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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 04:27



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 11:21

Plastic box
Blister in supporting
Laptop bag edge clip business manager
Notebook printing
Notebook printing PU lining
Notebook printing oil to fluff the lining
Color printing envelopes
Real estate family single
Picture album
False advertising book props books
Gift box
Corporate laptop customization
Enterprise publicity paper cups
Hand bag
The invitation
The exhibition flyer
Color box
Jacket color page
Pictorial pictorial
Hand bag
No carbon carbon paper
Color page
The recipe
Picture album
Desk calendar
The envelope
Post-press equipment - sewing machine
Post-press equipment - nailing machine
Printing equipment - beer machine
Germany Heidelberg four-color folio
Germany man Roland sheet offset press
Outside Heidelberg, Germany CP2000 four-color machine
Eight open four-color Heidelberg
The tower, folding machine, automatic card
Paper cutter

Swiss martini automatic binding dragon
The Swiss full-automatic martini riding a dragon
Printing machine
Prepress equipment
The completion of a print, no matter adopt what kind of printing method, generally go through the original design and choice, the original proction, plate making, printing, postpress process, such as the process is as follows:
Provide design requirements or manuscript
Print quality scan
Set the computer typesetting
Electric extension
Hair film
Coated paper
White paper
Four adhesive paper

Four adhesive paper
The raw materials
The cutting machine
Printing machine
Four open paper
PS version
The printer
Compound membrane
UV oil
On the blister oil
Compound film machine
UV glazing oil al purpose machine
Draw rectangular stickers
The card type
The framed

Paper wrapping machine
Cross live machine
Film cutting machine
Pasting box
The non-drying label
Paper card
Color box
The final proct

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 11:21

Plastic box
Blister in supporting
Laptop bag edge clip business manager
Notebook printing
Notebook printing PU lining
Notebook printing oil to fluff the lining
Color printing envelopes
Real estate family single
Picture album
False advertising book props books
Gift box
Corporate laptop customization
Enterprise publicity paper cups
Hand bag
The invitation
The exhibition flyer
Color box
Jacket color page
Pictorial pictorial
Hand bag
No carbon carbon paper
Color page
The recipe
Picture album
Desk calendar
The envelope
Post-press equipment - sewing machine
Post-press equipment - nailing machine
Printing equipment - beer machine
Germany Heidelberg four-color folio
Germany man Roland sheet offset press
Outside Heidelberg, Germany CP2000 four-color machine
Eight open four-color Heidelberg
The tower, folding machine, automatic card
Paper cutter

Swiss martini automatic binding dragon
The Swiss full-automatic martini riding a dragon
Printing machine
Prepress equipment
The completion of a print, no matter adopt what kind of printing method, generally go through the original design and choice, the original proction, plate making, printing, postpress process, such as the process is as follows:
Provide design requirements or manuscript
Print quality scan
Set the computer typesetting
Electric extension
Hair film
Coated paper
White paper
Four adhesive paper

Four adhesive paper
The raw materials
The cutting machine
Printing machine
Four open paper
PS version
The printer
Compound membrane
UV oil
On the blister oil
Compound film machine
UV glazing oil al purpose machine
Draw rectangular stickers
The card type
The framed

Paper wrapping machine
Cross live machine
Film cutting machine
Pasting box
The non-drying label
Paper card
Color box
The final proct

Blister in supporting Laptop bag edge clip business manager Notebook printing Notebook printing PU lining Notebook printing oil to fluff the lining Color printing envelopes Real estate family single Picture album False advertising book props books Gift box Corporate laptop customization Enterpr...




主题: re :新的印刷电路板为下列服务 亲爱mr.naseer艾哈迈德 谢谢您的chematic图表,照片和集成电路规格。请对一些以下几个方面的问题答复我们:1 )天气,整个装置(印刷电路板+两集会+铝案) ,将重新设计和并且是由我们吗?或在印刷电路板+组装电子元件,将重新设计和再由我们吗?或只印刷电路板...


we can't work out such a big box like this. how about our own boxes? are they acceptable for you? if not, pls tell me your knowd print factory, we can contact with them about this.


1. draws back the single registration form 2. serial numbers 3. to receive the human (to take over human)4. receive time 5. to make wrong (to be wrong person)6. to process human 7. processing to complete the time 8. reason 9. labor single conditions (order form condition...

跪求"LCD生产设备FOR STN. TFT. PDP"方面的专业日语单词

レーザー印刷机 激光印刷机 モールド机 注塑机 圧制机(あっせいき) 压制机 スパッタ― 喷溅 PKG移栽机 PKG移栽机 部品搭载机 部品搭载机 ワイヤー・ボンディング 金线连结 固体化炉(こたいかろ) 固体化炉 反封止机 假封止机 LEAK検査机 LIK检查机 电特検査机 电特检查机...


飞符为患又为灾,啾唧无端水破财。有得有失,存款宜购置,平运。十神为偏印:其表象范围大多与学术研究、爱好特长,以及长辈、 贵人、母亲等有关。吉象:较易得贵人帮助,爱好特长易发挥,学术研究较易有成就。凶象:学业或事业有波折,生活不安定,名誉有损,或母亲有事。不利子女,易发生交通事故。2010年 7月 7日~...


帮助的人:373万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 (一) (1) 爱国就是对祖国的忠诚和热爱。历朝历代,许多仁人志士都具有强烈的忧国忧民思想,以国事为己任,前仆后继,临难不屈,保卫祖国,关怀民生,这种可贵的精神,使中华民族历经劫难而不衰。爱国的内容十分广泛,热爱祖国的山河,热爱民族的历史,关心祖国...


一举一动、一言一行,此时无声胜有声。 商务交往涉及的面很多,但基本来讲是人与人的交往,所以我们把商务礼仪界定为商务人员交往的艺术。人们对礼仪有不同的解释。有人说是一种道德修养。有人说是一种礼仪是一种形式美,有人讲礼仪是一种风俗习惯。礼出于俗,俗化为礼。商务礼仪的操作性,即应该怎么做,不应该怎么...


9.欧洲煤钢共同体条约文本用的是荷兰纸张、德国墨水、法国印刷术、由比利时和卢森堡装订、附着意大利制作的飘带。这说明了 A.利用各国最先进技术 B.体现各国分工合作的精神 C.想周六国的合作 D.文本制作工序复杂 C,象征六国的合作。你打错字啦。欧洲煤钢共同体是指将六国的煤和铁由一个新成立的机构...


十神为偏印:其表象范围大多与学术研究、爱好特长,以及长辈、 贵人、母亲等有关。吉象:较易得贵人帮助,爱好特长易发挥,学术研究较易有成就。凶象:学业或事业有波折,生活不安定,名誉有损,或母亲有事。不利子女,易发生交通事故。2006年 2月 4日~2007年 2月 4日:花开遇雨无颜色,月明偶被黑云遮。冲财体差,宜...

印刷业是朝阳产业吗 印刷业属于哪个行业 印刷业 目前的印刷业 印刷业包装装潢范围 印刷业招聘 印刷业的前景 印刷业前景如何 印刷业发展趋势
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