发布时间:2022-04-27 11:07
时间:2023-09-26 17:34
1. 美国大学博士的学制一般是4-5年,期间要通过资格考试,才能继续做毕业论文。没有通过资格考试的,就会被终止而淘汰。中国的硕士毕业生申请美国博士是可以直接被录取的,他们的学历资格与在美国读5年是没有关系的。有的美国博士也接受本科生申请硕博连读。不会因为你读了硕士,博士就读的时间短。据说有能人用3年时间读完美国博士的,可基本都是4-5年,或更长时间。
2. 如果你的课程都是用英语授课,可以在申请时候说明,免除托福的可能性很大,但是也会要求你考GRE。
3. 美国大学大体分3类。本科大学,硕士研究生类型的大学,以及研究性的大学。博士专业基本都是在研究性的大学里。因此,不是所有的大学都设置硕士,或者博士的专业。
4. 读博士特别要注意选择本专业的导师,如果导师强,研究经费就多,你的日子就好过。如果你读博士还是自费,那么是很失败的。(傻子才自己掏钱,然后还要为导师工作)。因此,不一定旧金山州立是你最好的选择。
It is a bit easier to be admitted as a Master student than as a PhD student in the States.
Usually Master students have a few opportunities to receive financial aids from the universities and the departments, and universities prefer those students to enlarge their income. But in the States, PhD students are regarded as preliminary researchers and they are usually paid by the departments and their supervisors. In this case, the recruitment of PhD students is more strictly.
Some universities of good reputations even provide many opportunities for students to pursue their master degrees, i.e. Stanford, Columbia and U of Southern California. But PhD applications there are extremely competitive.
However, if you want full financial aids you have to apply PhD rather than Master. It is possible for a Master student to be awarded full financial aids, and the opportunities are rare.
Sorry I cannot type Chinese now. There is no concept like "kao bo" or "kao yanjiusheng" in the States. I have never heard that in the States people like "kao yanjiusheng". In fact if they could get very good job offers, most of them will choose to work. Besides, degrees are also important in North America. For example, for some positions, especially in some academic and instrial research, PhD degree is a must.
I can explain in Chinese later if you need further information. Hope it helps.
时间:2023-09-26 17:35