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热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 05:34
1、Zhaohui Pan;*Min Zhu,A new petalichthyid placoderm from the Early Devonian of Yunnan, China, Comptes Rens Palevol, 14(*), pp 1-13, 2015.
2、John A. Long; Elga Mark-Kurik; Zerina Johanson; Michael S. Y. Lee; Gavin C. Young;Min Zhu; Per E. Ahlberg; Michael Newman; Roger Jones; Jan den Blaauwen; Brian Choo……,Copulation in antiarch placoderms and the origin of gnathostome internal fertilization, Nature, 517(7533), pp 196-199, 2015.
3、Wenjin Zhao; Guodong Jia;Min Zhu; Youan Zhu,Geochemical and paleontological evidence for the definition of Silurian/Devonian Boundary in the Changwantang Section, Guangxi Province, China, Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 64(1), pp 110-114, 2015.
4、Wenjin Zhao;Min Zhu,A review of Silurian fishes from Yunnan,China and related biostratigraphy, Palaeoworld, 24(*), pp 1-9, 2015.
5、朱敏等,中国古脊椎动物志. 第一卷. 鱼类. 第一册(总第一册): 无颌类, 科学出版社, 2015.
6、Chudong Si; Zhikun Gai; Wenjin Zhao,A new species of Siyingia from the Lower Devonian Xishancun Formation of Qujing, Yunnan, Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 53(2), p *, 2015.
7、Yuhai Liu; Zhikun Gai;Min Zhu,The discussion on some problems in galeaspids (Agnatha), Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 52(4), pp 349-363, 2014/10.
8、Brian Choo;*Min Zhu; Wenjin Zhao; Liaotao Jia; Youan Zhu,The largest Silurian vertebrate and its palaeoecological implications, Scientific Reports, 4(5242), pp 1-9, 2014/6/12.
9、朱幼安,中国泥盆纪两种短胸节甲鱼类形态学与分支系统学研究, 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所, 博士, 中国科学院大学, 中国, 2014/5.
10、赵文金;朱敏,中国志留纪鱼化石及含鱼地层对比研究综述, 地学前缘, 21(2), pp 185-202, 2014/2/14.
11、*朱幼安;朱敏,古鱼展新脸: 初始全颌鱼的发现, 科学(上海), 65(6), pp 3-6, 2014/01/13.
12、赵文金;朱敏,中国志留纪鱼化石及含鱼地层对比研究综述, 地学前缘, 02期, pp 185-202, 2014.
13、*Min Zhu,Bone gain and loss: insights from genomes and fossils, National Science Review, 1(4), pp 490-497, 2014.
14、*Wenjin Zhao;Min Zhu,Silurian fishes from Yunnan, China and related biostratigraphy, IGCP Project 591 Field Workshop 2014 in conjunction with ISSS, ISOS, ISCS, IGCP591 Field Workshop 2014, 2014/8/12-2014/8/21, Kunming, 2014.
15、*Kate Trinajstic; Zerina Johanson; Elga Mark-Kurik;Min Zhu; Lee Michael S Y; Gavin C. Young; Catherine Boisvert; John Long,The diversity of copulatory structures and reproctive Strategies in stem gnathostomes, 74th annual meeting of SVP, 2014, 241, 2014, Berlin, 2014.
16、*Brian Choo;Min Zhu,Big fish in the Silurian-large size and trophic specialization in osterichthyans from the Ludlow Kuanti Formation of Yunnan, China, 74th annual meeting of SVP, 2014, Berlin, 2014.
17、朱敏,古生物学与考古学奖, 何梁何利基金评选委员会, 古生物学与考古学奖, 何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖, 2014.
18、Zhikun Gai,Tracking gnathostome innovations in the jawless fossils by synchrotron X-ray microtomography, The 4th International Palaeontological Congress (IPC4), 2014/9/28-2014/10/3, Mendoza city, 2014.
19、盖志琨,中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖, 中国科学院, 院人才奖, 无, 2014.
20、Zhao Wenjin,那些“从鱼到人演化链条中的缺失环节”是怎样找到的?, 化石, 2014(2), pp 9-20, 2014.