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英语作文 a fantastic experience 80字~急求~!! 谢谢各位大哥大姐了...

发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-01 19:13



英语作文 a fantastic experience 80字~急求~!! 谢谢各位大哥大姐...

I found there was no money with me. I couldn’t afford the bus ticket. So it took me 40 minutes to go home on foot. When I got home, I was very tired but happy. So I thought it was a fantastic experience for me, and for the boy, too.仅供参考~~...

英语作文 A fantastic experience

My fantastic experience Last Sunday was my birthday.I and my family went to the countryside to have a picnic.We got up early in the morning and we were all very excited.We ate a big breakfast so that we won't fell hungry during the long journey.Then we got on my father'...

英语作文 A fantastic experience(要原创)

I have a fantastic experience in Gansu.I have been to Lanzhou Gansu .I have had a good time. I have been to Baitashan Park with my sister.And there,I have taken lots of photos and climbed mountain. Second day, I have visited some stone animais. They are very cute.And I...

谁能写一篇60-80字的英语作文?题目《My Fantastic Experience》

我的美妙经验 上周日是我的生日.我和我的家人去野餐.我们清晨起身,我们都非常兴奋.我们吃了早餐,使我们在长时间的旅途中不会觉得饿。然后,我们上了我父亲的车,并开始我们的旅行。 我们花了约3小时可到达我们的目的地。当我们走下汽车,我们都感到可怕,但很兴奋.它是一个小镇.没有很多的人...

a Fantastic Experience 求英语作文,150个单词左右!

home happily .Suddenly, I found there was no money with me. I couldn’t afford the bus ticket. So it took me 40 minutes to go home on foot. When I got home, I was very tired but happy. So I thought it was a fantastic experience for me, and for the boy, too.

A fantastic experience 初二英语作文 一定要150词左右!不要太短 最...

and I feel proud that I was able to give others a helping hand. 上周当我在社区散步时遇到了一只流浪狗,天气很冷,周围没有人。我停了下来,他无助地望着我。我想“多么可怜的狗呀!”然后我决定把他带回家。当我们回到家,我喂给他吃的,给他喝的,并和他一起玩耍。但他似乎有点悲伤...


1、求一篇用现在完成时写一篇去北京玩的英语作文?我去北京玩了Last summer, I took a trip to Beijing, which was a fantastic and unforgettable experience for me. 我去年夏天去了北京旅游,这是一个令人难忘的经历。During my stay in Beijing, I visited many famous and historical landmarks and tasted ...


and there were also teachers with parents and some foreigners. We saw many pictures, real objects and models about science. It was fantastic! We could learn a lot here. Then we left the museum at about 10:30 am. It was really a wonderful experience for me. I hope to come ...

求用现在完成时写篇英语作文 希望不要用百度翻译什么的谢谢!

is a famous representative of Chinese culture and I really appreciated it.I have tasted much Chinese food such as jiaozi , doupi etc.I also have acquired some Chinese history and it enlightened me a lot.This experience is fantastic and educational , I will never forget it....


作文一: Beijing, the capital of China, is a must-visit destination for travelers. With its ric2、求一篇用现在完成时写一篇去北京玩的英语作文?我去北京玩了Last summer, I took a trip to Beijing, which was a fantastic and unforgettable experience for me. 我去年夏天去了北京旅游,这是一个令人...

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