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《我将要好好学习》 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 12:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 05:51

What's your goal?Do you have something you like?Maybe a lot of people have thought about it. In my opinion, doing what you like is very crucial to your career.Only when you keen on something and insist in that can you reach your goal.
There are several advantages.Firstly, insisting is a good virtue. When you put all your heart into this thing you will find happiness. Long time insisting is very good to form a excellent habit.Secondly, as we all known, our goal is not easy to reach, so we have to spend a lot of time on it which needs insisting. The last but not the least,numerous famous story tells us that insisting to do one thing is the only direct way to succeed, such as Edison .
Something you insisting on would be attain in one day, however, no one would achieve the goal if he give up on half way. Therefore, just do it, never give up.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 05:51

What's your goal?Do you have something you like?Maybe a lot of people have thought about it. In my opinion, doing what you like is very crucial to your career.Only when you keen on something and insist in that can you reach your goal.
There are several advantages.Firstly, insisting is a good virtue. When you put all your heart into this thing you will find happiness. Long time insisting is very good to form a excellent habit.Secondly, as we all known, our goal is not easy to reach, so we have to spend a lot of time on it which needs insisting. The last but not the least,numerous famous story tells us that insisting to do one thing is the only direct way to succeed, such as Edison .
Something you insisting on would be attain in one day, however, no one would achieve the goal if he give up on half way. Therefore, just do it, never give up.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 05:51

What's your goal?Do you have something you like?Maybe a lot of people have thought about it. In my opinion, doing what you like is very crucial to your career.Only when you keen on something and insist in that can you reach your goal.
There are several advantages.Firstly, insisting is a good virtue. When you put all your heart into this thing you will find happiness. Long time insisting is very good to form a excellent habit.Secondly, as we all known, our goal is not easy to reach, so we have to spend a lot of time on it which needs insisting. The last but not the least,numerous famous story tells us that insisting to do one thing is the only direct way to succeed, such as Edison .
Something you insisting on would be attain in one day, however, no one would achieve the goal if he give up on half way. Therefore, just do it, never give up.
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