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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 04:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 03:28

The life lies in the movement
Mother tells me, me specially is since childhood easy to fall ill, metthe climatic change even more not to be able to adapt in particular,coughed all day. But present? Ha ha, the dear friend, these all werethe past matter. My body is very good, the good long time has notfallen ill. You want to know is what reason? I must loudly tell you:Is the movement!
I always fall ill, everybody knew, father and mother also very want tolook for a treatment for me the means, but always cannot find, theyhave passed the brain for this wound. One day, the daddy said to methat, "Starting today you every day get up early make the exercise,because exercises the body to be allowed to strengthen bodily theresistivity." I although am regarding this doubtful, but or starts toexercise. Starts several days fortunately, crossed several days,feared painstakingly feared the tired thought caused me more and morenot to be willing to do. Early morning the daddy is called me me notto be willing to get up quite a while, the movement also dawdles.
All these all watch with the tail of eye by the daddies, feels verydistressed. Once, he said to me that, "You are a coward." Hears I tobe very sad to this saying, also is not convinced very much, thereuponI recheer up. From this time on, each same day returns the dawn, Istarted the movement... ... Then, graally I have fostered theexercise custom. Every day persisted does for half hour the movement,to the rainy day, I on has done in the home holds.
Paid the general meeting to have the harvest. The miracle appeared.Before I cannot achieve difficultly act I now to be allowed to do verymuch well, for instance the sit-ups, beforehand minutes more than 20,now actually can make more than 40. The physical quality hadprogressed, beforehand easy cold, now regardless of the climaticchange much is intense, also very few cold. Attended class have beenalso more than the original spirit, capacity for food big increase.More importantly I was willing to help father and mother to do thehousework, because I had am the strength, they might be happy!
I had the very deep experience that, The life lies in the movement!From now on I also will have to continue to persist, will be a healthuseful person!
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