帮我翻译下啊 很着急用啊

1梦想是前进的动力 2英国已经清楚地认识到了自己在联合国和世界贸易组织中扮演的角色 3他是我最不愿意见到的人 4如果不是他那热情又诚恳的握手,我会被他充满自信的气势和有些贵族气派的举止吓倒。5我不相信她曾注意到她在慢慢变老 6像在其他许多发展中甚至发达的经济体中一样,这个国家无疑也仍有...



请哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这些句子,急用啊 1. 你对中国的未来有什么样...

1. 你对中国的未来有什么样的想法?you for the future of China have what idea?2.我们作为新一代的中学生,对国家有怎么样的责任?we as a new generation of middle school students, the responsibility for what country?3. 你对自己的祖国骄傲自豪吗?you to his motherland proud proud?4....




of organization,understanding,and performance.I have good characters such as helping others,enthusiasm,generousness,being active in my work,spirit of enduring hardships.Last but not least,i am able to adjust myself to new environment quikly.完全是自己翻译的,楼上基本都是机翻的- - ...

大家好,有哪位高人可以帮我翻译一下 英语啊 非常着急 万分感谢!! 谢谢...

1、My family runs a costume factory which is managed well with about 40 workers.2、I'm sorry. I am really nervous. Could you please say it again in Chinese? Thank you.3、Because my parents support me to study in America, they afford all the money I need there.4、I like...


a good team spirit, initiative. Good at planning, co-ordination arrangements for services, learning ability,Will soon be able to accept new things. A strong sense of responsibility, hard-working, well completion work.--- 纯人工翻译,望答案如君所求....


我们在英语教学中要有意识、有目地、有计划地进行美育教学。美育使学生在心灵深处受到感染和感化,培养学生具有正确的审美观点,具有感受美、鉴赏美、表现美和创造美的能力的教育。在英语教学中, 教师是美的传播者,学生是美的实践者。通过师生互动,促使学生对教学形式和教学内容产生浓厚兴趣,以美求真、...

我英语不好用英语怎么说 我很好用英语怎么说 英语翻译 说英语的英文 我的英语怎么说 很好英语怎么说 极好的英语 很高兴认识你用英语怎么说 你来自哪里用英语怎么说
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