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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 13:05



热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 16:08


A:Hi,Mike,how are you ?
B: Fine, thank you . And you ?
A: I am very well . What are you doing for the coming exam ?
B: I am doing a lot of reciting in the morning , and doing a lot of homework in the evening . I find physics is the most difficult of all .
B: I do well in physics , but maths is the most difficult for me .
A: Well , I think we can co-operate .
B: What do you suggest ?
A: I mean I can help you with physics and you help me with my maths .
B: That's a good idea .
A: That's the deal . When shall we start ?
B: Let's make it tomorrow evening , OK?
A: I couldn't agree more .


答:A:Hi,Mike,how are you ? B: Fine, thank you . And you ? A: I am very well . What are you doing for the coming exam ? B: I am doing a lot of reciting in the morning , and doing a lot of homework in the evening . I find physics...


答:A:Hello, A? Have you found that there are more cats and dogs on campus recently? B: Yes, it's ture. I also read some news about other universities. It is said that those cats and dogs used to be some students' pets.But now the...


问:Talking about protection of environment. (1)目前环保还存在许多问...
答:A:what do you think of the environment of the whole world? B:well,even though every country is trying their best to protect the environment .there still exists some sorts of environment problems .such as air polution and water ...


答:A: good to see you! i 've heard that you were going to attend the competition too. you must be adept in cooking, i think. B: thank you. i'm just learning. will you take part in it. too? A: yes, i like cooking, so i want to gra...


问:Which means of transportation (bike, bus, ship, taxi, etc.) do you ...
答:A: What a gorgeous day today! B: Yes, But for me. I feel a little bit cold. I miss the climate in my hometown. A: Oh? What's the kind of climate in your hometown? B: My hometown is in Kaiping Guangdong. There are four very obv...


问:6分钟左右,2人,关于娱乐或者电影的 谢谢
答:原文: (Jim is buying tickets for a movie.) M: May I have two tickets for Finding Nemo? W: Ok. What time? M: 2:30, please. W: It's 60 yuan, please. M: Sorry, we have student cards[1]. We can get discounts[2] with these, can't w...


问:谁能帮忙用英文写一段关于暑期打算的英文对话?(要地道点的,口语考试用) ...
答:我们专四口试考过这个的~~ 以下用的是你所要求的口语化的对话~~ a:Hi,b,long time no see. b:Hi,a,what's up? a:Oh,the summer vacation is coming.What are u gonna do ring the vacation? b:Well, I have not yet made up my minds. May...

根据一个话题 ,写一段英语对话。

问:话题:What can we do to ensure equality between men & women? 要求:...

翻一段英语口语对话 考试用 请高手翻译

问:情景设定是You are a teacher.You give a student a low grade on her p...
答:a: The vacation is coming,How do you think about your specialty? b:I have no idea , I only hoped that can go home earlier a:Yes,so many people are such idea b:Can you tell me where do you find this Dialogs? a: Certainly,I go ...

=== 根据一个话题 ,写一段英语对话。问:话题:What can we do to ensure equality between men & women? 要求:...答:这个你也上网来找啊?十句话,两人对话,随随便便就可以埃先打招呼,然后问问最近怎么样,再找一个小话题,比如篮球赛啊,说一说感受。另一方再附和一下,发表一下感慨,...


大学英语口语考试对白可参考以下内容:A: What do you think about 50 years latter the world will be?B: It is really hard to tell. NO one can tell the future.A: Come on! Use a little bit imagination!B: I think after a lot of new technology invented We will have a more c...


1.Excuse me,can you tell me the way to……?2.Excuse me, would you like to tell me the way to……?3.Where is ……?4.How can I get to ……?5.Do you know the way to ……?6.I wonder where …… is.7.I wonder the way to…….回答:1.Take along with this str...


我:先生你好,见到你很高兴。我叫xx,这是王先生给你送的礼物。Me:Hello Sir,nice to mee you,i am XX,this is the present for you from Mr Wang.他:谢谢请进吧。这个是什么东西 Him:thank you,come on in,what's that?我:这是机器人,名字叫Rs-media美国 Me:That's a robort ,His...

求地道英语口语翻译这则对白!!不要直译,美国口语最好!! A:这事儿你...

over, is not all reactions! A: Idon't have a look this guff,. You call that normally go?! Okay, direct and put my head here, have a look yourself, rim rob into this appearance! B: you guys soit's really boring. Well, we who also don't say who, alarm.望采纳 ...


A;Hello,B.Hello,C.Welcome back to school.B、C;Hello,A.A;I Saw you at the race yesterday,C.Who were your with?I thank I've met him before.C;That was my Uncle.He's a reporter.A;oh,really?My wife's a reporter,too.Where does your uncle work?C;He's business ...


日常英语口语900句:1. Hello.你好!2. Good morning.早晨好!3. I’m John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。4. Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗?5. Yes,I am.是的,我是。6. How are you?你好吗?7. Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。8. How is Helen?海伦好吗?9. She’s very well,thank...


me. I can look at it for hours!工作好有意思耶! 尤其是看着别人工作。15. God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends.神决定了谁是你的亲戚, 幸运的是在选择朋友方面他给了你留了余地。17.You had me at hello 你一开口就征服了我!.这是加菲猫理得经典......


A. Tomorrow is C's birthday.Let's go and buy a present for her.B:Really? I didn't know about that. Why doesn't she tell us? OK! Let's go!A: Do you know what she likes?B: She have told me that. Let me think.(It's the time for B to think back)C: I ...


"8." Also engine flameout. Taiwan break this classic cars! "9." Trailers sent for him! "10." Brother, you often forget to turn block the transfer balance, It will be strange if not extinction. "11." Who let you up? "" fast! "" Beware even join you arrested! "12. ...

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