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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-07 11:53



热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 23:34

iu Mingxiao,13,is a pretty and smart girl. She comes top in her class. But many students try to stay away from her because her mother has AIDS(艾滋病).Liu’s father has died of AIDS .But Liu didn’t get it.
AIDS means fear(惧怕)for most people.“Nobody wants to play games with me. They call me bad names behind my back .Even a teacher who used to like me turns her back on me now. ①It makes me feel sad.”said Liu.
Liu’s mother didn’t know what happened to her daughter until one day Liu came back home with her nose bleeding(流血的),“②She fought with a boy who said something bad about her father.”said Liu’s mother.“My heart really hurts.③My daughter did nothing wrong!”
For many of these children, the biggest problem they now face is how other people look at them .Many of them hav

A Man to Remember Perhaps the most vital person I have ever met is an Italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the University of Pisa.Although I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his special qualities.First of all,I was impressed by his devotion ...



描写人物的英语作文Describing People

Perhaps the most vital person I have ever met is an Italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the University of Pisa.Although I last met this man eight years ago, I have not fotten his special qualities.First of all,I was impressed by his devotion to teaching. Because...


A Man to Remember Perhaps the most vital person I have ever met is an Italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the University of Pisa.Although I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his special qualities.First of all,I was impressed by his devotion ...


英文:I am most admired Andy Lau, he is a singer. His singing is very nice, but also performed a lot of the Department of play, my favorite of his "Red Cliff." He is not like other singers, he was good, regular attendance at a number of charitable activities, often dona...


at the University of Pisa.Although I last met this man eight years ago,I have not forgotten his special qualities.First of all,I was impressed by his devotion to teaching. Because his lectures were always well-prepared and clearly delivered,students swarmed into his classroom.

关于食物的英语作文 尽量2篇以上 我要写手抄报 快点啊 明天就要交了...

■ Doupi --- let cool to Pisa The so-called Doupi, a total of three. The first layer is against the mung bean powder, flour and fresh eggs, rice is the second layer, third layer is fresh, Xian Gu, Xian Sun, and so on the filling, put a huge pan into 1 cm thick...


at the University of Pisa.Although I last met this man eight years ago,I have not forgotten his special qualities.First of all,I was impressed by his devotion to teaching. Because his lectures were always well-prepared and clearly delivered,students swarmed into his classroom.


However,there exists a person who has a huge influence on me.

梦想中的假期 英语作文

of interest in Europe at first.I will go to Pairs to see the The Eiffel Tower,I will go to Italy to have a look at The Leaning Tower of Pisa and so on .Second I would like to be in Egypt to climb up the sky-high pyramid as well as taking a lot a pictures ...

新目标九年级英语测试报答案 九年级新目标英语周报2018 英语周报新目标九年级 新目标初中英语九年级 新目标九年级英语答案 新目标人教版九年级英语教案 新目标英语八年级上册教案 新一年新目标作文 新年新目标作文600字
小牛惠普贷款是骗人的吗? 小牛惠普贷款会骗人的吗? 小牛惠普淘宝贷需要什么手续 别人用小牛惠普贷款,申请表联系人写的我名字和手机号,有我事不_百度知... 女孩初潮年龄一般多大正常 对前一个问题的补充:没有房本的房子怎么买 有买卖合同没房本的房子可以买卖吗 成都哪里做儿童牙齿矫正好 在武汉哪里可以做儿童牙齿矫? 成都儿童矫正牙齿哪里好? 此次上海学生参加的PISA考试是用中文考还是用英文考的?谢谢5 微信里怎么样才能删除某个人的朋友圈里发的信息405 如何删除朋友在朋友圈里发的消息?21 微信朋友圈里面的人怎样删除153 怎么查询电脑是否为新机?30 连接电脑插口的黄色指示灯不亮是因为什么? 皮脂膜该如何修复保护呢? 这个图片出自哪部动漫?7 西安206射频和华为射频工程师怎么选择?我是西安电子科技大学...2 什么贷款最简单最快什么贷款无条件最快 36的因数有几个?其中最小的因数是几16 怎样路试检验客车的制动性能?1 八字排盘怎么看,求高人帮忙看一下,是山下火命吗 新买的电动车不到半个月,车胎坏了是真空胎,我去修他说换个新胎...3 真空轮胎从外面起包是什么原因?10 PISA考试!~40 广州本田思迪踩油门和回油门出现咚咚响声 MHE 女装怎么样?看起来挺贵的,不知道质量怎么样。 注册免费 懂行的人说说房间里有个横梁影响风水吗63 怎么删除微信朋友圈里的一些人17 《网妻》作者:焰雪炎雪【2部完结】-TXT全本下载 请发送的... 沙坡头和腾格里沙漠有什么区别?25 去腾格里沙漠玩应该选择哪些中卫和阿拉善的景区?25 请问,我男朋友天天晚上在外面,问他干什么他都不说,都快半个月...1 north Sydney 北悉尼是一个独立的城市吗?还是只是... arctanx,tanx,arcsinx,arccosx的马...3 剑侠情缘单机版共出了几部?178 我无意中接触股票,我就深深喜欢这个行业,想把炒股定为人生目标。身边的... 京东商城里面的吉他质量怎么样?在里面买到底靠不靠谱啊?1 办理支付结算,单位和银行签发票据时,名称应当记载全称,是用简... 帕萨特半轴螺丝多大的 如何取消绑定手机号1406 我做的雪媚娘用的是糯米粉和玉米淀粉加的牛奶,为什么搅拌的时候... 雪媚娘配方里面都含什么? 做雪媚娘不用玉米淀粉可以吗?只用糯米粉牛奶白糖27 本田喜蕴回油有吱的一声 石家庄离四川省石渠县多少公里 ppap是谁唱的?1 一首歌词 有句话叫 你说分开就分开的 那首歌叫什么名字?13