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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 12:16



热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 21:35

I’m looking forward to the coming of my winter holiday. In order to have a good time in the vacation, I have made a plan for it. At first, my mother must ask me to do homework. If I don’t follow her words, I wouldn’t have peace in the following days until I finish my homework. So the first thing I will do in the winter holiday is to finish my homework. And then I will take full use of my time to go out play with my friends, because I will have to help my mother to prepare for the Spring Festival when it’s in the corner. Three days before Spring Festival, I will go to my grandmother’s home for a visit with my parents. After the Spring Festival I am going to travel with my family. As for where to go, I don’t have any plan now. Maybe we will go to Harbin to the snow. Being the southern local person, I have never seen snow and eager to see it once. After the trip, I think I have to go back to school. This is my plan for the coming winter vacation. What’s yours?


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热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 22:53

Learn English four ways: listen, say, read, write!
Listen: in the morning and hear the best half an hour or so of junior high school text hearing, every day, of course, if you can listen and write down the effect is better, listen to write from memory, listen to the time not too long, half an hour enough, adhere to is the most important. Listening comprehension materials do not buy too difficult, the before mentioned the new concept English is also a good choice, step by step, from simple to start, a copies to two.
Say: whether at home or at school, ready at any moment to speak english. If the family has no language environment, is when the automatic speaking also can ah. Q chat with others interested in studying English when people to chat in English is a good choice oh. Or to better English learning forum, with our superior friend, to learn every day!
Read: which is more important, home from school every day, should take 20 minutes to read your English text, learn the can; training is the main language. Should not be too long a time, 20 minutes is enough. Difficult to insist that every day.
Write: in China, the most important writing exam-oriented ecation, a certain amount of words to pass, memorizing words ( 20 ways to make you remember English words ) to have the skills, is back in the back, will only make themselves, but the effect is not good. Like you said, forget the back behind the front. In the process of memorizing words, write, write while back, it is best to practice listening when the listening content dictation down, when the examination is not easy to forget or word wrong, the future when the college entrance examination to write the composition is very important, you know, word wrong but points.
Now make a study plan, keep on learning English every day, I think your English, will soon have progress, remember to adhere to is the most important.



热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 00:28

How to learn English better(如何更好地学习英语)
English is more and more important in our learning and very useful in our daily life. So it’s necessary for us to improve English. Here are my ways.
First, I take lots of notes in every class, and try my best to memorize them. In my essay I will use them. Second, I always watch English movies and listen to English tapes to improve my pronunciation and listening. Next, studying with a group is also a good way to learn. Last, in daily life, I use English as often as possible.
2.The best way to learn English(学习英语最好的方法)
I asked my English teacher this morning, “How do you learn Chinese when you were a child? Think about it, and you’ll find the answer.”
I cannot recall how I studied my native language, but I still remember the way my little cousin learned to speak. He listened to what people said and tried to imitate what he had heard. At two or three years old, he could express himself in simple language. Now, he is five years old, he can speak more perfectly. He is using language, thinking in it and talking in it all the time.
I understand if I use English all the time, it won’t seem so difficult. I will learn it quickly. It’s the best way to learn a foreign language.
3.Its Important to Learn English(学习英语的重要性)
English is widely used throughout the world. So many people speak it as a second language. ()n line, you'll find lots of information in English. If you don't understand English, how can you know more about the world, how can you get more knowledge?
At international conferences, English is also used as the official language. Without good English, you cannot express your ideas well at such conferences; neither can you introce China to the outside world.
4.How to study English(怎样学习英语)
Study English, you do need to use English with speakers who are not teachers of English. This isn't easy, since everyone feels constrained speaking English with friends with whom it would be natural to use a shared mother tongue. Joining an English Club is a good idea and joining a club with an international membership (where English is in use at least some of the time) is, for many people, even better. If nothing like this is accessible, you might consider what would be involved in getting something going.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 02:19



My name is Linda Smith.My first name is Linda,My last name is Smith.I am fourteen years old.I like playing sports,such as football,ping-pong.

I have two footballs and many ping-pong balls.

My favorite subject is P.E,because I can play happily with my friends,I think it is very interesting

.I want to be a runner,like Liu Xiang.My favortie animal is panda,she is kind of shy and

提问Some rules I should obey on my way to school


回答The roods in our city are usually very busy .There are a lot of cars, trucks, vans and buses on the rood. So, we must obey the traffic rules.

As a driver, you mustn’t drive too fast, or you may not get home safely. Try not to work long hours, or you may be too tired and sleepy to drive. It’s easy to have an accident at this time .You mustn’t drink , either. It’s very dangerous to drive after drinking. Be careful when the weather is bad.

Obey the traffic rules, happy and safe every day.

The roods in our city are usually very busy .There are a lot of cars, trucks, vans and buses on the rood. So, we must obey the traffic rules.

As a driver, you mustn’t drive too fast, or you may not get home safely. Try not to work long hours, or you may be too tired and sleepy to drive. It’s easy to have an accident at this time .You mustn’t drink , either. It’s very dangerous to drive after drinking. Be careful when the weather is bad.

Obey the traffic rules, happy and safe every da

I am often very afraid to cross large wide streets. I always go to the traffic light and use the crosswalk,but many times I have been frightened。 When the light changes to green,I still need to look both directions to check the traffic On many occasions a speeding motorcycle or bicycle or once a truck drove past the red light and across the pedestrian's When I have my bicycle,I get off and walk across the street,but always someone crosses the red light.

Once at the intersection near National Taiwan University I saw an accident:a taxi had stopped for the light,and another truck came from behind and did not stop.

For safety,it is very important for everyone to obey the traffic laws.





热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 04:27

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