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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-10 17:08



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 05:39

It must be wonderful if you have seen it! It was extraordinary lively, many superstars performed on the stage to show their glamour, and there also had many interactions between performers and audience. Many people shouted violently and I also shouted the name of my favorite singer crazily. Last night was a sleepless night, I was crazy really, and I felt so excited. Because I didn’t sleep last night, so I am in poor state today. I feel sleepy when traveling, huh huh, but every time I think of the concert of last night, I will be very excited!


热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 05:39

"If you have seen enough!! Very busy here, and many singers have appeared on stage to demonstrate their presence, of which there are many interactive activities with the audience, many people are desperately cry, I mad cried their favorite singer's name is a sleepless night last night, I am really crazy, really very happy, because there is no sleep, so I am very poor state to a time when tourism has always wanted to sleep, huh, huh, But whenever I think of the concert last night, I will be very exciting!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 05:40

If you have seen enough!! Very busy here, and many singers have appeared on stage to demonstrate their presence, of which there are many interactive activities with the audience, many people are desperately cry, I狂叫their favorite singer's name is a sleepless night last night, I am really crazy, really very happy, because there is no sleep, so I am very poor state to a time when tourism has always wanted to sleep, huh, huh, but Whenever I think of the concert last night, I will be very exciting!


热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 05:40

It would be wonderful if you saw it last night, it is very noisy and lively; lots of singers appeared on the stage to show themselves. There are many audience access activities, many people are screaming desperately, I’m also crying my favorite’s singer. It is a sleepless night, I’m really crazy, and really happy. Because of no enough sleep, I looks very bad today, ring travel, what I want is to sleep, but when thinking of the concert last night, I will be extremely excited.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 05:41

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