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Please help me!Rewrite the following sentences in a different way as instructed。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 01:36



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:36

1.Martin was completely (ignorant) of literature. (noun)
Martin was of ignorance on literature.
2.Business (tends) to improve ring Christmas.(n.)There is a tendence that business will improve ring christmas.
3.Even if he is honest, he may make mistakes.(use"grant")
Granted ,he is honest,he may make mistakes.
4.His (optimistic) ideas blinded him to many problems. (noun)
His optimism blinded him to many problems.
5.If you harness atomic power in a car, you'll have no more worries about petrol. (use an imperative sentence)
Don't worry about petrol untill we harness atomic power in a car.
6. Splitting an atom will cause energy to (release). (noun)
Splitting an atomic will cause release of energy.
7.The leaders of the province (inaugurated) the Chinese Export Commondities Fair yesterday. (noun.) The leader of the province attened the inauguration of the Chinere export commodity fair yesterday.
8. The workers' gathering is a (foreboding) of a strike. (v) The workers' gathering forbodes a strike.
9. We (enjoy) books very much. (n.)
We take enjoyment from books very much.
10. This meterial (resists) fire. (adj.) This material is resistant to fire.
11. Well, by grace of one of the engineering feats of the century, for richer or poorer, better or worse,England and France are getting hitched. (Translate it into Chinese)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:37

1.Martin was completely ignorance of literature.
2.Business has a tendency to improve ring Christmas.
3.Even if he is granted to be honest,he may make mistakes.
4.His ideas of optimism blinded him to many problems.
5.You mustn't harness atomic power in a car, or you'll have to worry about petrol.
6.Splitting an atom will cause the release of energy.
7.The inauguration of the Chinese Exported Commondities Fair was held by the leaders of the province yesterday.
8.The workers' gathering forebodes a strike.
9.We have plenty of enjoyment with books .
10.The meterial is resistant to fire.
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