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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 10:51



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 01:13

1, this paper discusses hangzhou public bicycle site location, site layout, aims to further optimize the region of hangzhou rapid economic development, the future will increase demand for public bicycles. 2, to optimize the site no matter from the current perspective or in the long run will promote the development of the operating enterprise good, and better to promote the development of the distributed project.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 01:13

1, This paper is focused on the selection of public bicycle station in Hangzhou city in order to further decorate the distribution in this reigon. As Hangzhou's economy rapidly developing, the demand for shared bicycle will certainly increase in the future.

2, Whether for now or in years, this task will beyond doubt be a stimulation for transportation enterprises, and on the other hand will be even a better beneficial project for local residents.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 01:14

1,this papercarries on the discussion to theHangzhou publicbike sitelocation,in order tofurther optimize theregionalsitelayout,Hangzhourapid economic development,the futureof publicbicycledemand alsowill increase.
2 optimization,siteno matter from thecurrentperspective or from along-term perspectivewillpromote the sound development ofenterprises,andpromote the development oftheHuimin projectbetter.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 01:14

1、In this thesis, the site selection of the Hangzhou public bicycle site carried
out the explore the, so as aimed at further optimize the the the arrangement of
of the the in the region site, the the rapid development of of Hangzhou Economic
and, on the the the demand for of the public bicycle in the future also is bound
to growth
2、Optimization of the site whether it is from the current point of view or in the
long run will promote the good development of the operating companies, and to
promote the development of projects that benefit the better

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 01:15

1.This thesis is to explore the site of the Hangzhou public bicycle site , designed to further optimize the layout of the site in the region , the rapid economic development in Hangzhou , the demand for future public bicycle will also increase .
2.Optimization of the site whether it is from the current point of view or in the long run will promote the good development of the operating companies , and to promote the development of projects that benefit the better .

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