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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 12:16



热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 07:04

To enhance the adsorption efficacy of activated alumina, researchers have also modified alumina surface. In an effort to modify alumina, La(III)- and Y(III)- were impregnated to alumina by Wasay et al. [58]. The adsorption characteristics of the La(III)- andY(III) - impregnated alumina and the original alumina were compared for the removal of fluoride, and some other anions under various conditions. The removal selectivity by the impregnated alumina was found to be in the order: fluoride > phosphate > arsenate > selenite. Lanthanum hydroxide supported on alumina has also been studied to remove fluoride from aqueous solutions [59].
The adsorption capacity of original alumina was in the range of 0.170–0.190 mM/g, whereas for alumina impregnated with lanthanum hydroxide, the adsorption capacity was found higher (0.350 mM/g). The possible removal mechanism of fluoride by impregnated alumina was explained by ion exchange process between anion and hydroxide group on surface material. The adsorbent was effective in decreasing fluoride concentration from 7 mM to 0.003 mM in the pH range 5.7–8.0. Fluoride removal was affected by the presence of phosphate and sulphate whereas chloride, bromide, iodide and nitrate ions did not show significant influence on the sorption of fluoride by the prepared sorbent. The sorbed fluoride ions were eluted from the adsorbent with 10 mL of 0.1 M NaOH and the column could be reused after being conditioned with 10 mL of 1 mM HCl.
原氧化铝的吸附容量的范围是0.170–0.190 mM/g,而氢氧化镧浸渍氧化铝的吸附容量则较高(0.350 mM/g)。浸渍氧化铝的除氟机理可以解释为表层介质的阴离子和氢氧化组的离子交换过程。在5.7至8.0 pH值之间,吸附剂可以有效地将氟浓度从7 mM 降至0.003 mM。
磷酸盐和硫酸盐的存在影响除氟作用,而氯化、溴化、碘化和硝化离子却没表现出对吸附剂的吸氟作用有明显的影响。被吸附的氟离子可以用10 mL的0.1 M氢氧化钠从在吸附剂上洗提下来,经过用10 mL的1 mM盐酸护理后,塔还可重新使用。

Tripathy et al. [60] also modified the alumina surface by impregnating with alum and used the modified adsorbent for defluoridation. The adsorption of fluoride increased with the rise in pH and reached a maximum of 92.6% at pH 6.5, and then decreased with further increase in pH. Fluoride removal decreased in acidic range e to the formation of weak hydrofluoric acid or combined effect of both chemical and electrostatic interaction between the oxide surface and fluoride ion. At pH above 6.5, fluoride removal decreased sharply e to stronger competition with hydroxide ions on the adsorbent surface. The Langmuir sorption capacity of fluoride was found to be 40.68 mg/g at pH 6.5. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX) analysis provided direct evidence that fluoride was superficially adsorbed on alum impregnated activated alumina (AIAA) and the reaction might not be e to the adsorption, but simply surface precipitation. The desorption of fluoride from the adsorbent was done by rinsing the fluoride-adsorbed AIAA with 0.1 M NaOH at pH 12.0 followed by neutralization with 0.1 M HCl.
Tripathy与伙伴的研究[60]也利用明矾来改良氧化铝的表面来进行除氟。吸氟力随着pH值的升高而增强,当pH值在6.5时,吸氟力最高可达92.6%,过后吸氟力将会随着pH值的继续升高而下降。在酸性范围内除氟力的下降是因为弱氢氟酸的形成,或者是氧化表面和氟离子的化学与静电的相互作用。除氟力在pH值高于6.5时大幅下降是因为在吸附剂表面的氢离子较强的竞争。Langmuir氟吸附容量在6.5 pH值是40.68 mg/g。根据能量扩散式X射线光谱(EDAX)分析所提供的直接证据,氟被吸附于明矾浸渍氧化铝(AIAA)的表面,这种反应可能不是吸附作用,而只是表面沉淀。用pH值12.0 的0.1 M氢氧化钠清洗附有氟的明矾浸渍氧化铝,然后以0.1M盐酸进行中和,就可把氟从吸附剂脱附下来。


热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 07:05


修改氧化铝,镧(Ⅲ) - 和Y(Ⅲ) - 浸渍氧化铝
由Wasay等。 [58]。吸附特性
镧(Ⅲ) - 和Y(Ⅲ)浸渍氧化铝和原来的氧化铝
吸附剂可以用10 mL 0.1 M氢氧化钠和列
后重复使用空调1毫米盐酸10毫升。 tripathy
等。 [60]也浸渍氧化铝表面改性
用明矾和使用改性吸附剂的除氟。 “
最高的92.6%,在pH 6.5,然后进一步下降
氟离子。 pH值在6.5以上,除氟下降
发现在pH 6.5 40.68毫克/克。能量色散X射线光谱
只是表面的降水。解吸氟从theadsorbent的进行漂洗氟吸附AIAA在pH 12.0 0.1 M氢氧化钠0.1 M盐酸中和。

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