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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 10:33



热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 17:03

The problem of old age is known as one of the most serious problem in today’s world. The old people can be seen everywhere. As is shown in the graph, the number of people in the world over the age of sixty will have increased to 600 million by the end of this century. And by the time, there will also be twice as many people over the age of eighty. In the ten years between 1970 and 1980, there was a 23.7% increase in the number of people aged over sixty-five in the instrial world, and an even bigger increase of 38.2% in the developing world.
With the development of economy, the rise in people’s living standards and the improvement of medical conditions, people are living longer and longer. Furthermore, birth rates are falling as the pace of population growth slows down. As a result, the number of old people in the world is experiencing an increase. Though the increase will cause manifold social and economic consequences, we can take effective measures to deal with it. So I believe a bright tomorrow for old people will be achieved through efforts of every person.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 17:03

i hope i can give you a hand!



a promising future for the elderly can be realized.


the number of people in the world over the age of sixty will have increased to 600 million by the end of this century. And by the time,


作文如下:For this problem, the government has to produce relevant reports, will improve the social levy time to suppress the problem of an aging population.针对这一问题,政府不得不出具相关报告,将提高社会征费时间,以抑制人口老龄化问题。However, I feel a little far fetched, (like ...


get a job, or stop working isn't as strong as it used to be. It doesn't surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old university president or a 35-year- old grandmother,or a 70-year-old man who has become a father for the first time. Public ideas are changing.Many people s...


How to solve the aging problem As the aging problem is becoming more and more serious nowadays,I believe that perfect the social system and focus on the development of the old service are effective ways to tackle the problem.In my opinion,firstly,the government should perfect the ...


to this. 如今我们必须面对一个问题,那就是中国人口不断暴涨,人口老龄化趋势日益严重,可是很多人并没有意识到这一点,依然弃计划生育于不顾,特别是农村人口,常常一家4口甚至更多。男多于女是人口的另一个重要问题,需要引起我们的重视。要解决这一切不仅需要政府的呼吁还需要我们大家着手去做。


all we have to do is not only government appeal to all of us ,but als o everyone of this country get down to this.如今我们必须面对一个问题,那就是中国人口不断暴涨,人口老龄化趋势日益严重,可是很多人并没有意识到这一点,依然弃计划生育于不顾,特别是农村人口,常常一家4口甚至更多.男...


get down to this.如今我们必须面对一个问题,那就是中国人口不断暴涨,人口老龄化趋势日益严重,可是很多人并没有意识到这一点,依然弃计划生育于不顾,特别是农 村人口,常常一家4口甚至更多.男多于女是人口的另一个重要问题,需要引起我们的重视.要解决这一切不仅需要政府的呼吁还需要我们大家着手去做.


1.人口老龄化问题正困扰着中国。2.人口老龄化带来的问题。3.应采取怎样的措施,谈谈自己的观点。Directions: For this part, you are allowed 40 minutes to write a composition on the topic Aging of Population in China. You may refer to the chart below if necessary. You should write ...

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