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求奥巴马就职演讲(yes we can!)的英语观后感,尽快

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 03:02



热心网友 时间:2023-09-02 15:09

我来帮忙~~ today i saw the speech of obama.as many people around the world,i've been expecting his speech to be a great and outstanding one for he is always good at creating a fierce atmosphere and making others'lost in what he has said.however,today,i am a little disappointed because his speech is not as wonderful as it supposed to be.it is known to all that every elected president of the u.s.a is required to offer a speech before he enter the white house.and according to the speeches of the former presidents,there were so many unforgettable sentences like‘don't ask what america can do for you;ask what you can do for america;don't ask what america can do for the world;but ask what we can do to make the world a better place.’ in his speech,he talk about raising american's confidence towards its ecnomic development,its job-finding and so on.he mentioned american's laziness and that they should harder.actually,till now, i absolutely agree with him,i think his words were greatly applauded because they are of present value,and america needs a person who can raise the nation's confidence.hoever,i don't think what he said later is reliable.he said america is every country's friend,america want to do anything good for the world and the people all over the world.this is too political,it is a lie that every ruler would tell.like the old saying goes,there is no real friends but benefits.we all know in the past few years america did so many things that would hurt other country's heart and make so many people suffer. after all,the lie is well told.it seems there is not many things that are realistic in his speech,so the stocks didn't rise but continued falling after obama's speech. atfer his speech,we can think of so many hit issues,moreover,i think it is the time that we should think about our own country's development.i know it is hard,but we can try and gain some confidence that obama revealed in his speech.the world is a dark place,but it is worth fighting for.
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