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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 01:45



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 21:57

1、 However, when it was proved that he had relied on drugs to gain the title, Ben Johnson was stripped of the medal and sent home immediately.

2、 With the development of medical science, modern athletes have an even wider choice when it comes to pills and drugs.

3、 This is because people who take stimulants think they can keep going and they push their bodies too far.

4、 The soap opera has succeeded in capturing the imagination of the entire world.

5、 If a favorite character is unfairly treated, this usually provokes strong reactions.

6、 A dramatic incident such as an argument is deliberately cut short by the closing title sequence.

7、 In between episodes, viewers can speculate with their friends about the direction that the plot may take.

8、 Some viewers say they enjoy gossiping about the soap as much as they enjoy watching the actual program.

9、 He has built a mansion overlooking Lake Washington that he’s packed with high-tech gadgetry and TV monitors, some taking up an entire wall.

10、 Visitors are given a smart card encoded with their personal preferences, so that, as they wander from room to room, their favorite pictures will appear on the screens, and the music they like will play

11、 This cold-blooded approach to human relationships also seems to be true of his love life.

12、 When he went out with an ex-girlfriend, Ann Winblad, who is now a very successful businesswoman, the couple concted much of their relationship by going on virtual dates.

13、 Gates went on to Harvard University, where he managed to be in the same class as the girls he fancied by inserting a piece of software into the college computer.

14、 “No,” Joe said quietly,“ In software being first is everything.”
15、 Yet buying and selling-the lifeblood of business-was still being done by instinct.

16、 Bands told him to get lost.(Banks told him to go away)

17、 So he turned to the great investment bank of his generation: plastic.

18、 Since then, orders from other Fortune 500 companies have flooded in.

19、 “They were like explorers hacking their way through a jungle-they had to be prepared to handle anything.

20、 Even when he won the Commonwealth cruiserweight title in 1995, some 13 years later, she still had her reservations.

21、 Today, though, Chris Okoh has swapped the ring for the challenge of rehabilitating offenders, and his mum couldn’t be prouder.

22、 It is not the most conventional career route.

23、 “They came from difficult backgrounds and it was a very demanding role, but I loved it,” he recalls

24、 He sympathized with the clients, many of whom were on probation orders for crimes committed to feed their habits.

25、 Okoh says,“ But I was really determined to see it through.”
























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